slitaz-dev-tools rev 185

author Pascal Bellard <>
date Sat Jul 28 11:28:54 2012 +0200 (2012-07-28)
parents dc29dead6d60
children f87dfeb80d51
files mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/builder/bootloader mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/builder/index.php mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/download.php mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/floppy-grub4dos mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/index-1.0.html mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/index-2.0.html mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/index-3.0.html mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/index-4.0.html mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/index-loram-3.0.html mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/index-loram-4.0.html mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/index.html tazwikiss/rootfs/var/www/wiki/
line diff
     1.1 --- a/mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/builder/bootloader	Sat Jul 07 18:30:41 2012 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/builder/bootloader	Sat Jul 28 11:28:54 2012 +0200
     1.3 @@ -9,187 +9,268 @@
     1.4  usage()
     1.5  {
     1.6  cat <<EOT
     1.7 -Usage: $0 bzImage [--prefix image_prefix] [--cmdline 'args']
     1.8 +Usage: $0 bzImage [--prefix image_prefix] [--info file ]
     1.9 +       [--format 1200|1440|1680|1920|2880|... ] [--mem mb]
    1.10         [--rdev device] [--video mode] [--flags rootflags] [--tracks cnt]
    1.11 -       [--format 1440|1680|1920|2880 ] [--initrd initrdfile]...
    1.12 +       [--cmdline 'args'] [--dont-edit-cmdline] [--no-syssize-fix]
    1.13 +       [--address-initrd address] [--initrd initrdfile]...
    1.15 -Default values: --format 1440 --tracks 80 --prefix floppy.
    1.16 +Default values: --format 1440 --tracks 80 --rdev /dev/fd0 --prefix floppy. --mem 16
    1.18  Example:
    1.19 -$0 /boot/vmlinuz- --rdev /dev/ram0 --video -3 --cmdline 'rw lang=fr_FR kmap=fr-latin1 laptop autologin' --initrd /boot/rootfs.gz --initrd ./myconfig.gz
    1.20 +$0 /boot/bzImage --rdev /dev/ram0 --video -3 --cmdline 'rw lang=fr_FR kmap=fr-latin1 laptop autologin' --initrd /boot/rootfs.gz --initrd ./myconfig.gz
    1.21  EOT
    1.22  exit 1
    1.23  }
    1.25  KERNEL=""
    1.26  INITRD=""
    1.27 +ADRSRD=""
    1.28  CMDLINE=""
    1.29  PREFIX="floppy."
    1.30  FORMAT="1440"
    1.31  RDEV=""
    1.32  VIDEO=""
    1.33  FLAGS=""
    1.34 -TRACKS=""
    1.35 +TRACKS="80"
    1.36 +MEM="16"
    1.37 +NOEDIT=""
    1.38 +NOSYSSIZEFIX=""
    1.39 +INFOFILE=""
    1.40  DEBUG=""
    1.41  while [ -n "$1" ]; do
    1.42 -	case "$1" in
    1.43 -	--c*|-c*)  CMDLINE="$2"; shift;;
    1.44 -	--i*|-i*)  INITRD="$INITRD $2"; shift;;
    1.45 -	--p*|-p*)  PREFIX="$2"; shift;;
    1.46 -	--fo*|-f*) FORMAT="$2"; shift;;
    1.47 -	--fl*)     FLAGS="$2"; shift;;	# 1 read-only, 0 read-write
    1.48 -	--r*|-r*)  RDEV="$2"; shift;;	# /dev/???
