wok log

age author description
2010-09-10 Christopher Rogers Up: gparted to 0.6.2.
2010-09-10 Christopher Rogers Up: babl, babl-dev to 0.1.2.
2010-09-10 Christopher Rogers Up: gimp, gimp-console, gimp-dev, gimp-plug-ins to 2.6.10.
2010-09-10 Christopher Rogers Up: ntfs-3g to 2010.8.8.
2010-09-10 Christopher Rogers Up: geany, geany-dev, geany-doc, geany-plugins to 0.19.1.
2010-09-10 Christopher Rogers Up: bluez, bluez-dev to 4.71.
2010-09-10 Christopher Rogers Up: gnome-menus, gnome-menus-dev to2.30.2.
2010-09-10 Christopher Rogers Fixed midori. Added intltool to build_deps.
2010-09-10 Christopher Rogers Up: libsndfile, libsndfile-dev to 1.0.21.
2010-09-10 Christopher Rogers Up: tar to 1.23.
2010-09-10 Christopher Rogers Up: libgpg-error, libgpg-error-dev to 1.9.
2010-09-10 Christopher Rogers Up: automake to 1.11.1.
2010-09-10 Christopher Rogers Up: pkg-config to 0.25.
2010-09-10 Christopher Rogers Up: libgnomeprintui, libgnomeprintui-dev to 2.18.5.