cookutils rev 942

cooker: explain usage, improve cook order to be used with split v1 & v2, add tasks support.
author Aleksej Bobylev <>
date Sun Jun 25 14:14:30 2017 +0300 (2017-06-25)
parents adda5217f721
children 5595f56612fe
files cooker lib/ lighttpd/index.cgi tasks/freetype-harfbuzz tasks/up-toolchain
line diff
     1.1 --- a/cooker	Fri Jun 23 12:02:34 2017 +0300
     1.2 +++ b/cooker	Sun Jun 25 14:14:30 2017 +0300
     1.3 @@ -23,23 +23,27 @@
     1.4  usage() {
     1.5  	cat <<EOT
     1.7 -Usage: cooker [command] [pkg|list|note|hours]
     1.8 +Usage: cooker [<command>] [<options>]
    1.10 -Options:
    1.11 -  usage|-u        Display this short usage.
    1.12 -  setup|-s        Setup the Cooker environment.
    1.13 -  setup-cron      Setup a cron job for the Cooker.
    1.14 -  arch-db         Create host arch packages DB.
    1.15 -  note|-n         Add a note to the cooknotes.
    1.16 -  notes|-ns       Display all the cooknotes.
    1.17 -  block|-b        Block a package so cook will skip it.
    1.18 -  unblock|-ub     Unblock a blocked package.
    1.19 -  pkg|-p          Same as 'cook pkg' but with cooker log.
    1.20 -  flavor|-f       Cook all packages of a flavor.
    1.21 -  list|-l         Cook all packages in the given list.
    1.22 -  cat|-c          Cook all packages of a category.
    1.23 -  rev|-r          Cook packages of a specific revision.
    1.24 -  all|-a          Find and cook all unbuilt packages.
    1.25 +Commands with <options>:
    1.26 +  -u  | usage                  Display this short usage.
    1.27 +  -s  | setup                  Setup the Cooker environment.
    1.28 +        setup-cron [<hours>]   Setup a cron job for the Cooker.
    1.29 +        check-cron             Check Cooker cron job.
    1.30 +        arch-db                Create host arch packages DB.
    1.31 +  -n  | note    <note_text>    Add a note to the cooknotes.
    1.32 +  -ns | notes                  Display all the cooknotes.
    1.33 +  -b  | block   <package>      Block a package so cook will skip it.
    1.34 +  -ub | unblock <package>      Unblock a blocked package.
    1.35 +  -R  | reverse <package>      Cook all reverse dependencies for a package.
    1.36 +  -p  | pkg     <package>      Same as 'cook pkg' but with cooker log.
    1.37 +  -f  | flavor  <flavor_name>  Cook all packages of a flavor.
    1.38 +  -l  | list    <list_file>    Cook all packages in the given list.
    1.39 +  -c  | cat     <category>     Cook all packages of a category.
    1.40 +  -r  | rev     <rev_number>   Cook packages of a specific revision.
    1.41 +  -a  | all                    Find and cook all unbuilt packages.
    1.42 +  -T  | tasks                  List existing cooker tasks.
    1.43 +  -t  | task    <task>         Executing specified task.
    1.45  EOT
    1.46  	exit 0
    1.47 @@ -71,25 +75,67 @@
    1.48  	[ "$new" == "$cur" ] && msg="revision $new"
    1.49  	echo "Will cook $msg"
    1.50  	separator
    1.51 -	echo -e "\nSummary for commits"
    1.52 -	separator
    1.53 +	title "Summary for commits"
    1.54  	echo "Hg wok revision  : $cur"
    1.55  	echo "Pulled revision  : $new"
    1.56  	echo "Check date       : $(date '+%F %T')"
    1.57  }
    1.60 +# Return all the names of packages bundled in this receipt
    1.61 +
    1.62 +all_names() {
    1.63 +	local split=" $SPLIT "
    1.64 +	unset SPLIT
    1.65 +	. $wok/$pkg/receipt
    1.66 +
    1.67 +	if ! head -n1 $WOK/$pkg/receipt | fgrep -q 'v2'; then
    1.68 +		# For receipts v1: $SPLIT may present in the $WANTED package,
    1.69 +		# but split packages have their own receipts
    1.70 +		echo $PACKAGE
    1.71 +	elif [ "${split/ $PACKAGE /}" != "$split" ]; then
    1.72 +		echo $SPLIT
    1.73 +	else
    1.74 +		echo $PACKAGE $SPLIT
    1.75 +	fi
    1.76 +}
    1.77 +
    1.78 +
    1.79  # Scan packages build deps and fill up cookorder list.
