slitaz-tools rev 177

netbox: add PPPoE and SSH/PPP vpn
author Pascal Bellard <>
date Fri May 09 15:18:31 2008 +0000 (2008-05-09)
parents c0871b90c912
children 49001c0a7592
files tinyutils/netbox
line diff
     1.1 --- a/tinyutils/netbox	Tue May 06 15:05:10 2008 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/tinyutils/netbox	Fri May 09 15:18:31 2008 +0000
     1.3 @@ -16,35 +16,122 @@
     1.4  	fi
     1.5  }
     1.7 +set_ipup()
     1.8 +{
     1.9 +	[ -f /etc/ppp/ip-up ] && return
    1.10 +	cat > /etc/ppp/ip-up <<EOT
    1.11 +#!/bin/sh
    1.12 +exec $0 call ipup \$@
    1.13 +EOT
    1.14 +	chmod +x /etc/ppp/ip-up
    1.15 +}
    1.16 +
    1.17 +if [ "$1" = "call" ]; then
    1.18 +	ppp="pppd local lock notty"
    1.19 +	pppup=""
    1.20 +	sub=$2
    1.21 +	shift 2
    1.22 +	case "$sub" in
    1.23 +	sendsshkey)
    1.24 +		check_root
    1.25 +		dropbearkey -y -f /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key | \
    1.26 +		grep ^ssh | ssh $1 "mkdir .ssh 2> /dev/null ; while read key; do for i in authorized_keys authorized_keys2; do grep -q \$key .ssh/\$i || echo \$key >> .ssh/\$i; done; done; chmod 700 .ssh ; chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys*"
    1.27 +		exit 0;;
    1.28 +	vpnssh)	check_root
    1.29 +		set_ipup
    1.30 +		ps ww | grep -q "$ppp $2:$3" && exit 1
    1.31 +		pipe="/tmp/ssh$$"
    1.32 +		mkfifo $pipe
    1.33 +		[ -n "$4" ] && pppup="ipparam 'addroutes,$(echo $4 | sed 's/ /,/g')'"
    1.34 +		cat $pipe | dbclient -i /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key \
    1.35 +		$1 "$ppp" | $ppp $2:$3 $pppup > $pipe
    1.36 +		rm -f $pipe
    1.37 +		exit 0;;
    1.38 +	killvpnssh)
    1.39 +		check_root
    1.40 +		kill $(ps x | grep dbclient | grep "$ppp" | awk '{ print $1 }')
    1.41 +		exit 0;;
    1.42 +	ipup)
    1.43 +#    Arg  Name                          Example
    1.44 +#    $1   Interface name                ppp0
    1.45 +#    $2   The tty                       ttyS1
    1.46 +#    $3   The link speed                38400
    1.47 +#    $4   Local IP number     
    1.48 +#    $5   Peer  IP number     
    1.49 +#    $6   Optional ``ipparam'' value    foo
    1.50 +		iface=$1
    1.51 +		# skip tty if present
    1.52 +		case "$2" in [0-9]*);; *) shift; esac
    1.53 +		peer=$4
    1.54 +		IFS=","; set -- $(eval echo $5); unset IFS
    1.55 +		set -- $1
    1.56 +		if [ "$1" = "addroutes" ]; then
    1.57 +			while [ -n "$2" ]; do
    1.58 +				eval $(ipcalc -n $2)
    1.59 +				eval $(ipcalc -m $2)
    1.60 +				route add -net $NETWORK netmask $NETMASK \
    1.61 +					gw $peer $iface
    1.62 +				shift
    1.63 +			done
    1.64 +		fi
    1.65 +		exit 0;;
    1.66 +	esac
    1.67 +	echo "call $sub unsupported."
    1.68 +	exit 1
    1.69 +fi
    1.70 +
    1.71  # Interafce status with ifconfig without arguments to show all
    1.72  # active connections.
