wok view qjson/receipt @ rev 18518

connman-tools: add filesystem path
author Richard Dunbar <mojo@slitaz.org>
date Sun Oct 25 12:06:37 2015 -0400 (2015-10-25)
parents 9a0770ab3525
children d1e9355bbbf1
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="qjson"
4 VERSION="0.8.1"
5 CATEGORY="development"
6 SHORT_DESC="QJson is a qt-based library that maps JSON data to QVariant objects"
7 MAINTAINER="al.bobylev@gmail.com"
9 WEB_SITE="http://qjson.sourceforge.net/"
11 WGET_URL="https://github.com/flavio/qjson/archive/$VERSION.zip"
13 DEPENDS="libQtGui libQtNetwork libQtSql libcrypto"
14 BUILD_DEPENDS="Qt4-dev qmake cmake wget"
16 # Rules to configure and make the package.
17 compile_rules()
18 {
19 mkdir build && cd build
20 cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ..
21 make && make install
22 }
24 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
25 genpkg_rules()
26 {
27 mkdir -p $fs/usr/lib
28 cp -a $install/usr/lib/*.so* $fs/usr/lib
29 }