    1.81  cook_order_scan() {
    1.82 -	rm -f $cookorder
    1.83 -	touch $cookorder
    1.84 +	rm -f $cookorder $cookorder.split
    1.85 +	touch $cookorder $cookorder.split
    1.86 +
    1.87 +	# Make combined split table: beginning from actual information with fresh
    1.88 +	# commits. Example:
    1.89 +	# freetype	freetype freetype-dev
    1.90 +	# harfbuzz	harfbuzz harfbuzz-apps harfbuzz-dev
    1.91 +	while read pkg; do
    1.92 +		echo "$pkg	$(all_names)" >> $cookorder.split
    1.93 +	done < $cooklist
    1.94 +	cat $cache/split.db >> $cookorder.split
    1.95 +
    1.96 +	maxlen=$(wc -L < $cooklist)
    1.97 +
    1.98  	while read pkg; do
    1.99  		unset WANTED BUILD_DEPENDS
   1.100  		. $wok/$pkg/receipt
   1.101 +		bdeps=$(
   1.102 +			# Substitite each package of BUILD_DEPENDS list by the "main"
   1.103 +			# receipt which builds this package. Example:
   1.104 +			# BUILD_DEPENDS="freetype-dev harfbuzz-dev" -> bdeps="freetype harfbuzz"
   1.105 +			for i in $BUILD_DEPENDS; do
   1.106 +				main="$(awk -F$'\t' -vi="$i" '{
   1.107 +					if (index(" " $2 " ", i)) {print $1; exit}
   1.108 +				}' $cookorder.split)"
   1.109 +				echo ${main:-$i}
   1.110 +			done
   1.111 +		)
   1.112  		# The :: is for web interface color.
   1.113 -		[ "$WANTED$BUILD_DEPENDS" ] && echo "$pkg :: $WANTED $BUILD_DEPENDS"
   1.114 -		for dep in $WANTED $BUILD_DEPENDS; do
   1.115 +		bdeps=$(echo $WANTED $bdeps | tr '\n' ' ')
   1.116 +		printf "%-${maxlen}s :: %s\n" "$pkg" "$bdeps"
   1.117 +		for dep in $bdeps; do
   1.118  			if grep -q "^$dep$" $cooklist; then
   1.119  				if ! grep -q "^$dep$" $cookorder; then
   1.120  					echo "$dep" >> $cookorder
   1.121 @@ -112,37 +158,47 @@
   1.122  cook_order() {
   1.123  	time=$(date +%s)
   1.124  	scan=0
   1.125 +	rm   -rf $cache/cookorder.d
   1.126 +	mkdir -p $cache/cookorder.d
   1.128  	# Keep an original cooklist so we do a diff when ordering is finished.
   1.129  	cp -f $cooklist $cooklist.0
   1.130  	echo 'cookorder' > $command
   1.131 -	echo -e '\nInitial Cooker order scan'
   1.132 -	separator
   1.133 +	title 'Initial Cooker order scan'
   1.134  	cook_order_scan
   1.136  	# Diff between the cooklist and new ordered list ? So copy the last
   1.137  	# cookorder to cooklist and rescan it.
