wok log

age author description
2015-03-28 Aleksej Bobylev Up slitaz-base-files: fix GNU sed incompatibility with busybox sed (thanks Ceel for bugreport).
2015-03-28 Xander Ziiryanoff ncurses-common: restore file names, fixes alsamixer+vte F-keys, cairo:
2015-03-28 Aleksej Bobylev Bugfix: up slitaz-boot-scripts, tazpkg, and tazpanel to the latest ones.
2015-03-27 Aleksej Bobylev Up: tazpkg (757): fix installed.info bug, please, make new ISO to check it up.
2015-03-27 Pascal Bellard eom: hide false positive
2015-03-27 Yuri Pourre eom: Update bdeps and genpkg_rules