- Ad Potamus audio player (may replace unmaintanied Alsaplayer)2014-05-01, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: slitaz-configs (automount fix) and add util-linux-eject to polkit deps2014-05-01, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add sz812014-05-01, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: slitaz-tools (with fixes to taz, slitaz-config)2014-05-01, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: slitaz-configs (5.5) Include polkit config file2014-05-01, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: slitaz-base-files (5.6.2)2014-05-01, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: spk (1.4.2) - Critical bug fix for config files2014-04-30, by Christophe Lincoln
- linux: update ATA config (again)2014-04-30, by Pascal Bellard
- slitaz-i18n: actualize build_depends list, add "ar" to locale_pack.2014-04-30, by Aleksej Bobylev
- linux: update ATA config (again)2014-04-30, by Pascal Bellard
- slitaz-i18n: fix lxpanel keyboard icons2014-04-29, by Aleksej Bobylev
- ttf-roboto, ttf-roboto-base: fix source paths; slitaz-i18n: now get info from tzdata and add country flags; add locale-ar; locale-**: remove stuff, small edits.2014-04-29, by Aleksej Bobylev
- ttf-dejavu, ttf-dejavu-extra: up (2.34); ttf-roboto, ttf-roboto-base: up (1.2); ttf-mgopen: fix wget url2014-04-29, by Aleksej Bobylev
- slitaz-i18n: carefully check all Core packages2014-04-29, by Aleksej Bobylev
- linux: update ATA config (again)2014-04-29, by Pascal Bellard
- linux: update ATA config2014-04-29, by Pascal Bellard
- dialog: enable nls (make translations for locale-* packages)2014-04-29, by Aleksej Bobylev
- tazbug-website: change source of tazbug.conf. Am I right?2014-04-29, by Aleksej Bobylev
- shaarlo: fix config.php path2014-04-29, by Pascal Bellard
- slitaz-configs: up (5.4.2) - fix locale issue2014-04-29, by Aleksej Bobylev
- slitaz-menus: add Arabic translations (from xfce & lxde)2014-04-29, by Aleksej Bobylev
- openbox-imlib2: tiny typo2014-04-29, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Add shaarlo2014-04-29, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: slitaz-arm-adm (0.6)2014-04-28, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: slitaz-arm-configs + slitaz-arm-rpi2014-04-28, by Christophe Lincoln
- wine: update bdeps (again)2014-04-28, by Pascal Bellard
- wine: update bdeps2014-04-28, by Pascal Bellard
- linux-source: update deps2014-04-28, by Pascal Bellard
- pyglow: only root can use it2014-04-28, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add cellwriter-keyboard.desktop so we get the virtual keyboard directly2014-04-27, by Christophe Lincoln
- ARM: add libirman2014-04-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- mpg123: fix missing .la files on ARM2014-04-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: slitaz-arm-adm + slitaz-arm-rpi2014-04-26, by Christophe Lincoln