   1.138  	while /bin/true; do
   1.139 -		diff $cooklist $cookorder > $cookorder.diff
   1.140 -		if [ -s "$cookorder.diff" ]; then
   1.141 +		if ! cmp -s $cooklist $cookorder; then
   1.142  			scan=$(($scan + 1))
   1.143 -			echo -e "\nDiff scan: $scan"
   1.144 -			separator
   1.145 +			title "Diff scan: $scan"
   1.146 +
   1.147 +			md5stamp=$(md5sum $cookorder | cut -d' ' -f1)
   1.148 +			if [ -e "$cache/cookorder.d/$md5stamp" ]; then
   1.149 +				newline
   1.150 +				echo 'A dependency loop was detected. Interrupting the cookorder.'
   1.151 +				break
   1.152 +			fi
   1.153 +			touch $cache/cookorder.d/$md5stamp
   1.154 +
   1.155  			mv -f $cookorder $cooklist
   1.156  			cook_order_scan
   1.157 +
   1.158  		else
   1.159  			break
   1.160  		fi
   1.161  	done
   1.162 +	# Clean
   1.163 +	rm -rf $cache/cookorder.d; rm $cookorder.split
   1.165  	# Keep a diff between submitted cooklist and the ordered.
   1.166  	diff $cooklist.0 $cooklist > $cooklist.diff
   1.167 -	rm -f $cookorder $cookorder.diff $cooklist.0
   1.168 +	rm -f $cookorder $cooklist.0
   1.170  	# Scan finished: append pkg to WANTED or leave it in the ordered cooklist.
   1.171  	# TODO: grep the line number to get pkg position and keep it higher.
   1.172 -	echo -e '\nHandle WANTED package'
   1.173 -	separator
   1.174 +	title 'Handle WANTED package'
   1.175  	while read pkg; do
   1.176  		unset WANTED
   1.177  		. $wok/$pkg/receipt
   1.178 @@ -156,15 +212,13 @@
   1.179  	done < $cooklist
   1.181  	# Show ordered cooklist
   1.182 -	echo -e '\nCooklist order'
   1.183 -	separator
   1.184 +	title 'Cooklist order'
   1.185  	cat $cooklist
   1.186  	separator
   1.188  	time=$(($(date +%s) - $time))
   1.189  	pkgs=$(wc -l < $cooklist)
   1.190 -	echo -e '\nSummary for cookorder'
   1.191 -	separator
   1.192 +	title 'Summary for cookorder'
   1.193  	cat <<EOT
   1.194  Ordered packages : $pkgs
   1.195  Scans executed   : $scan
   1.196 @@ -260,10 +314,9 @@
   1.198  	setup|-s)
   1.199  		# Setup the Cooker environment.
   1.200 -		echo -e '\nSetting up the Cooker'
   1.201 +		title 'Setting up the Cooker'
   1.202  		mkdir -p $CACHE
   1.203  		echo "Cooker setup using: $SLITAZ" | log
   1.204 -		separator
   1.205  		for pkg in $SETUP_PKGS mercurial rsync tazlito; do
   1.206  			[ ! -d "$INSTALLED/$pkg" ] && tazpkg get-install $pkg
   1.207  		done
   1.208 @@ -286,7 +339,7 @@
   1.209  		hg clone $WOK_URL ${wok}-hg || exit 1
   1.210  		[ -d "$flavors" ] || hg clone $FLAVORS_URL flavors
   1.211  		cp -a ${wok}-hg $wok
   1.212 -		separator; newline ;;
   1.213 +		footer ;;
   1.215  	arch-db)
   1.216  		# Manually create arch packages DB.
   1.217 @@ -323,10 +376,9 @@
   1.219  	notes|-ns)
   1.220  		# View cooknotes.
   1.221 -		echo -e '\nCooknotes'
   1.222 -		separator
   1.223 +		title 'Cooknotes'
   1.224  		cat $cooknotes
   1.225 -		separator; newline ;;
   1.226 +		footer ;;
   1.228  	block|-b)
   1.229  		# Block a package.
