slitaz-boot-scripts log etc/init.d/rc.functions

age author description
2010-11-04 Paul Issott rc.functions: tiny edit
2010-08-17 Pascal Bellard etc/init.d/rc.functions: typo in seq
2010-07-15 Pascal Bellard /etc/init.d/rc.functions: define TZ
2010-04-16 Pascal Bellard typo in rc.functions
2010-03-15 Pascal Bellard rc.functions: set status return (fixed)
2010-03-15 Pascal Bellard rc.functions: set status return
2009-12-21 Christophe Lincoln rc.* speedup shutdown and small display fix
2009-11-27 Pascal Bellard rc.functions/active_pidfile: fix weird pidfiles
2009-03-10 Pascal Bellard rc.functions/active_pidfile: filter pid2.8
2008-12-01 Pascal Bellard active_pidfile: avoid error msg2.6.1
2008-10-31 Pascal Bellard Add active_pidfile in rc.functions
2008-07-19 Mike D. Smith Fix typos
2008-02-23 Christophe Lincoln Typo and modified shutdown screen output
2008-02-15 Christophe Lincoln Shutdown/reboot starting with progress bar1.4