    1.73  #
    1.74  export IFCONFIG='
    1.75  <window title="Network status" icon-name="network-wired">
    1.76    <vbox>
    1.77 -    <text use-markup="true">
    1.78 -      <label>"
    1.79 -<b>Active network interfaces</b>"
    1.80 -      </label>
    1.81 -    </text>
    1.82      <text wrap="false">
    1.83        <input>date</input>
    1.84      </text>
    1.85 +    <notebook labels="Network interfaces'
    1.86 +[ -x /usr/sbin/iwlist ] && IFCONFIG="$IFCONFIG|Wireless interfaces|Wireless networks"
    1.87 +tmp='|Routing|Servers">
    1.88      <frame Ifconfig>
    1.89        <text wrap="false" width-chars="58">
    1.90          <input>ifconfig</input>
    1.91        </text>
    1.92 +    </frame>'
    1.93 +IFCONFIG="$IFCONFIG$tmp"
    1.94 +tmp='<frame Iwconfig>
    1.95 +      <text wrap="false" width-chars="58">
    1.96 +        <input>iwconfig</input>
    1.97 +      </text>
    1.98      </frame>
    1.99 -    <text use-markup="true">
   1.100 -      <label>"
   1.101 -<b>Active network servers</b>"
   1.102 -      </label>
   1.103 -    </text>
   1.104 +    <frame Wireless networks>
   1.105 +      <text wrap="false" width-chars="58">
   1.106 +        <input>iwlist scan</input>
   1.107 +      </text>
   1.108 +    </frame>'
   1.109 +[ -x /usr/sbin/iwlist ] && IFCONFIG="$IFCONFIG$tmp"
   1.110 +tmp='<frame Routing>
   1.111 +    <frame Nameservers>
   1.112 +      <text wrap="false" width-chars="58">
   1.113 +        <input>cat /etc/resolv.conf</input>
   1.114 +      </text>
   1.115 +    </frame>
   1.116 +    <frame Routing table>
   1.117 +      <text wrap="false" width-chars="58">
   1.118 +        <input>route</input>
   1.119 +      </text>
   1.120 +    </frame>
   1.121 +    <frame Arp table>
   1.122 +      <text wrap="false" width-chars="58">
   1.123 +        <input>arp</input>
   1.124 +      </text>
   1.125 +    </frame>
   1.126 +    </frame>
   1.127      <frame Servers>
   1.128        <text wrap="false" width-chars="58">
   1.129 -        <input>for i in dropbear inetd udhcpd dnsd rsync lighttpd smbd nmbd x11vnc; do ps w | grep $i | grep -v grep; done</input>
   1.130 +        <input>for i in dropbear inetd udhcpd dnsd rsync lighttpd smbd nmbd x11vnc pppd; do ps ww | grep $i | grep -v grep | fold -s; done</input>
   1.131        </text>
   1.132      </frame>
   1.133 +    </notebook>
   1.134      <hbox>
   1.135        <button>
   1.136          <input file icon="exit"></input>
   1.137 @@ -54,6 +141,7 @@
   1.138    </vbox>
   1.139  </window>
   1.140  '
   1.141 +IFCONFIG="$IFCONFIG$tmp"
   1.143  # The main dialog with notebook, start/stop buttons and all options.
   1.144  # Note than /etc/network.conf is seded wehwn an interafce is activate
   1.145 @@ -74,6 +162,7 @@
   1.146  by DHCP or static IP, and setup servers.
   1.147  Netbox can start or stop networking, configure 
   1.148  network interfaces or directly edit files.
   1.149 +Wifi users may configure System wide / Network.
