wok log

age author description
2010-03-04 Rohit Joshi mv ISO8859-1.so to glibc-base. Drop glibc-locale as abiword deps (thanks pascal)
2010-03-04 Paul Issott cryptsetup: support libdevmapper
2010-03-04 Rohit Joshi improve kernel version in bootchart grub entry (thanks allan)
2010-03-04 Rohit Joshi Up:cryptsetup; add cryptsetup-dev; update WGET_URL
2010-03-04 Rohit Joshi Up: lvm2; split libdevmapper from lvm2 now
2010-03-03 Rohit Joshi Update DEPENDS: abiword
2010-03-03 Rohit Joshi Update DEPENDS: midori
2010-03-03 Rohit Joshi get-flash-plugin: libfirefox dep; improve for midori and opera
2010-03-03 Rohit Joshi split firefox; add libfirefox
2010-03-03 Pascal Bellard gmime: disable mono support
2010-03-03 Pascal Bellard cyrus-imapd: fix paths
2010-03-03 Rohit Joshi Up:mplayer-svn;improve compile_options; reduce deps and size
2010-03-03 Pascal Bellard tazbb: clean flavor status
2010-03-03 Pascal Bellard gutenprint: update build_depends