wok view fslint/receipt @ rev 23675
updated strigi, strigi-client and strigi-dev (0.7.5 -> 0.7.8)
author | Hans-G?nter Theisgen |
date | Sun Apr 26 10:35:40 2020 +0100 (2020-04-26) |
parents | |
children | ad8b9ff412d2 |
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="fslint"
4 VERSION="2.46"
5 CATEGORY="base-system"
6 SHORT_DESC="File System 'lint' discovery and cleaning utility"
7 MAINTAINER="pascal.bellard@slitaz.org"
10 WEB_SITE="http://www.pixelbeat.org/fslint/"
13 DEPENDS="gtk+ python libglade pygtk findutils cpio"
14 BUILD_DEPENDS="gettext"
16 # Rules to configure and make the package.
17 compile_rules()
18 {
19 make -C po DESTDIR=$DESTDIR LOCALEDIR=/usr/share/locale install
20 }
22 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
23 genpkg_rules()
24 {
25 mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/pixmaps $fs/usr/share/applications
26 mkdir -p $fs/usr/bin $fs/usr/share/fslint
27 mkdir -p $install/usr/share/pixmaps
28 cp -a $src/doc $src/man $install/usr/share/
29 cp -a $src/fslint.desktop $fs/usr/share/applications
30 cp -a $src/fslint-gui $fs/usr/bin
31 cp -a $src/fslint.glade $fs/usr/bin
32 cp -a $src/fslint/fstool $fs/usr/share/fslint/
33 cp -a $src/fslint/supprt $fs/usr/share/fslint/
34 cp -a $src/fslint/find* $fs/usr/share/fslint/
35 cp -a $src/fslint/fslint $fs/usr/share/fslint/
36 cp -a $src/fslint/zipdir $fs/usr/share/fslint/
37 cp -a $src/fslint_icon.png $fs/usr/share/fslint/
38 ln -s ../fslint/fslint_icon.png $fs/usr/share/pixmaps
39 }