   1.150  "
   1.151        </label>
   1.152      </text>
   1.153 @@ -90,7 +179,7 @@
   1.154        </hbox>
   1.155      </frame>
   1.157 -    <notebook labels="DHCP|Static IP|System wide|Servers'
   1.158 +    <notebook labels="DHCP|PPPoE|Static IP|System wide|VPN|Servers'
   1.159  [ -x /sbin/iptables ] && NET_BOX="$NET_BOX|Firewall"
   1.160  tmp='|Etherwake">
   1.162 @@ -127,6 +216,61 @@
   1.163        </hbox>
   1.164      </frame>
   1.166 +    <frame PPPoE>
   1.167 +      <hbox>
   1.168 +        <text use-markup="true">
   1.169 +          <label>"<b>Name        :</b>"</label>
   1.170 +        </text>
   1.171 +        <entry>
   1.172 +          <input>NAME=$(grep -s ^name /etc/ppp/options); echo "${NAME#* }"</input>
   1.173 +          <variable>NAME</variable>
   1.174 +        </entry>
   1.175 +      </hbox>
   1.176 +      <hbox>
   1.177 +        <text use-markup="true">
   1.178 +          <label>"<b>Username :</b>"</label>
   1.179 +        </text>
   1.180 +        <entry>
   1.181 +          <variable>USER</variable>
   1.182 +        </entry>
   1.183 +      </hbox>
   1.184 +      <hbox>
   1.185 +        <text use-markup="true">
   1.186 +          <label>"<b>Password :</b>"</label>
   1.187 +        </text>
   1.188 +        <entry>
   1.189 +          <variable>USER</variable>
   1.190 +        </entry>
   1.191 +      </hbox>
   1.192 +      <hbox>
   1.193 +        <button>
   1.194 +          <input file icon="accessories-text-editor"></input>
   1.195 +          <label>Tune</label>
   1.196 +	  <action>[ -n "$NAME" ] && sed -i "s/^name .*/name $NAME/" /etc/ppp/options</action>
   1.197 +          <action type="lauch">leafpad /etc/ppp/options</action>
   1.198 +        </button>
   1.199 +        <button>
   1.200 +          <label>Start</label>
   1.201 +          <input file icon="forward"></input>
   1.202 +	  <action>[ -n "$USER" ] && grep -qs "^\"$USER\"" /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
   1.203 +	  && echo "\"$USER\"	*	\"$PASS\"" >> /etc/ppp/pap-secrets</action>
   1.204 +	  <action>[ -n "$USER" ] && grep -qs "^\"$USER\"" /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
   1.205 +	  && echo "\"$USER\"	*	\"$PASS\"" >> /etc/ppp/chap-secrets</action>
   1.206 +	  <action>[ -n "$NAME" ] && sed -i "s/^name .*/name $NAME/" /etc/ppp/options</action>
   1.207 +          <action>killall udhcpc</action>
   1.208 +	  <action>sed -i "s/DHCP=\"yes\"/DHCP=\"no\"/" /etc/network.conf</action>
   1.209 +	  <action>sed -i "s/PPPOE=\"no\"/PPPOE=\"yes\"/" /etc/network.conf</action>
   1.210 +          <action>pppd $INTERFACE &</action>
   1.211 +        </button>
   1.212 +        <button>
   1.213 +          <label>Stop</label>
   1.214 +          <input file icon="stop"></input>
   1.215 +	  <action>sed -i "s/PPPOE=\"yes\"/PPPOE=\"no\"/" /etc/network.conf</action>
   1.216 +          <action>killall pppd</action>
   1.217 +        </button>
   1.218 +      </hbox>
   1.219 +    </frame>
   1.220 +    
   1.221      <frame Configuration>
   1.222        <hbox>
   1.223          <text use-markup="true">
   1.224 @@ -240,6 +384,62 @@
   1.225          </button>
   1.226        </hbox>
   1.227      </frame>
   1.228 +    
   1.229 +    <frame Virtual Private Network with PPP/SSH>
   1.230 +      <hbox>
   1.231 +        <text use-markup="true">
   1.232 +          <label>"<b>Peer          :</b>"</label>
   1.233 +        </text>
   1.234 +        <entry>
   1.235 +          <variable>DROPBEAR_PEERVPN</variable>
   1.236 +	  <default>user@elsewhere</default>
   1.237 +        </entry>
   1.238 +      </hbox>
   1.239 +      <hbox>
   1.240 +        <text use-markup="true">
   1.241 +          <label>"<b>Local IP     :</b>"</label>
   1.242 +        </text>
   1.243 +        <entry>
   1.244 +          <variable>DROPBEAR_LOCAL</variable>
   1.245 +	  <default></default>
   1.246 +        </entry>
   1.247 +      </hbox>