   1.230 @@ -347,8 +399,7 @@
   1.231  			exit 0
   1.232  		fi
   1.233  		rm -f $cooklist; touch $cooklist
   1.234 -		echo -e "\nReverse cooklist for: $pkg"
   1.235 -		separator
   1.236 +		title "Reverse cooklist for: $pkg"
   1.238  		cd $wok
   1.239  		for rev in *; do
   1.240 @@ -358,8 +409,7 @@
   1.241  				echo "$rev" | tee -a $cooklist
   1.242  			fi
   1.243  		done
   1.244 -		separator
   1.245 -		echo -e "Reverse dependencies found: $(wc -l < $cooklist)\n"
   1.246 +		footer "Reverse dependencies found: $(wc -l < $cooklist)"
   1.247  		strip_blocked
   1.248  		cook_order | tee $LOGS/cookorder.log
   1.249  		cook_list ;;
   1.250 @@ -432,9 +482,7 @@
   1.251  		# Try to build all unbuilt packages except blocked's.
   1.252  		echo 'cooker:all' > $command
   1.253  		rm -f $cooklist; touch $cooklist
   1.254 -		newline
   1.255 -		echo 'Cooker cooklist'
   1.256 -		separator
   1.257 +		title 'Cooker cooklist'
   1.259  		# Find all unbuilt packages. Get EXTRAVERSION from packed receipt
   1.260  		# if it exists since extra version is added when packing the package.
   1.261 @@ -456,6 +504,26 @@
   1.262  		echo "Packages to cook: $(wc -l < $cooklist)" | log
   1.263  		cook_list ;;
   1.265 +	tasks|-T)
   1.266 +		# List existing cooker tasks
   1.267 +		[ ! -d "$tasks" ] && echo 'There are no tasks.' && exit 0
   1.268 +		title 'Cooker tasks list'
   1.269 +		last=$(ls $tasks | tail -n1)
   1.270 +		for task in $(ls $tasks); do
   1.271 +			. $tasks/$task
   1.272 +			echo "Task name   : $task"
   1.273 +			echo "Description : $DESC"
   1.274 +			separator $([ $task != $last ] && echo '-')
   1.275 +		done
   1.276 +		newline ;;
   1.277 +
   1.278 +	task|-t)
   1.279 +		# Executing specified task
   1.280 +		task="$2"
   1.281 +		title "Executing cooker task: $task"
   1.282 +		. $tasks/$task; task
   1.283 +		footer "Task $task finished" ;;
   1.284 +
   1.285  	*)
   1.286  		# Default is to cook all commits if not yet running.
   1.287  		[ -n "$1" ] && usage
     2.1 --- a/lib/	Fri Jun 23 12:02:34 2017 +0300
     2.2 +++ b/lib/	Sun Jun 25 14:14:30 2017 +0300
     2.3 @@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
     2.4  cooknotes="$cache/cooknotes"
     2.5  cooktime="$cache/cooktime"
     2.6  crontabs="/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root"
     2.7 +tasks="$SLITAZ/tasks"
    2.10  # Lograte activity.
     3.1 --- a/lighttpd/index.cgi	Fri Jun 23 12:02:34 2017 +0300
     3.2 +++ b/lighttpd/index.cgi	Sun Jun 25 14:14:30 2017 +0300
     3.3 @@ -523,7 +523,8 @@
     3.4  					s|$_fs|<var>\${fs}</var>|g;
     3.5  					s|$_stuff|<var>\${stuff}</var>|g" \
     3.6  				-e "s|\[9\([1-6]\)m|<span class='c\10'>|;
     3.7 -					s|\[39m|</span>|;"
     3.8 +					s|\[39m|</span>|;
     3.9 +					s|\[1m|<strong>|g; s|\[0m|</strong>|g;"
    3.10  			;;
    3.12  		files)
    3.13 @@ -815,7 +816,7 @@
    3.14  					echo "<h2>Log for: ${name%.log}</h2>"
    3.15  					if fgrep -q "Summary" $log; then
    3.16  						echo '<pre class="log">'
    3.17 -						grep -A 20 '^Summary' $log | syntax_highlighter log
    3.18 +						grep -A 20 'Summary' $log | syntax_highlighter log
    3.19  						echo '</pre>'
    3.20  					fi
    3.21  					echo '<pre class="log">'
     4.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/tasks/freetype-harfbuzz	Sun Jun 25 14:14:30 2017 +0300
     4.3 @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
     4.4 +# SliTaz Cooker task.
