wok view icewm/receipt @ rev 25805
created recipe for xfce4-weather-plugin
author | Hans-G?nter Theisgen |
date | Wed Nov 13 15:24:31 2024 +0100 (3 months ago) |
parents | 997c40094d11 |
children |
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="icewm"
4 VERSION="2.9.6"
5 CATEGORY="x-window"
6 TAGS="window-manager"
7 SHORT_DESC="Ice Window Manager with Themes."
8 MAINTAINER="devl547@gmail.com"
10 WEB_SITE="https://ice-wm.org/"
13 WGET_URL="https://github.com/ice-wm/$PACKAGE/archive/$VERSION.tar.gz"
15 SUGGESTED="icewm-lang"
16 DEPENDS="freetype fribidi gcc83-lib-base gdk-pixbuf gettext-base imlib2
17 libxml2 xorg-libICE xorg-libSM xorg-libX11 xorg-libXext xorg-libXft
18 xorg-libXinerama xorg-libXpm xorg-libXrandr xorg-libXrender"
19 BUILD_DEPENDS="asciidoc autoconf automake fontconfig-dev freetype-dev
20 fribidi-dev gcc83 gdk-pixbuf-dev gettext giflib-dev imlib2-dev
21 libtool libxml2-dev pkg-config util-linux-uuid-dev xorg-libICE-dev
22 xorg-libSM-dev xorg-libX11-dev xorg-libXext-dev xorg-libXft-dev
23 xorg-libXinerama-dev xorg-libXpm-dev xorg-libXrandr-dev
24 xorg-libXrender-dev xorg-randrproto xorg-xproto xorg-xextproto"
26 # What is the latest version available today?
27 current_version()
28 {
29 wget -O - ${WGET_URL%/arch*}/releases 2>/dev/null | \
30 sed '/tag\//!d;s|.*tag/v*||;s|".*||;q'
31 }
33 # Rules to configure and make the package.
34 compile_rules()
35 {
36 # sed -i '/deprecated/d' src/base.h
37 # sed -i 's/^CORE_LIBS =/& -lfontconfig/' src/Makefile.in
39 export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -lrt"
41 ./autogen.sh &&
42 ./configure \
43 ASCIIDOC=asciidoc \
44 CC=gcc-83 \
45 CXX=g++-83 \
46 --prefix=/usr \
47 --sysconfdir=/etc \
48 --libexecdir=/usr/lib/icewm \
49 --localstatedir=/var \
50 --mandir=/usr/share/man \
52 # remove unsupported options for pod2man and pod2html (perl 5.14.1)
53 sed -i '/--errors="none"/d; /--nourls/d; /--poderrors/d' \
54 man/Makefile &&
55 make &&
56 make install DESTDIR=$DESTDIR
57 }
59 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
60 genpkg_rules()
61 {
62 cook_copy_folders bin
63 cook_copy_folders share
64 rm -rf $fs/usr/share/doc
65 rm -rf $fs/usr/share/locale
66 rm -rf $fs/usr/share/man
67 }
69 post_install()
70 {
71 # Add WM to SLIM available sessions.
72 res=$(cat "$1/etc/slim.conf" | grep ^session | sed s/"sessions. *"//)
73 if ! echo "$res" | grep -q $PACKAGE
74 then
75 echo -n "Adding $PACKAGE to /etc/slim.conf..."
76 sed -i "s/^sessions.*/sessions ${res},$PACKAGE/" \
77 "$1/etc/slim.conf"
78 status
79 fi
80 true
81 }
83 post_remove()
84 {
85 # Remove WM from SLIM available sessions.
86 if grep -q $PACKAGE "$1/etc/slim.conf"
87 then
88 sed -i s/,$PACKAGE// "$1/etc/slim.conf"
89 fi
90 }