   1.248 +      <hbox>
   1.249 +        <text use-markup="true">
   1.250 +          <label>"<b>Remote IP :</b>"</label>
   1.251 +        </text>
   1.252 +        <entry>
   1.253 +          <variable>DROPBEAR_REMOTE</variable>
   1.254 +	  <default></default>
   1.255 +        </entry>
   1.256 +      </hbox>
   1.257 +      <hbox>
   1.258 +        <text use-markup="true">
   1.259 +          <label>"<b>Route(s)    :</b>"</label>
   1.260 +        </text>
   1.261 +        <entry>
   1.262 +          <variable>DROPBEAR_ROUTE</variable>
   1.263 +	  <default></default>
   1.264 +        </entry>
   1.265 +      </hbox>
   1.266 +      <hbox>
   1.267 +        <button>
   1.268 +          <input file icon="forward"></input>
   1.269 +	  <label>Connect</label>
   1.270 +	  <action>netbox call vpnssh $DROPBEAR_PEERVPN $DROPBEAR_LOCAL $DROPBEAR_REMOTE "$DROPBEAR_ROUTE" &</action>
   1.271 +        </button>
   1.272 +        <button>
   1.273 +          <input file icon="stop"></input>
   1.274 +	  <label>Disconnect</label>
   1.275 +	  <action>netbox call killvpnssh</action>
   1.276 +        </button>
   1.277 +        <button>
   1.278 +          <input file icon="go-up"></input>
   1.279 +	  <label>Send key</label>
   1.280 +	  <action>xterm -fa MiscFixed -fs 11 -bg gray93 -fg black -geometry 80x10 -title "dropbear help" -e "netbox call sendsshkey $DROPBEAR_PEERVPN; echo -e \"----\nENTER to continue...\" && read close"</action>
   1.281 +        </button>
   1.282 +      </hbox>
   1.283 +    </frame>
   1.284      <notebook labels="'
   1.285  NET_BOX="$NET_BOX$tmp"
   1.286  tmp=''
   1.287 @@ -295,6 +495,25 @@
   1.288          </button>
   1.289        </hbox>
   1.290        <hbox>
   1.291 +        <text use-markup="true">
   1.292 +          <label>"<b>Remote  :</b>"</label>
   1.293 +        </text>
   1.294 +        <entry>
   1.295 +          <variable>DROPBEAR_PEER</variable>
   1.296 +	  <default>user@elsewhere</default>
   1.297 +        </entry>
   1.298 +        <button>
   1.299 +          <input file icon="utilities-terminal"></input>
   1.300 +	  <label>Connect</label>
   1.301 +	  <action>xterm -fa MiscFixed -fs 11 -bg black -fg white -geometry 80x25 -title "$DROPBEAR_PEER" -e "dbclient -i /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key $DROPBEAR_PEER ; echo -e \"----\nENTER to continue...\" && read close" &</action>
   1.302 +        </button>
   1.303 +        <button>
   1.304 +          <input file icon="go-up"></input>
   1.305 +	  <label>Send key</label>
   1.306 +	  <action>xterm -fa MiscFixed -fs 11 -bg gray93 -fg black -geometry 80x10 -title "dropbear help" -e "netbox call sendsshkey $DROPBEAR_PEER; echo -e \"----\nENTER to continue...\" && read close"</action>
   1.307 +        </button>
   1.308 +      </hbox>
   1.309 +      <hbox>
   1.310          <button>
   1.311            <label>Start</label>
   1.312            <input file icon="forward"></input>
   1.313 @@ -805,6 +1024,29 @@
   1.315  # Only root can configure network.
   1.316  check_root
   1.317 +# Configure and connect if button Connect was pressed.
   1.318 +if ! grep -qs ^name /etc/ppp/options ; then
   1.319 +	# Generate /etc/ppp/options
   1.320 +	cat > /etc/ppp/options << _EOT_
   1.321 +plugin
   1.322 +name provider-ID
   1.323 +noipdefault
   1.324 +defaultroute
   1.325 +mtu 1492
   1.326 +mru 1492
   1.327 +lock
   1.328 +_EOT_
   1.329 +	# Generate /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
   1.330 +	cat > /etc/ppp/pap-secrets << _EOT_
   1.331 +# Secrets for authentication using PAP
   1.332 +# client	server	secret			IP addresses
   1.333 +_EOT_
   1.334 +	# Generate /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
   1.335 +	cat > /etc/ppp/chap-secrets << _EOT_
   1.336 +# Secrets for authentication using CHAP
   1.337 +# client	server	secret			IP addresses
   1.338 +_EOT_
   1.339 +fi
   1.340  gtkdialog --center --program=NET_BOX
   1.342  exit 0