- Update linux-libre according change made to linux2012-03-07, by Antoine Bodin
- Merge2012-03-06, by Antoine Bodin
- stella: move post_install code to genpkg_rules. It's far better to run a command once on the builder than on install on each of our computer.2012-03-06, by Antoine Bodin
- No extensions in desktop files2012-03-06, by Samuel Trassare
- 915resolution: add cedarview support2012-03-06, by Pascal Bellard
- xournal: don't modify desktop file2012-03-06, by Samuel Trassare
- Up tmux (1.6)2012-03-06, by Paul Issott
- merge2012-03-06, by Christophe Lincoln
- pcmanfm2: new icon (Thanks moulefrite)2012-03-06, by Christophe Lincoln
- pcmanfm: new icon (Thanks moulefrite)2012-03-06, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up iron-linux (17.0.1000.0)2012-03-06, by Paul Issott
- Up: yad ( - Bug fix2012-03-06, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add node (0.6.12) - Node.js framwork (to run etherpad-lite on slitaz)2012-03-06, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: jwm (2.1.0) - SliTaz 1.0 WM got commits, round corner, opacity and more2012-03-06, by Christophe Lincoln
- slitaz-i18n: dont include slitaz-tools po files (in tools pkgs) and add transmission2012-03-06, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up zim 0.552012-03-06, by Antoine Bodin
- Move libdrm-nouveau to wok-undigest2012-03-06, by Antoine Bodin
- Add linux-nbd & linux-aoe2012-03-06, by Pascal Bellard
- linux: remove DRM_NOUVEAU2012-03-06, by Pascal Bellard
- stella: use desktop file provided in source but with a sed edit to remove png2012-03-05, by Samuel Trassare
- Change nvidia-173xx $CATEGORY to non-free2012-03-06, by Antoine Bodin
- Up: mercurial 2.1.12012-03-06, by Antoine Bodin
- stella: added desc, removed extension from desktop file2012-03-05, by Samuel Trassare
- maxima: removed path and extension from desktop file2012-03-05, by Samuel Trassare
- glibc: fix arch optimisation (again)2012-03-06, by Christophe Lincoln
- arora: add desktop and icon from src tarball. add description file2012-03-05, by Samuel Trassare
- glibc: fix arch optimisation2012-03-05, by Christophe Lincoln
- iron: fixed icon, added description2012-03-05, by Samuel Trassare
- electricsheep: fixed url, added icon2012-03-05, by Samuel Trassare
- clex: new icon added to stuff2012-03-05, by Samuel Trassare
- clex: new icon2012-03-05, by Samuel Trassare