wok-next log

age author description
2013-03-24 Pascal Bellard syslinux/iso2exe: use posixovl -F
2013-03-24 Pascal Bellard Add transfig
2013-03-23 Pascal Bellard posixovl: fix symlink size
2013-03-23 Pascal Bellard linux-source: fix version
2013-03-23 Pascal Bellard lirc: remove incompatible drivers
2013-03-22 Pascal Bellard tazinst-gui: update deps
2013-03-22 Pascal Bellard ekiga: add LDFLAGS
2013-03-22 Pascal Bellard ekiga: update bdeps
2013-03-22 Pascal Bellard libgee: update bdeps
2013-03-22 Aleksej Bobylev Just broke libgee because of old vala; up and recook.
2013-03-22 Aleksej Bobylev Up yad 0.20.1; up libgee 0.9.92; add yad-gtk3, libnotify-gtk3*. Add steadyflow gtk+3 downloader (compiles, runs, but can't able to download or/and save files).
2013-03-22 Aleksej Bobylev fontconfig-infinality-yad: use 'tazbox su' instead of 'subox'
2013-03-22 Pascal Bellard tcc: fix tcctest
2013-03-22 Pascal Bellard linux: update wget_url, use ftp
2013-03-22 Pascal Bellard Up tazpanel (1.6.3)
2013-03-22 Pascal Bellard freetype-infinality: remove wrong error trigger
2013-03-22 Pascal Bellard freetype: remove wrong error trigger (again)
2013-03-22 Pascal Bellard freetype: remove wrong error trigger
2013-03-22 Dominique Corbex nspr-dev: tiny edit
2013-03-21 Aleksej Bobylev fontconfig-infinality-yad: typo
2013-03-21 Pascal Bellard linux: update wget_url
2013-03-21 Aleksej Bobylev liberation-fonts-base: fix url. Recook: freetype - package cooked but something wrong, freetype-dev fails; same with freetype-infinality(-dev). Add optional (?) website to fontconfig-infinality-yad.
2013-03-21 Aleksej Bobylev freetype*: up 2.4.11; fontconfig*: up 2.10.91; add freetype-infinality* and fontconfig-infinality; gobject-introspection: up 1.32.1; gtk+3*: up 3.4.4; add gtk3-engine-solidity, gtk3-engine-unico; pixman*: up 0.28.2; add libxklavier, lightdm*; slitaz-i18n: add all existing translations.
2013-03-21 Aleksej Bobylev Add liberation-fonts
2013-03-19 Pascal Bellard linux: typo
2013-03-19 Pascal Bellard Up cookutils (3.1.4) add AUFS_NOT_RAMFS support
2013-03-19 Pascal Bellard busybox: unxz patch
2013-03-18 Dominique Corbex nss: tiny fix
2013-03-18 Pascal Bellard Add gv
2013-03-18 Dominique Corbex nspr, nspr-dev, nss-dev: ->
2013-03-18 Pascal Bellard get-LibreOffice: update for 4.0.1
2013-03-16 Dominique Corbex vlc-plugin: libtool files removed
2013-03-16 Dominique Corbex Up: thunderbird-langpack-* (17.0.4esr)
2013-03-16 Dominique Corbex Up: thunderbird (17.0.4esr)
2013-03-16 Dominique Corbex Up: firefox-langpack-* (17.0.4esr)
2013-03-16 Dominique Corbex Up: firefox-dev (17.0.4esr)
2013-03-16 Dominique Corbex Up: libfirefox (17.0.4esr)
2013-03-16 Dominique Corbex Up: firefox (17.0.4esr)
2013-03-16 Aleksej Bobylev gnome-commander: patch
2013-03-15 Pascal Bellard fbida: update bdeps
2013-03-15 Richard Dunbar w3m: config receipt to use patches
2013-03-15 Richard Dunbar w3m: add patches
2013-03-15 Richard Dunbar fbida: update deps and desc
2013-03-14 Pascal Bellard linux-libre-api-headers: fix SOURCE
2013-03-14 Pascal Bellard linux-libre: fix check_modules.sh
2013-03-14 Richard Dunbar Add w3m
2013-03-14 Pascal Bellard linux-libre: version renamed !
2013-03-13 Pascal Bellard Up libdrm-mach64 (20130130)
2013-03-13 Pascal Bellard libkeybinder: needs autoreconf
2013-03-13 Pascal Bellard move to undigest: xorg-xf86-video-sis xorg-xf86-video-savage xorg-xf86-video-r128 xorg-xf86-video-openchrome xorg-xf86-video-mga xorg-xf86-video-mach64
2013-03-13 Pascal Bellard move to undigest: mesa-dri-* linmodem-*
2013-03-13 Pascal Bellard emacs-pkg-*-mode: genpkg return value
2013-03-12 Dominique Corbex emacs-pkg-vala-mode: tidy receipt
2013-03-12 Dominique Corbex emacs-pkg-po-mode: tidy receipt
2013-03-12 Dominique Corbex emacs-pkg-lua-mode: tidy receipt
2013-03-12 Dominique Corbex Up: emacs-lisp-sources (24.3)
2013-03-12 Dominique Corbex Up: emacs-help (24.3)
2013-03-12 Dominique Corbex Up: emacs (24.3)
2013-03-12 Samuel Trassare conky: up 1.9.0
2013-03-12 Samuel Trassare usbids: up 20130310