wok-stable log

age author description
2010-11-02 Christopher Rogers Up: libvorbis to 1.3.2.
2010-11-01 Christopher Rogers Fixed qtconfig again. Need to define _pkg folder.
2010-11-01 Christopher Rogers Fixed a path in Qt4-dev and qtconfig.
2010-11-01 Christopher Rogers Added qtconfig. Qtconfig is a tool that allows users to customize the default settings for Qt applications. Removed from Qt4-dev.
2010-11-01 Christopher Rogers Added virtualbox-ose.
2010-11-01 Christopher Rogers Removed libfox, libfox-dev, libfox-dec and libfox-utils. Slitaz uses fox, fox-dev and fox-doc so we don't need libfox.
2010-11-01 Christopher Rogers Up: gogglesmm to 0.11.3.