wok view xfce4-taskmanager/stuff/xfce4-taskmanager.desktop @ rev 12256

Up: slitaz-base-files (5.0) - Back to a cooking stat (WARNING: only toolchain and it deps must be updated for now)
author Christophe Lincoln <pankso@slitaz.org>
date Tue Apr 10 17:37:42 2012 +0200 (2012-04-10)
line source
1 [Desktop Entry]
2 Encoding=UTF-8
3 Name=xfce4 taskmanager
4 Name[fr]=Gestionnaire de tāches
5 Comment=Taskmanager for XFCE
6 Comment[fr]=Gestionnaire de tāches pour Xfce4
7 Exec=xfce4-taskmanager
8 Icon=xfce4-taskmanager
9 Terminal=false
10 Type=Application
11 Categories=X-XFCE;Application;System;