wok-next log webkit-r/receipt

age author description
2018-04-19 Aleksej Bobylev More fix libtool.
2018-03-07 Aleksej Bobylev Combine receipts (final)
2018-02-28 Aleksej Bobylev Choose between libpng16 and libpng12
2017-11-05 Pascal Bellard Up pyopenssl (17.3.0)
2017-10-29 Pascal Bellard s/sqlite/sqlite3/
2017-07-29 Aleksej Bobylev Update bdeps for gst0-*
2017-07-27 Aleksej Bobylev gstreamer0, gst0-* are for version 0.10; while gstreamer1, gst1-* are for version 1.0; up gparted and all its suggested dependencies...
2015-03-25 Eric Joseph-Alexandre webkit-r: Fix build
2013-11-10 Pascal Bellard Add some licenses
2013-04-14 Pascal Bellard webkit-r: bison 2.6 fix
2013-04-07 Pascal Bellard Down webkit-r (99690) don't need gcc 4.7
2013-04-07 Pascal Bellard Up webkit-r (147865)
2012-04-29 Pascal Bellard webkit-r: update bdeps
2012-04-28 Pascal Bellard Up wireshark (1.6.7)
2012-04-23 Christophe Lincoln Rename linux-util-ng to util-linux in all packages
2011-12-25 Pascal Bellard webkit-r: update bdeps
2011-12-25 Pascal Bellard webkit-r: update bdeps
2011-12-22 Eric Joseph-Alexandre wbekit-r: fix build
2011-11-17 Pascal Bellard webkit-r: update bdeps
2011-11-10 Alexander Medvedev Up: webkit-r (99690)
2011-11-07 Alexander Medvedev Up: webkit
2011-05-18 Pascal Bellard webkit-r: fix bdeps
2011-03-26 Pascal Bellard webkit-r: patch TextBreakIterator.h
2010-07-09 Pascal Bellard Speedup some builds
2010-02-28 Pascal Bellard [s-w]*: update depends
2009-03-16 Pascal Bellard w*: update depends
2009-03-12 Pascal Bellard webkit-r, wine: update depends
2009-01-16 Christophe Lincoln Up: webkit-r (39953)
2008-10-09 Pascal Bellard midori, webkit-r: update BUILD_DEPENDS
2008-10-06 Pascal Bellard Update some BUILD_DEPENDS
2008-09-26 Pascal Bellard Fix CATEGORY in receipts
2008-07-11 Christophe Lincoln Up: webkit (rev 35075)
2008-06-06 Christophe Lincoln Add: WebKit (used by Midori Web browse)