wok-next log

age author description
2015-08-24 Pascal Bellard busybox-static: add mount -o flags (for /init)
2015-08-24 Pascal Bellard busybox-static: add basename (for /init)
2015-08-24 Christophe Lincoln Up: bogofilter (1.2.4)
2015-08-24 Aleksej Bobylev Add jsmin; up: slitaz-base-files(284), tazpanel(526), tazpkg(839).
2015-08-21 Aleksej Bobylev gvim: move icon, upgrade .desktop file
2015-08-20 Christophe Lincoln Up: firefox-official (40.0.2)
2015-08-18 Pascal Bellard Add python-pyserial
2015-08-17 Richard Dunbar iron-linux: fix menu shortcut
2015-08-17 Pascal Bellard aufs: linux 3.2.71 support
2015-08-17 Pascal Bellard Up linux (3.2.71), again
2015-08-17 Pascal Bellard Up linux (3.2.71), again
2015-08-17 Pascal Bellard Up linux (3.2.71)
2015-08-16 Pascal Bellard Up openssh (7.0p1)
2015-08-16 Pascal Bellard Up dropbear (2015.68)
2015-08-15 Aleksej Bobylev Up: tazpkg(836)
2015-08-15 Paul Issott Add suplemon
2015-08-15 Pascal Bellard Up slitaz-boot-scripts (409)
2015-08-14 Aleksej Bobylev Up: tazpkg(834)
2015-08-14 Pascal Bellard knock: set default interface
2015-08-13 Aleksej Bobylev Up: tazpkg(831), tzdata(2015f)
2015-08-11 yuripourre yuyo-gtk-theme: update version
2015-08-11 Aleksej Bobylev Up: tazusb(181), tazpkg(828)
2015-08-10 Richard Dunbar smbbox: update depends
2015-08-10 Richard Dunbar cups-filters: stop dep loop with cups
2015-08-10 Xander Ziiryanoff dconf: remove gtk+3 from depends
2015-08-10 Xander Ziiryanoff mate-control-center: contains /usr/share/mime: run update-mime-database
2015-08-10 Yuri Pourre mate-control-center: update deps and force glib compile schemas
2015-08-09 Yuri Pourre Add tags to mate packages.
2015-08-09 Yuri Pourre Up mate-panel: update deps
2015-08-08 Xander Ziiryanoff Up elinks (0.12pre6)
2015-08-08 Xander Ziiryanoff caja marco mate-menus: add missing files.
2015-08-07 Yuri Pourre Up yuyo-gtk-theme: Add metacity theme and remove gtk-3.0 theme
2015-08-07 Pascal Bellard Add daloradius
2015-08-07 Pascal Bellard Add coova-chilli
2015-08-07 Pascal Bellard Up lemon (, libgnutls (3.3.16)
2015-08-07 Alexander Medvedev Up: gnutls (3.3.16)
2015-08-07 Alexander Medvedev Up: nginx (1.9.3)
2015-08-07 Aleksej Bobylev Up tazpanel(522)
2015-08-06 Pascal Bellard busybox/diff: add -l support (ignore links)
2015-08-06 Alexander Medvedev Up: sqlite
2015-08-06 Pascal Bellard Up subversion (1.9.0), apache (2.4.16)
2015-08-06 Alexander Medvedev Up: subversion (1.9)
2015-08-06 Nathan Neulinger Add perl-crypt-blowfish
2015-08-06 Nathan Neulinger Add perl-crypt-cbc (2.33)
2015-08-05 Alexander Medvedev Up: mercurial (3.5)
2015-08-05 Pascal Bellard Add pflogsumm (again)
2015-08-05 Aleksej Bobylev Up tazpkg(827): fix "ghost" packages
2015-08-05 Aleksej Bobylev Up slitaz-tools(949): fix tazbox manage_i18n
2015-08-04 Pascal Bellard Add mailgraph
2015-08-04 Pascal Bellard Add pflogsumm (again)
2015-08-04 Pascal Bellard Add pflogsumm
2015-08-04 Aleksej Bobylev Up tazpkg(826): fix install .tazpkg files clicking on it
2015-08-04 Aleksej Bobylev Up tazpkg(825): restore tazpkg working
2015-08-04 Aleksej Bobylev Up: tazpkg(824), tazpanel(519): AJAX loader, mkdb
2015-08-03 Pascal Bellard Add some lang packages for tesseract-ocr (again)
2015-08-03 Pascal Bellard Add some lang packages for tesseract-ocr
2015-08-03 Pascal Bellard Up tazpanel (517)
2015-08-02 Pascal Bellard Up tazpanel (516)
2015-08-02 Pascal Bellard Up slitaz-boot-files (408), slitaz-base-files (282)
2015-08-02 Pascal Bellard tazpanel-extra/floppy.cgi: multiple files support