    1.49 -	--v*|-v*)  VIDEO="$2"; shift;;	# -3 .. n
    1.50 -	--t*|-t*)  TRACKS="$2"; shift;; # likely 81 .. 84
    1.51 -	--debug)   DEBUG="1";;
    1.52 +	case "${1/--/-}" in
    1.53 +	-c*) CMDLINE="$2"; shift;;
    1.54 +	-inf*) INFOFILE="$2"; shift;;
    1.55 +	-i*) INITRD="$INITRD $2"; shift;;
    1.56 +	-a*) ADRSRD="$2"; shift;;
    1.57 +	-h*) HEAP="$2"; shift;;
    1.58 +	-l*) LOADERTYPE="$2"; shift;;
    1.59 +	-p*) PREFIX="$2"; shift;;
    1.60 +	-fl*)FLAGS="$2"; shift;;	# 1 read-only, 0 read-write
    1.61 +	-f*) FORMAT="$2"; shift;;
    1.62 +	-m*) MEM="$(echo $2 | sed 's/[^0-9]//g')"; shift;;
    1.63 +	-r*) RDEV="$2"; shift;;
    1.64 +	-v*) VIDEO="$2"; shift;;	# -3 .. n
    1.65 +	-t*) TRACKS="$2"; shift;; # likely 81 .. 84
    1.66 +	-n*) NOSYSSIZEFIX="1";;
    1.67 +	-debug) DEBUG="1";;
    1.68 +	-d*) NOEDIT="1";;
    1.69  	*) KERNEL="$1";;
    1.70  	esac
    1.71  	shift
    1.72  done
    1.73  [ -n "$KERNEL" -a -f "$KERNEL" ] || usage
    1.74 -if [ -n "$TRACKS" ]; then
    1.75 -	if [ $(( $FORMAT % $TRACKS )) -ne 0 ]; then
    1.76 -		echo "Invalid track count for format $FORMAT."
    1.77 -		usage
    1.78 -	fi
    1.79 +while [ -L "$KERNEL" ]; do KERNEL="$(readlink "$KERNEL")"; done
    1.80 +if [ $(( $FORMAT % $TRACKS )) -ne 0 ]; then
    1.81 +	echo "Invalid track count for format $FORMAT."
    1.82 +	usage
    1.83  fi
    1.84 +[ 0$MEM -lt 4  ] && MEM=4
    1.85 +[ $MEM -gt 16 ] && MEM=16
    1.87 -# write a 16 bits data
    1.88 -# usage: store16 offset data16 file
    1.89 -store16()
    1.90 +ddq() { dd $@ 2> /dev/null; }
    1.91 +
    1.92 +patch()
    1.93  {
    1.94 -	echo $(( $2 + 0x10000 )) | \
    1.95 -		awk '{ printf "\\\\x%02X\\\\x%02X",$1%256,($1/256)%256 }' | \
    1.96 -		xargs echo -en | \
    1.97 -	dd bs=2 conv=notrunc of=$3 seek=$(( $1 / 2 )) 2> /dev/null
    1.98 -	[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && printf "store16(%04X) = %04X\n" $1 $2 1>&2
    1.99 +	echo -en $(echo ":$2" | sed 's/:/\\x/g') | \
   1.100 +		ddq bs=1 conv=notrunc of=$3 seek=$((0x$1))
   1.101 +	[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo "patch $1 $2		$4" 1>&2
   1.102  }
   1.104 -# write a 32 bits data
   1.105 -# usage: storelong offset data32 file
   1.106 -storelong()
   1.107 +# usage: store bits offset data file
   1.108 +store()
   1.109  {
   1.110 -	echo $2 | awk '{ printf "\\\\x%02X\\\\x%02X\\\\x%02X\\\\x%02X",
   1.111 -		 $1%256,($1/256)%256,($1/256/256)%256,($1/256/256/256)%256 }' | \
   1.112 -		xargs echo -en | \
   1.113 -		dd bs=4 conv=notrunc of=$3 seek=$(( $1 / 4 )) 2> /dev/null
   1.114 -	[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && printf "storelong(%04X) = %08X\n" $1 $2 1>&2
