wok view apache/receipt @ rev 25669

Up lapack (3.12.0), less (633), libarchive (3.7.2), liblouis (3.28.0), libmicrohttpd (1.0.1), libpng (1.6.43), libssh (0.10.6), libtasn1 (4.19.0), libtirpc (1.3.4), libvpx (1.14.0), libwebp (1.3.2), logrotate (3.21.0), lua (5.4.6)
author Pascal Bellard <pascal.bellard@slitaz.org>
date Sun Feb 25 16:11:20 2024 +0000 (12 months ago)
parents d80275dcc2c7
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="apache"
4 VERSION="2.4.58"
5 CATEGORY="network"
6 TAGS="webserver http server"
7 SHORT_DESC="Secure, efficient and extensible HTTP server."
8 MAINTAINER="pascal.bellard@slitaz.org"
9 LICENSE="Apache"
10 WEB_SITE="https://www.apache.org/"
12 SOURCE="httpd"
14 WGET_URL="https://archive.apache.org/dist/$SOURCE/$TARBALL"
16 PROVIDE="lighttpd"
17 DEPENDS="apr apr-util expat openssl pcre util-linux-uuid zlib"
18 BUILD_DEPENDS="apr-dev apr-util-dev bash expat-dev lua5.1-dev
19 openldap-dev openssl-dev sed util-linux-uuid-dev zlib-dev"
21 CONFIG_FILES="/etc/apache /var/www /etc/ssl/apache"
22 TAZPANEL_DAEMON="edit::/etc/apache/httpd.conf|web::$WEB_SITE"
24 # What is the latest version available today?
25 current_version()
26 {
27 wget -O - https://downloads.apache.org/httpd/ 2>/dev/null | \
28 sed "/$SOURCE-/!d;/tar/!d;s|.*$SOURCE-\\(.*\\).tar.*|\\1|" | sort -Vr | sed q
29 }
31 # Rules to configure and make the package.
32 compile_rules()
33 {
34 grep -q Slitaz config.layout || \
35 cat $stuff/slitaz.layout >> config.layout
37 ./configure \
38 --mandir=/usr/share/man \
39 --enable-mods-shared=all \
40 --enable-proxy \
41 --enable-ssl \
42 --enable-layout=Slitaz \
44 make $MAKEFLAGS &&
45 make -j 1 DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install
46 }
48 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
49 genpkg_rules()
50 {
51 mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/apache
52 mkdir -p $fs/etc/init.d
53 mkdir -p $fs/etc/apache/conf.d
54 mkdir -p $fs/etc/apache/extra
55 mkdir -p $fs/etc/ssl/apache
57 cp -a $install/usr/share/apache/icons $fs/usr/share/apache
58 cp -a $install/usr/share/apache/error $fs/usr/share/apache
59 cp -a $install/usr/share/apache/modules $fs/usr/share/apache
60 cp -a $install/usr/bin $fs/usr
61 rm -r $fs/usr/bin/apxs
62 cp -a $install/etc $fs
63 rm -rf $fs/etc/apache/original
64 cp -a $install/var $fs
66 cp -a $stuff/apache $fs/etc/init.d
67 cp -a $stuff/fix-range-CVE-2011-3192.conf $fs/etc/apache/extra
69 sed -i -e 's|User daemon|User www|' \
70 -e 's|Group daemon|Group www|' \
71 -e 's|ServerAdmin you@example.com|ServerAdmin root@localhost|' \
72 -e 's|#Include /etc/apache/extra/httpd-ssl.conf|Include /etc/apache/extra/httpd-ssl.conf|' \
73 -e 's|/etc/apache/server.crt|/etc/ssl/apache/apache.pem|' \
74 -e 's|/etc/apache/server.key|/etc/ssl/apache/apache.pem|' \
75 -e 's|#LoadModule ssl_module|LoadModule ssl_module|' \
76 $fs/etc/apache/httpd.conf \
77 $fs/etc/apache/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
79 echo "Include /etc/apache/conf.d" >> $fs/etc/apache/httpd.conf
80 sed -i 's/^SSLSessionCache /#&/' $fs/etc/apache/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
82 cat >> $fs/etc/apache/extra/httpd-ssl.conf <<EOT
84 # Unsafe, see CVE-2014-3566 POODLE
85 SSLProtocol All -SSLv2 -SSLv3
86 EOT
87 }
89 # Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg.
90 # We stop the server by default in case of upgrade.
91 pre_install()
92 {
93 [ -z "$1" ] &&
94 for i in httpd lighttpd ngnix cherokee $PACKAGE
95 do
96 [ -f /etc/init.d/$i ] && /etc/init.d/$i stop
97 done
98 }
100 post_install()
101 {
102 local lang=$(. $1/etc/locale.conf 2>/dev/null; echo ${LANG#*_})
103 local tz=$(cat $1/etc/TZ 2>/dev/null)
104 local hostname=$(cat $1/etc/hostname 2>/dev/null)
106 # Just in case.
107 chown www.www "$1/var/log/$PACKAGE"
108 ping -c 2 $(hostname) > /dev/null 2>&1 ||
109 sed -i "s/localhost/$(hostname) localhost/" "$1/etc/hosts"
110 sed -i -e "s/^#\(LoadModule.*slotmem_shm.*\)$/\1/" \
111 -e "s/.*ServerName www.example.*/ServerName ${hostname:-slitaz}/" \
112 $1/etc/apache/httpd.conf $1/etc/apache/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
113 grep -qs Apache $1/var/www/index.html &&
114 sed -i 's|^LighTTPD.*|&\nApache configs : /etc/apache|' \
115 $1/var/www/index.html
116 [ -s "$1/etc/ssl/apache/apache.pem" ] ||
117 openssl req -new -x509 -keyout "$1/etc/ssl/apache/apache.pem" \
118 -out "$1/etc/ssl/apache/apache.pem" -days 3650 -nodes <<EOT
119 ${lang:-US}
120 ${tz:-Somewhere}
124 ${hostname:-slitaz}
126 EOT
127 [ -z "$quiet" ] && echo # Start new line
128 ( cd "$1/$INSTALLED/" ; grep -l /etc/apache/conf.d/ */receipt ) | \
129 while read file
130 do
131 pkg=$(dirname $file)
132 [ "$pkg" = "$PACKAGE" ] && continue
133 [ -z "$quiet" ] && echo "Reconfiguring $pkg for $PACKAGE..."
134 tazpkg reconfigure $pkg
135 done
136 [ -f "$1/etc/php.ini" ] && tazpkg get-install php-apache --root="$1"
137 [ "$1" ] || netstat -ltn 2> /dev/null | grep -q :80 ||
138 /etc/init.d/$PACKAGE start
139 }
141 # Rules to clean extras dirs or files
142 clean_wok()
143 {
145 }