wok log

age author description
2010-09-19 Christopher Rogers Up: seamonkey to 2.0.8.
2010-09-18 Christopher Rogers Up: firefox, firefox-dev, libfirefox to 3.6.10.
2010-09-18 Christopher Rogers Up: freeglut to 2.6.0.
2010-09-18 Christopher Rogers Up: freeciv to 2.2.3.
2010-09-18 Christopher Rogers Up: openttd to 1.0.4.
2010-09-18 Christopher Rogers Up: opengfx to 0.3.0.
2010-09-18 Christopher Rogers Make sure package receipt exists before source in check_commit function. I hope this causes no problems.
2010-09-17 Christopher Rogers Up: gnupg to 2.0.16. gpgme, gpgme-dev to 1.3.0. libassuan to 2.0.1.
2010-09-17 Christopher Rogers Up: gettext, gettext-dev to
2010-09-17 Christopher Rogers emacs-pkg-po-mode can't be made with gettext 0.18 and up. po-mode is not with gettext source anymore.
2010-09-17 Christopher Rogers Up: cmake to 2.8.2.
2010-09-17 Christopher Rogers Up: dialog to 1.1-20100428.
2010-09-17 Christopher Rogers Up: dosfstools to 3.0.10.
2010-09-17 Christopher Rogers Up: imagemagick, imagemagick-dev to 6.6.4-2.