wok-next log lxc/receipt

age author description
2018-11-02 Aleksej Bobylev Cleaning is almost finished... I should proceed to upgrades.
2018-04-16 Aleksej Bobylev More fix libtool.
2018-03-30 Aleksej Bobylev Clean default configure options when site script used.
2018-03-21 Aleksej Bobylev A lot of tiny edits; remove wget and pkg-build from $BUILD_DEPENDS and from *-dev packages $DEPENDS.
2017-11-08 Pascal Bellard Up lxc (2.1.1)
2014-02-21 Pascal Bellard Up lxc (1.0.0)
2013-12-21 Stanislas Leduc lxc: add new deps for work with kernel 3.2.53
2013-12-21 Stanislas Leduc lxc: fix util-linux-ng-getopt depend
2013-12-20 Stanislas Leduc lxc: add depend for linux-lxc
2013-11-26 Pascal Bellard Up lxc (0.9.0) again
2013-11-26 Pascal Bellard Up lxc (0.9.0) again
2013-11-26 Pascal Bellard Up lxc (0.9.0)
2013-08-13 Pascal Bellard lxc: typo in genpkg_rules
2011-07-21 Pascal Bellard Add lxc