wok view kqemu/receipt @ rev 3469
can compress ppd files in cup
author | Rohit Joshi <jozee@slitaz.org> |
date | Tue Jun 16 12:44:03 2009 +0000 (2009-06-16) |
parents | 37a6d35387dd |
children | 9bac91257596 |
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="kqemu"
4 VERSION="1.4.0pre1"
5 CATEGORY="misc"
6 SHORT_DESC="QEMU Accelerator Module."
7 MAINTAINER="pascal.bellard@slitaz.org"
9 WEB_SITE="http://www.nongnu.org/qemu/"
11 DEPENDS="linux"
12 SUGGESTED="qemu"
14 # Rules to configure and make the package.
15 compile_rules()
16 {
17 local dir
18 if [ ! -d $WOK/linux/taz ]; then
19 tazwok cook linux
20 fi
21 dir=$(cd $WOK/linux/taz/linux*/fs ; ls -d lib/modules/*)/misc
22 cd $src
23 ./configure --prefix=/usr \
24 --kernel-path=$(ls -d ../../linux/$(ls ../../linux/taz))
25 make
26 mkdir -p _pkg/$dir _pkg/dev
27 cp kqemu.ko _pkg/$dir
28 gzip -9 _pkg/$dir/kqemu.ko
29 }
31 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
32 genpkg_rules()
33 {
34 cp -a $_pkg/* $fs
35 }
37 # Post install/remove commands for Tazpkg.
38 post_install()
39 {
40 if [ -d $1/etc/udev ]; then
41 file=/etc/udev/rules.d/60-kqemu.rules
42 echo 'KERNEL=="kqemu", NAME="%k", MODE="0666"' > $1$file
43 tazpkg reconfigure udev --root=$1
44 else
45 file=/dev/kqemu
46 mknod -m 666 $1$file c 250 0
47 fi
48 echo "$file" >> $INSTALLED/$PACKAGE/files.list
49 chroot "$1/" depmod -a ${EXTRAVERSION#_}-slitaz
50 }
52 post_remove()
53 {
54 depmod -a
55 }