spk rev 42

Removed pack from spk-archive
author Christian Mesh <meshca@clarkson.edu>
date Tue May 15 21:42:35 2012 -0500 (2012-05-15)
parents 4a7b284956e1
children ddb3c10c0a4b
files spk-archive
line diff
     1.1 --- a/spk-archive	Wed May 16 02:53:24 2012 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/spk-archive	Tue May 15 21:42:35 2012 -0500
     1.3 @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
     1.4  # Spk-Archive - SliTaz Package Archive Manager
     1.5  #
     1.6  #	NOT COMPLETE: Still need to re-write (just what was grabbed from tazpkg)
     1.7 -#	UNSURE: Should Pack and Repack be here?
     1.8  #
     1.9  # Authors : See the AUTHORS files
    1.11 @@ -112,176 +111,7 @@
    1.12  	rm -rf $TMP_DIR
    1.13  }
    1.15 -# Create SliTaz package archive from an installed package.
    1.16 -# Parameters: package
    1.17 -repack() {
    1.18 -	local package=$1
    1.19 -	unset EXTRAVERSION
    1.20 -	source $INSTALLED/$package/receipt
    1.21 -	newline
    1.22 -	echo -e "$(bold Repacking :) $PACKAGE-$VERSION$EXTRAVERSION.tazpkg"
    1.23 -	separator
    1.24 -	if grep -qs ^NO_REPACK= $INSTALLED/$PACKAGE/receipt; then
    1.25 -		eval_gettext "Can't repack \$PACKAGE"; newline
    1.26 -		exit 1
    1.27 -	fi
    1.28 -	if [ -s $INSTALLED/$PACKAGE/modifiers ]; then
    1.29 -		eval_gettext "Can't repack, \$PACKAGE files have been modified by:"; newline
    1.30 -		for i in $(cat $INSTALLED/$PACKAGE/modifiers); do
    1.31 -			echo "  $i"
    1.32 -		done
    1.33 -		exit 1
    1.34 -	fi
    1.35 -	unset MISSING
    1.36 -	while read i; do
    1.37 -		[ -e "$i" ] && continue
    1.38 -		[ -L "$i" ] || MISSING="$MISSING\n  $i"
    1.39 -	done < $INSTALLED/$PACKAGE/files.list
    1.40 -	if [ -n "$MISSING" ]; then
    1.41 -		gettext "Can't repack, the following files are lost:"
    1.42 -		echo -e "$MISSING"
    1.43 -		exit 1
    1.44 -	fi
    1.45 -	mkdir -p $TMP_DIR
    1.46 -	pushd $TMP_DIR > /dev/null
    1.47 -	FILES="fs.cpio.lzma\n"
    1.48 -	for i in $(ls $INSTALLED/$PACKAGE) ; do
    1.49 -		[ "$i" = "volatile.cpio.gz" ] && continue
    1.50 -		[ "$i" = "modifiers" ] && continue
    1.51 -		cp $INSTALLED/$PACKAGE/$i . && FILES="$FILES$i\n"
    1.52 -	done
    1.53 -	ln -s / rootfs
    1.54 -	mkdir tmp
    1.55 -	sed 's/^/rootfs/' < files.list | cpio -o -H newc --quiet |\
    1.56 -	      { cd tmp ; cpio -idm --quiet >/dev/null; cd ..; }
    1.57 -	mv tmp/rootfs fs
    1.58 -	if [ -f $INSTALLED/$PACKAGE/volatile.cpio.gz ]; then
    1.59 -		zcat $INSTALLED/$PACKAGE/volatile.cpio.gz | \
    1.60 -			{ cd fs; cpio -idm --quiet; cd ..; }
    1.61 -	fi
    1.62 -	if fgrep -q repack_cleanup $INSTALLED/$PACKAGE/receipt; then
    1.63 -		. $INSTALLED/$PACKAGE/receipt
    1.64 -		repack_cleanup fs
    1.65 -	fi
    1.66 -	if [ -f $INSTALLED/$PACKAGE/$CHECKSUM ]; then
    1.67 -		sed 's,  ,  fs,' < $INSTALLED/$PACKAGE/$CHECKSUM | \
    1.68 -		$CHECKSUM -s -c || {
    1.69 -			gettext "Can't repack, $CHECKSUM error."; newline
    1.70 -			popd
    1.71 -			rm -rf $TMP_DIR
    1.72 -			exit 1
    1.73 -		}
    1.74 -	fi
    1.75 -	find fs | cpio -o -H newc --quiet | lzma e fs.cpio.lzma -si
    1.76 -	echo -e "$FILES" | cpio -o -H newc --quiet > $PACKAGE-$VERSION$EXTRAVERSION.tazpkg
    1.77 -	popd > /dev/null
    1.79 -	rm -R $TMP_DIR
    1.80 -	eval_gettext "Package \$PACKAGE repacked successfully."; newline
    1.81 -	echo $(gettext "Size") : $(du -sh $PACKAGE-$VERSION$EXTRAVERSION.tazpkg)
    1.82 -	newline
    1.83 -}
    1.84 -
    1.85 -# Create SliTaz package archive from configuration files.
