wok view fbterm/description.txt @ rev 22420

these 3 packages seem not used in xfce4 v4.12, so reverting to last version in slitaz: 4.10.0: libxfcegui4 libxfcegui4-dev xfce4-mixer
author Erkan Yilmaz <erkan@slitaz.org>
date Sun Dec 15 09:01:23 2019 +0000 (2019-12-15)
line source
1 FbTerm is a fast terminal emulator for linux with frame buffer device or VESA
2 video card. Features include:
4 * mostly as fast as terminal of linux kernel while accelerated scrolling is
5 enabled
6 * select font with fontconfig and draw text with freetype2, same as Qt/Gtk+
7 based GUI apps
8 * dynamically create/destroy up to 10 windows initially running default shell
9 * record scroll-back history for every window
10 * auto-detect text encoding with current locale, support double width scripts
11 like Chinese, Japanese etc
12 * switch between configurable additional text encodings with hot keys on the
13 fly
14 * copy/past selected text between windows with mouse when gpm server is running
15 * change the orientation of screen display, a.k.a. screen rotation
16 * lightweight input method framework with client-server architecture
17 * background image for eye candy