   1.115 +	n=$3; for i in $(seq 8 8 $1); do
   1.116 +		printf '\\\\x%02X' $(($n & 255))
   1.117 +		n=$(($n >> 8))
   1.118 +	done | xargs echo -en | ddq bs=1 conv=notrunc of=$4 seek=$(($2))
   1.119 +	[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && printf "store%d(%03X) = %0$(($1/4))X	%s\n" $1 $2 $3 "$5" 1>&2
   1.120  }
   1.122 -# read a 32 bits data
   1.123  # usage: getlong offset file
   1.124  getlong()
   1.125  {
   1.126 -	dd if=$2 bs=1 skip=$(( $1 )) count=4 2> /dev/null | \
   1.127 -		hexdump -e '"" 1/4 "%d" "\n"'
   1.128 +	ddq if=$2 bs=1 skip=$(($1)) count=4 | hexdump -e '"" 1/4 "%d" "\n"'
   1.129 +}
   1.130 +
   1.131 +error()
   1.132 +{
   1.133 +	echo $@ 1>&2
   1.134 +	rm -f $bs
   1.135 +	exit 1
   1.136  }
   1.138  floppyset()
   1.139  {
   1.140  	# bzImage offsets
   1.141 -	CylinderCount=496
   1.142  	SetupSzOfs=497
   1.143  	FlagsOfs=498
   1.144 -	SyssizeOfs=500
   1.145  	VideoModeOfs=506
   1.146  	RootDevOfs=508
   1.147 -	CodeAdrOfs=0x214
   1.148 +	Magic=0x202
   1.149  	RamfsAdrOfs=0x218
   1.150  	RamfsLenOfs=0x21C
   1.151 -	ArgPtrOfs=0x228
   1.153  	# boot+setup address
   1.154  	SetupBase=0x90000
   1.156 -	stacktop=0x9E00
   1.157 -
   1.158  	bs=/tmp/bs$$
   1.160  	# Get and patch boot sector
   1.161 -	# See
   1.162 -	dd if=$KERNEL bs=512 count=1 of=$bs 2> /dev/null
   1.163 -	uudecode <<EOT | dd of=$bs conv=notrunc 2> /dev/null
   1.164 +	# See
   1.165 +	[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo "Read bootsector..." 1>&2
   1.166 +	ddq if=$KERNEL bs=512 count=1 of=$bs
   1.167 +
   1.168 +	[ $(( $(getlong 0x1FE $bs) & 0xFFFF )) -eq 43605 ] ||
   1.169 +		error "Not bootable"
   1.170 +	
   1.171 +	uudecode <<EOT | ddq of=$bs conv=notrunc
   1.172  begin-base64 644 -
   1.173 -/L+6nWgAkAcGF4n8McC5HQDzq1sfD6mg8X1ABlfFd3ixBvOlZWaPR3gGH8ZF
   1.174 -+D/6l1hB6DQBvgACA3QO6HYBWwseKAJ0LFNH6AoBXuhmAbAgzRCwCM0QTuhl
   1.175 -ATwIdAOIBK05NigCdPDoPgE8CnXgiHz+ieb/TBD/TBi/9AGBTRz/gMdFMACc
   1.176 -sBCxBUi0k4lEHLABiUQUmGaY0+BIZgMFZtPoaAAQB7+AACn4nHMCAccx21BW
   1.177 -6J4AXrkAgLSH/kQczRVYnXfcoRoCvxwCsQk4RBxyuJPNE+oAACCQsEYoyL7b
   1.179 -xQSwDyHoBJAnFEAn6IwA/s117LAgzRDitOiWAJjNE2FSUCjIdwKwAZg5+HIC
   1.180 -ifhQtALNE5VeWFpyoJVBjuGAxwJPdFFOdfSM4ZU4wXVFiMj+xrEBOOZ1O4j0
   1.181 -/sW2AID9UHIwOi7wAXIqtQBgvt4B/kQMU+gxAFvoOAB1FlKYzRO4AQLNE1rQ
   1.182 -1Dpk/nXqRgjkdeVh64sWB7AxLAO0DrsHAM0QPA1088OwDejv/6wIwHX4w79s
   1.183 -BLFbZQINuA0BZToNdArNFnT0mM0Wju9Hw1g6AEluc2VydCBkaXNrIDEuBw0A
   1.184 -AA==
   1.185 +/L+4nWgAkBeJ/BYHMcC5HgDzq1sfD6Gg8X1AxXd4BlexBvOlFh9kZo9HeMZF
   1.186 ++D/6l1hB6DwBvgACgUwQIIDGRCWbA3QO6GoBWwseKAJ0LFNH6AYBXuhaAbAg
