wok view foo2xqx/receipt @ rev 25600

Update some current_version
author Pascal Bellard <pascal.bellard@slitaz.org>
date Sun Jul 16 15:14:43 2023 +0000 (20 months ago)
parents 1a6eb3793a9e
children a66f312c374b
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="foo2xqx"
4 VERSION="20210406"
5 CATEGORY="system-tools"
6 SHORT_DESC="a linux printer driver for XQX stream protocol."
7 MAINTAINER="pascal.bellard@slitaz.org"
9 TARBALL="foo2zjs-$VERSION.tar.gz"
10 WEB_SITE="https://foo2zjs.linkevich.net/"
11 WGET_URL="https://foo2zjs.linkevich.net//foo2zjs/foo2zjs.tar.gz"
13 DEPENDS="ghostscript foo2xqx-data"
14 BUILD_DEPENDS="foomatic-db-engine bc"
16 # What is the latest version available today?
17 current_version()
18 {
19 # wget -O - $WEB_SITE 2>/dev/null | sed '/Current version/!d;s|.*/b> *||;s| *<.*||'
20 wget -O - https://github.com/koenkooi/foo2zjs/commits/master 2>/dev/null | \
21 sed '/Commits on/!d;s|.*on |"|;s|<.*|"|;q' | xargs date +%Y%m%d -d
22 }
24 # Rules to configure and make the package.
25 #
26 compile_rules()
27 {
28 FOO2XQX="P1005 P1006 P1007 P1008 P1505"
29 FOO2ZJS="cpwl 2200 2300 2430 1000 1005 1018 1020 1025"
30 FOO2HP="1215 1600 2600n"
31 FOO2OAK="1500"
32 FOO2LAVA="1600w 1680 1690 2480 2490 2530 4690 110 6115 6121"
33 FOO2SLX="500"
34 FOO2HIPERC="301 c310 c810 3100 3200 3300 3400 3530 5100 5200 5500 5600 5800 160"
35 FOO2QPDL="300 310 315 325 360 365 2160 3160 3175 3185 6110 600 610"
36 sed -i 's|uname -m|echo i486|' Makefile
37 make
38 # for i in $(sed '/getweb/!d;/gmake/d;s|.*getweb *||;s|[ \t].*||' INSTALL); do
41 ./getweb $i
42 done
43 mkdir -p $DESTDIR/usr/lib/cups/filter
44 make DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install
45 }
47 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
48 genpkg_rules()
49 {
50 mkdir -p $fs/usr
51 cp -a $install/bin $fs
52 cp -a $install/usr/bin $fs/usr
53 }