wok view cssed/stuff/cssed.desktop @ rev 15806

Up: sudoku to 2.3. Fixed WEB_SITE and WGET_URL so we get the app and not a error page.
author Christopher Rogers <slaxemulator@gmail.com>
date Fri Jan 24 01:35:01 2014 +0000 (2014-01-24)
parents 0e3938010c36
line source
1 [Desktop Entry]
2 Type=Application
3 Name=CSSed
4 Comment=CSS editor
5 Comment[ru]=Редактор CSS
6 Exec=/usr/bin/cssed
7 Terminal=false
8 Icon=/usr/share/cssed/pixmaps/cssed-icon.png
9 StartupNotify=false
10 Categories=Development;WebDevelopment;