wok view dukto/receipt @ rev 13296

Add dukto
author Pascal Bellard <pascal.bellard@slitaz.org>
date Tue Aug 28 13:52:43 2012 +0200 (2012-08-28)
children 7982b75e7995
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="dukto"
4 VERSION="108"
5 CATEGORY="network"
6 SHORT_DESC="A simple, fast and multi-platform file transfer tool for LAN users."
7 MAINTAINER="pascal.bellard@slitaz.org"
8 WEB_SITE="http://code.google.com/p/$PACKAGE/"
10 WGET_URL="subversion|http://$PACKAGE.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/"
12 BUILD_DEPENDS="subversion Qt4-dev qmake"
13 DEPENDS="gcc-lib-base libQtDeclarative"
15 MISSING_DEPENDS="libQtDeclarative.so.4 (debian=libqt4-declarative)"
17 # Rules to configure and make the package.
18 compile_rules()
19 {
20 cd $src
21 qmake PREFIX="/usr/" &&
22 make $MAKEFLAGS &&
23 make INSTALL_ROOT=$DESTDIR install
24 }
26 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
27 genpkg_rules()
28 {
29 mkdir -p $fs/usr/bin
30 cp $install/usr/bin/dukto $fs/usr/bin
31 }