- Up: squid, squid-auth-helpers (3.1.19)2012-02-25, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: squidclamav (5.7)2012-02-25, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: glpi(0.80.7)2012-02-25, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- fixed typo2012-02-24, by Samuel Trassare
- evince: added desktop file, description; clicking help goes to www2012-02-24, by Samuel Trassare
- up graphviz dev and doc (2.28.0)2012-02-24, by Samuel Trassare
- up graphviz (2.28.0)2012-02-24, by Samuel Trassare
- Down gnumeric (0.8.16) 0.8.17 references gtk+-3. Removed unrecognized option from goffice2012-02-24, by Samuel Trassare
- gnumeric: We dont want gnome deps so we can have a small office desktop :-)2012-02-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- gnumeric: update bdeps2012-02-24, by Richard Dunbar
- gnumeric: update bdeps2012-02-23, by Richard Dunbar
- added ghex (2.24.0)2012-02-23, by Samuel Trassare
- squid-custom-errors: Fix typo2012-02-23, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- libcrypt-dev: Fix typo2012-02-23, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: tazusb (3.0.4)2012-02-23, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- boinc is segfaulting. tried different revs to fix segfault2012-02-23, by Samuel Trassare
- merge2012-02-23, by Samuel Trassare
- added plist/swig/plist.i to libplist. Ommission was breaking libimobiledevice(-dev).2012-02-23, by Samuel Trassare
- libxcb-dev: Fix DEPENDS (http://bugs.slitaz.org/issue76)2012-02-23, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Move python-openid from wok-undigest2012-02-23, by Pascal Bellard
- syslinux/ifmem.c: add 1M to round boundaries2012-02-23, by Pascal Bellard
- zsh: does not support bb :(2012-02-23, by Pascal Bellard
- zsh: give a tty to configure2012-02-23, by Pascal Bellard
- up midori (0.4.3) and added description2012-02-22, by Samuel Trassare
- nvdia-173xx: moved from undigest2012-02-22, by Richard Dunbar
- up zsh (4.3.15) and added description2012-02-22, by Samuel Trassare
- up mtpaint (3.40) and added description2012-02-22, by Samuel Trassare
- up mtr (0.82) and added description2012-02-22, by Samuel Trassare
- up dillo (3.0.2) and removed extension from desktop file2012-02-22, by Samuel Trassare
- up yad (0.16.3)2012-02-22, by Samuel Trassare
- up hplip (3.12.2) and removed desktop file2012-02-22, by Samuel Trassare
- added description files for letters c thru g2012-02-22, by Samuel Trassare
- up tuxtype (1.8.1) and removed extension from desktop file2012-02-22, by Samuel Trassare
- added libt4kcommon. Supports tux4kids games2012-02-22, by Samuel Trassare
- up tuxmath (2.0.3) and removed extension from desktop file2012-02-22, by Samuel Trassare
- Up Sylpheed desktop to use nice new icon from them2012-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- up xlockmore (5.38) and added desktop files2012-02-22, by Samuel Trassare
- up virtualbox 4.1.8 and fixed desktop files2012-02-22, by Samuel Trassare
- Up: slitaz-configs (4.7) New grub splash image and fix GTK icon2012-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- syslinux: Up string to match next release: 4.0-RC12012-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- xine-ui: Update desktop file and remove old and ugly icon2012-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- mtPaint: Update desktop files2012-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- slim: slim starts is ok with xorg2012-02-22, by Pascal Bellard
- Fix galculator desktop file and remove icon they is one in the new slitaz-icon2012-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up web-applications and fix Jamendo desktop file2012-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- merge2012-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- Fix alsamixer.desktop to use new icons2012-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: slitaz-icon (1.2) - New icon set and more complet but yet minimal2012-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- Pcmanfm: minor fix on depends2012-02-22, by Claudinei Pereira
- added lynx (2.8.7)2012-02-21, by Samuel Trassare
- wireshark: remove extension for desktop file2012-02-21, by Samuel Trassare
- Up: slitaz-configs (4.6) New desktop style :-)2012-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- nvidia: removed 195.xx.xx no support for xorg-server 1.9.52012-02-21, by Richard Dunbar
- gdk-pixbuf: Fic chache creation (so SVG icons works)2012-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up slitaz-menus (2.4) Dont use full path for menu icons so it's follow the icons theme2012-02-21, by Christophe Lincoln
- libplist: Add swig to build depends.2012-02-21, by Christopher Rogers
- Add libimobiledevice.2012-02-21, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: swig to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: usbmuxd to, by Christopher Rogers
- up wireshark (1.6.5)2012-02-21, by Samuel Trassare
- xterm + leafpad: no extension for icons and use a nice icon for xterm2012-02-21, by Christophe Lincoln