     4.5 +
     4.6 +DESC="Resolve circular dependency between freetype and harfbuzz"
     4.7 +
     4.8 +task() {
     4.9 +	cook freetype
    4.10 +	cook harfbuzz
    4.11 +	cook freetype --harfbuzz
    4.12 +	cook harfbuzz
    4.13 +}
     5.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     5.2 +++ b/tasks/up-toolchain	Sun Jun 25 14:14:30 2017 +0300
     5.3 @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
     5.4 +# SliTaz Cooker task.
     5.5 +
     5.6 +DESC="Update SliTaz toolchain"
     5.7 +
     5.8 +ver() {
     5.9 +	grep ^VERSION $WOK/$1/receipt | cut -d '"' -f2
    5.10 +}
    5.11 +
    5.12 +task() {
    5.13 +	. $WOK/slitaz-toolchain/receipt
    5.14 +
    5.15 +	tmplog=$LOGS/$PACKAGE.tmplog
    5.16 +
    5.17 +	cat > $tmplog <<EOT
    5.18 +Cook: $PACKAGE $VERSION
    5.19 +$(separator)
    5.20 +Cook toolchain : started $(date '+%F %R')
    5.21 +Architecture   : $ARCH
    5.22 +Build system   : $BUILD_SYSTEM
    5.23 +Host  system   : $HOST_SYSTEM
    5.24 +$(separator -)
    5.25 +EOT
    5.26 +
    5.27 +	echo "cook: Binutils first pass : $(date '+%F %R')" >> $tmplog
    5.28 +	cook binutils
    5.29 +	echo "cook: GCC first pass      : $(date '+%F %R')" >> $tmplog
    5.30 +	cook gcc --first-pass
    5.31 +	echo "cook: Linux API headers   : $(date '+%F %R')" >> $tmplog
    5.32 +	cook linux-api-headers
    5.33 +	echo "cook: Glibc               : $(date '+%F %R')" >> $tmplog
    5.34 +	cook glibc
    5.35 +	echo "cook: Binutils final      : $(date '+%F %R')" >> $tmplog
    5.36 +	cook binutils
    5.37 +	echo "cook: GCC final           : $(date '+%F %R')" >> $tmplog
    5.38 +	cook gcc
    5.39 +
    5.40 +	cat >> $tmplog <<EOT
    5.41 +$(separator)
    5.42 +
    5.43 +GCC compiler information
    5.44 +$(separator)
    5.45 +$(gcc -v 2>&1 | sed 's|--|\n  --|g')
    5.46 +$(separator)
    5.47 +
    5.48 +EOT
    5.49 +
    5.50 +	# All packages cooked got ther own log so we don't keep them.
    5.51 +	mv -f $tmplog $LOGS/$PACKAGE.log
    5.52 +
    5.53 +	install=$WOK/$PACKAGE/install
    5.54 +	mkdir -p $install/usr/share/doc/slitaz
    5.55 +	cat > $install/usr/share/doc/slitaz/toolchain.txt <<EOT
    5.56 +SliTaz GNU/Linux toolchain
    5.57 +================================================================================
    5.58 +
    5.59 +Build date   : $(date "+%F")
    5.60 +Architecture : $ARCH
    5.61 +Build system : $BUILD_SYSTEM
    5.62 +Host  system : $HOST_SYSTEM
    5.63 +
    5.64 +Packages:
    5.65 +
    5.66 +  * Binutils          : $(ver binutils)
    5.67 +  * Linux API headers : $(ver linux-api-headers)
    5.68 +  * GCC               : $(ver gcc)
    5.69 +  * Glibc             : $(ver glibc)
    5.70 +
    5.71 +Toolchain documentation:
    5.72 +
    5.73 +================================================================================
    5.74 +
    5.75 +EOT
    5.76 +}