wok-next log vlc/receipt

age author description
2018-12-22 Aleksej Bobylev Update png and Xorg in dependencies.
2018-11-02 Aleksej Bobylev Cleaning is almost finished... I should proceed to upgrades.
2018-03-21 Aleksej Bobylev A lot of tiny edits; remove wget and pkg-build from $BUILD_DEPENDS and from *-dev packages $DEPENDS.
2018-02-28 Aleksej Bobylev xcb-util* are obsolete -> xorg-xcb-util*
2017-11-01 Pascal Bellard vlc: receipt v2
2017-10-17 Pascal Bellard Remove -ltinfo
2016-05-18 Pascal Bellard vlc: add x265 support
2016-05-17 Pascal Bellard vlc: add locale (thanks sonycrokett2000), again
2016-05-17 Pascal Bellard vlc: add locale (thanks sonycrokett2000)
2016-05-08 Paul Issott vlc (hack build for time being)
2016-05-05 Paul Issott vlc (enable text-mode gui)
2016-05-04 Pascal Bellard Up vlc (2.2.3)
2016-03-03 Pascal Bellard Up: vlc (2.2.2)
2016-03-03 Pascal Bellard Up: vlc (2.2.1)
2014-11-27 Pascal Bellard vlc: update bdeps
2014-11-27 Pascal Bellard vlc: remove a false positve trigger
2014-11-27 Pascal Bellard opus: fix genpkg_rules
2014-11-27 Pascal Bellard vlc: update bdeps
2014-07-28 Richard Dunbar Up vlc (2.1.5)
2014-04-14 Richard Dunbar Up: vlc(2.1.4)
2013-12-09 Pascal Bellard vlc, weechat, xorg-libXpm, xorg-libXmu, xorg-libXaw: update bdeps
2013-08-10 Pascal Bellard Add some GPL2 licenses
2013-01-19 Pascal Bellard vlc: add subtitles support (thanks tkoun)
2013-01-11 Pascal Bellard Up: vlc (2.0.5) again
2013-01-11 Pascal Bellard Up: vlc (2.0.5)
2012-05-23 Dominique Corbex Up: vlc (2.0.1)
2012-04-23 Christophe Lincoln Rename linux-util-ng to util-linux in all packages
2012-03-13 Pascal Bellard vlc: update bdeps (again)
2012-03-13 Pascal Bellard vlc: update bdeps
2012-03-13 Pascal Bellard libhx, openjpeg, vlc, zlib: update bdeps (bb incompatibilities)
2011-12-23 Christopher Rogers Up: vlc to 1.1.13.
2011-06-06 Christopher Rogers Up: vlc to 1.1.10. Security Update.
2011-05-26 Pascal Bellard vlc: update bdeps (again)
2011-05-26 Pascal Bellard vlc: typo
2011-05-26 Pascal Bellard vlc: update bdeps (again)
2011-05-26 Pascal Bellard vlc: update bdeps (again)
2011-05-26 Pascal Bellard vlc: update bdeps
2011-05-20 Christopher Rogers vlc: Add $CONFIGURE_ARGS.
2011-05-15 Christopher Rogers vlc: Add dbus-dev to build depends.
2011-04-24 Christophe Lincoln vlc: Fix DEPENDS alsa is not a package + move *DEPENDS var under all other since there are enormous ans it's simple to read
2011-04-12 Christopher Rogers Up: vlc to 1.1.9. Security fix release.
2011-03-28 Christopher Rogers Up: vlc to 1.1.8.
2011-03-02 Pascal Bellard vlc: generate /var/lib/dbus/machine-id
2011-03-01 Pascal Bellard foomatic-db-engine, realvnc-viewer, scribus, vlc, xfce4-taskmanager, xfmpc, xfprint, xpad: update BUILD_DEPENDS
2011-01-31 Christopher Rogers Up: vlc to 1.1.7.
2011-01-23 Christopher Rogers Up: vlc to 1.1.6.
2010-11-30 Christopher Rogers Added libass to vlc depends and libass-dev to vlc build depends.
2010-11-30 Christopher Rogers Added zvbi to vlc depends.
2010-11-13 Christopher Rogers Up: vlc to 1.1.5.
2010-11-09 Christopher Rogers Disabled upnp in vlc. This cause the new libupnp causes vlc to not compile.
2010-10-27 Christopher Rogers Changed libgl depend to mesa. Changed libglu depend to libglu-mesa.
2010-10-21 Christopher Rogers Up: vlc to 1.14.1.
2010-09-19 Christopher Rogers Fixed vlc. Using ffmpeg instead of ffmpeg-svn since ffmpeg-svn can't be build.
2010-09-08 Pascal Bellard vlc: scsi/scsi.h fix
2010-09-07 Christopher Rogers Up: vlc, libvlc, libvlc-dev to 1.1.4
2010-05-05 Christopher Rogers Fixed a typo in vlc depends.
2010-05-01 Christophe Lincoln Merge (rev 5362)
2010-04-29 Rohit Joshi vlc: no need to disable-swscale; compiles with ffmpeg-svn-dev but not with ffmpeg-dev
2010-04-28 Rohit Joshi improve vlc : libvlc, libvlc-dev are not optional deps
2010-04-28 Christopher Rogers Updated vlc to 1.0.6. I add libupnp-dev and libavc1394-dev to build depends. I added libupnp and libavc1394 to depends too. Disable swscale so it will build.