   1.187 +zRCwCM0QTuhZATwIdAOIBK05NigCdPDoMgE8CnXgiHz+W4nm/0gQxkAVk4Dz
   1.188 +CHX0u/QBoRUCsQVmix9mS2bT60NoAAgHv4AAiXwTiUQbAfjR7yn7nHMCAd9Q
   1.189 +V1ZTMdvongBbXlmGzbSHFgfNFVidd9ChGQK7HAKxCTlEG3K6l80T6gAAIJCw
   1.190 +RijIvtgB6MoAXesjgPkTcgQ4wXdrgP4CcgQ45ndsYIH9AAZ0KgZSUVOWtAJQ
   1.192 +mDn4cgKJ+FC0As0TlV5YWnKglUGO6YDHAk90S0519IzplTjBdT+IyP7GsQE4
   1.193 +5nU1iPT+xYD9ULYAdSq1AGC+2wH+RAxT6C8AW+g2AHUWUpjNE7gBAs0TWtDU
   1.194 +OmT+depGCOR15WHrkbAxLAO0DrsHAM0QPA1088OwDejv/6wIwHX4w79sBLFb
   1.195 +ZAINuA0BZDoNdArNFnT0mM0WjudHw1g6AEluc2VydCBkaXNrIDEHDQA=
   1.196  ====
   1.197  EOT
   1.198 +	# Get setup
   1.199 +	setupsz=$(( $(getlong $SetupSzOfs $bs) & 0xFF ))
   1.200 +	if [ $setupsz -eq 0 ]; then
   1.201 +		setupsz=4
   1.202 +		store 8 $SetupSzOfs $setupsz $bs "setup size $setupsz"
   1.203 +	fi
   1.204 +	[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo "Read setup ($setupsz sectors) ..." 1>&2
   1.205 +	ddq if=$KERNEL bs=512 skip=1 count=$setupsz >> $bs
   1.207 -	# Get setup
   1.208 -	setupsz=$(getlong $SetupSzOfs $bs)
   1.209 -	setupszb=$(( $setupsz & 255 ))
   1.210 -	dd if=$KERNEL bs=512 skip=1 count=$setupszb 2> /dev/null >> $bs
   1.211 -
   1.212 -	if [ -n "$TRACKS" ]; then
   1.213 -		[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo -n "--tracks " 1>&2
   1.214 -		n=$(getlong $CylinderCount $bs)
   1.215 -		store16 $CylinderCount $(( ($n & -256) + $TRACKS )) $bs
   1.216 +	Version=$(( $(getlong 0x206 $bs) & 0xFFFF ))
   1.217 +	[ $(getlong $Magic $bs) -ne 1400005704 ] && Version=0
   1.218 +	feature=""
   1.219 +	while read prot kern info ; do
   1.220 +		[ $Version -lt $((0x$prot)) ] && continue
   1.221 +		feature="features $prot starting from kernel $kern "
   1.222 +	done <<EOT
   1.223 +200	1.3.73	kernel_version, bzImage, initrd, loadflags/type_of_loader
   1.224 +201	1.3.76	heap_end_ptr
   1.225 +202	2.4.0	new cmdline
   1.226 +204	2.6.14	long syssize
   1.227 +EOT
   1.228 +	[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && printf "Protocol %X $feature\n" $Version 1>&2
   1.229 +	
   1.230 +	# Old kernels need bootsector patches to disable rescent features
   1.231 +	while read minversion maxversion offset bytes rem; do
   1.232 +		[ $Version -gt $(( 0x$maxversion )) ] && continue
   1.233 +		[ $Version -lt $(( 0x$minversion )) ] && continue
   1.234 +		patch $offset $bytes $bs "$rem"
   1.235 +	done <<EOT
   1.236 +000 1FF 08D	B8:00:01			force zImage (movw \$0x100, %ax)
   1.237 +000 1FF 0CB	EB:0B				skip initrd code 
   1.238 +000 201 01E	EB:1E:00:00:00:00		room for the cmdline magic
   1.239 +000 201 036	BE:00:00:E8:76:01:EB:0A:06:57:B1:06:F3:A5:EB:DE	code in cmdline magic moved