    1.86 -repack_config() {
    1.87 -	mkdir -p $TMP_DIR
    1.88 -	pushd $TMP_DIR > /dev/null
    1.89 -	CONFIG_VERSION=1.0
    1.90 -	mkdir config-$CONFIG_VERSION
    1.91 -	pushd config-$CONFIG_VERSION
    1.92 -	for i in $INSTALLED/*/volatile.cpio.gz; do
    1.93 -		zcat $i | cpio -t --quiet
    1.94 -	done > files.list
    1.95 -	mkdir fs
    1.96 -	pushd fs
    1.97 -	( cd / ; cpio -o -H newc --quiet ) < ../files.list | cpio -idm --quiet > /dev/null
    1.98 -	mkdir -p etc/tazlito
    1.99 -	for i in $INSTALLED/*/receipt; do
   1.100 -		unset EXTRAVERSION
   1.101 -		source $i
   1.103 -	done > etc/tazlito/config-packages.list
   1.104 -	popd > /dev/null
   1.105 -	echo "etc/tazlito/config-packages.list" >> files.list
   1.106 -	cat > receipt <<EOT
   1.107 -# SliTaz package receipt.
   1.108 -
   1.109 -PACKAGE="config"
   1.111 -CATEGORY="base-system"
   1.112 -SHORT_DESC="$(gettext "User configuration backup on ")$(date)"
   1.113 -DEPENDS="$(ls $INSTALLED)"
   1.114 -EOT
   1.115 -	popd
   1.116 -	tazpkg pack config-$CONFIG_VERSION
   1.117 -	popd
   1.118 -	cp $TMP_DIR/config-$CONFIG_VERSION.tazpkg .
   1.119 -	rm -rf $TMP_DIR
   1.120 -}
   1.121 -
   1.122 -# Create SliTaz package archive using cpio and gzip.
   1.123 -# Parameters: package
   1.124 -pack() {
   1.125 -	local package="$1"
   1.126 -	cd $PACKAGE
   1.127 -	if [ ! -f "receipt" ]; then
   1.128 -		gettext "Receipt is missing. Please read the documentation."; newline
   1.129 -		exit 0
   1.130 -	else
   1.131 -		newline
   1.132 -		echo "$(bold Packing :) $PACKAGE"
   1.133 -		separator
   1.134 -		# Create files.list with redirecting find outpout.
   1.135 -		gettext "Creating the list of files..."
   1.136 -		pushd fs
   1.137 -		find . -type f -print > ../files.list
   1.138 -		find . -type l -print >> ../files.list
   1.139 -		popd
   1.140 -		sed -i s/'^.'/''/ files.list
   1.141 -		status
   1.142 -		gettext "Creating $CHECKSUM of files..."
   1.143 -		while read file; do
   1.144 -			[ -L "fs$file" ] && continue
   1.145 -			[ -f "fs$file" ] || continue
   1.146 -			case "$file" in
   1.147 -			/lib/modules/*/modules.*|*.pyc) continue;;
   1.148 -			esac
   1.149 -			$CHECKSUM "fs$file" | sed 's/  fs/  /'
   1.150 -		done < files.list > $CHECKSUM
   1.151 -		status
   1.152 -		UNPACKED_SIZE=$(du -chs fs receipt files.list $CHECKSUM \
   1.153 -			description.txt 2> /dev/null | busybox awk \
   1.154 -			'{ sz=$1 } END { print sz }')
   1.155 -		# Build cpio archives.
   1.156 -		gettext "Compressing the fs... "
   1.157 -		find fs | cpio -o -H newc --quiet | lzma e fs.cpio.lzma -si
   1.158 -		rm -rf fs
   1.159 -		status
   1.160 -		PACKED_SIZE=$(du -chs fs.cpio.lzma receipt files.list \
   1.161 -			$CHECKSUM description.txt 2> /dev/null | busybox awk \
   1.162 -			'{ sz=$1 } END { print sz }')
   1.163 -		gettext "Updating receipt sizes..."
   1.164 -		sed -i s/^PACKED_SIZE.*$// receipt
   1.165 -		sed -i s/^UNPACKED_SIZE.*$// receipt
   1.167 -		status
   1.168 -		gettext "Creating full cpio archive... "
   1.169 -		find . -print | cpio -o -H newc --quiet > ../$PACKAGE.tazpkg
   1.170 -		status
   1.171 -		gettext "Restoring original package tree... "
   1.172 -		unlzma -c fs.cpio.lzma | cpio -idm --quiet
   1.173 -		status
   1.174 -		rm fs.cpio.lzma && cd ..
   1.175 -		separator
   1.176 -		eval_gettext "Package \$PACKAGE compressed successfully."; newline
   1.177 -		echo $(gettext "Size") : $(du -sh $PACKAGE.tazpkg)
   1.178 -		newline
   1.179 -	fi
   1.180 -}
   1.181 -
   1.182  case $1 in
   1.183 -	pack|-p)
   1.184 -		pack $2 ;;
   1.185  	extract|-e)
   1.186  		extract_package $2 $3 ;;
   1.187  	recompress|-r)