   1.240 +000 1FF 039	90:90:90			no kernel version
   1.241 +000 201 04B	22:00				old cmdline ptr 1
   1.242 +000 201 06D	22:00				old cmdline ptr 2
   1.243 +000 203 1F6	00:00 				syssize32
   1.244 +200 FFF 210	FF				type_of_loader=FF
   1.245 +201 FFF 224	00:9B				heap_end_ptr
   1.246 +EOT
   1.247 +	if [ $Version -lt 514 ]; then
   1.248 +		version_string=$((0x200 + ($(getlong 0x20E $bs) & 65535) ))
   1.249 +		store	16	0x0037	$version_string	$bs version_string
   1.250  	fi
   1.251 -	if [ -n "$FLAGS" ]; then
   1.252 -		[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo -n "--flags " 1>&2
   1.253 -		store16 $FlagsOfs $FLAGS $bs
   1.254 +	if [ $Version -ge 512 -a $(getlong 0x214 $bs) -ge $((0x100000)) ]; then 
   1.255 +		patch	211	81	$bs	loadflags=can_use_heap+loadhigh
   1.256 +		patch	09D	10	$bs	LOADSEG=0x1000
   1.257 +		patch	0A0	00:01	$bs	LOADSZ=0x10000
   1.258  	fi
   1.259 -	if [ -n "$VIDEO" ]; then
   1.260 -		[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo -n "--video " 1>&2
   1.261 -		store16 $VideoModeOfs $VIDEO $bs
   1.262 -	fi
   1.263 -	if [ -n "$RDEV" ]; then
   1.264 -		if [ "$(dirname $RDEV)" == "/dev" -a -b $RDEV ]; then
   1.265 -			[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo -n "--rdev " 1>&2
   1.266 -			RDEV=$(stat -c '0x%02t%02T' $RDEV 2> /dev/null)
   1.267 -			store16 $RootDevOfs $RDEV $bs
   1.268 +	[ -n "$CMDLINE" ] || patch 04D EB $bs "No cmdline"
   1.269 +	[ -n "$NOEDIT" ] && patch 059 0D:46:EB:14 $bs 'mov CR,%al ; inc %si; jmp putal'
   1.270 +	[ 1$TRACKS -ne 180 ] &&	store	8	0x171		$TRACKS $bs TRACKS
   1.271 +	
   1.272 +	[ -n "$FLAGS" ] &&	store	16	$FlagsOfs	$FLAGS $bs FLAGS
   1.273 +	[ -n "$VIDEO" ] &&	store	16	$VideoModeOfs	$VIDEO $bs VIDEO
   1.274 +	[ -n "$RDEV" ] || case "$FORMAT" in
   1.275 +		1200)	RDEV=0x0208 ;;
   1.276 +		1440)	RDEV=0x021C ;;
   1.277 +		2880)	RDEV=0x0220 ;;
   1.278 +		*)	RDEV=0x0200 ;;
   1.279 +	esac
   1.280 +	while [ -L "$RDEV" ]; do RDEV="$(readlink "$RDEV")"; done
   1.281 +	[ -b "$RDEV" ] && RDEV=$(stat -c '0x%02t%02T' $RDEV 2> /dev/null)
   1.282 +	store 16 $RootDevOfs $RDEV $bs RDEV
   1.283 +	
   1.284 +	# Info text after setup
   1.285 +	if [ -s "$INFOFILE" ]; then
   1.286 +		patch	048	9a:00:00:00:90	$bs	lcall displayinfo
   1.287 +		uudecode >$bs.infotext <<EOT
   1.288 +begin-base64 644 -
   1.289 +MdsGYI7D6AAAXoHGSgCJ8MHoCUii8QGwDbQOuwcAzRCsPAx1I79sBLFbJgIN
   1.290 +uBsBJjoNdAnNFnT0mM0Wjsc8IHPjPBt0BuvPCMB1zWEHCx4oAss=
   1.291 +====
   1.292 +EOT
   1.293 +		cat "$INFOFILE" >>$bs.infotext
   1.294 +		if [ $Version -lt 514 ]; then
   1.295 +			store 16 0x050 0x0022 $bs.infotext 
   1.296  		fi
   1.297 +		ddq if=/dev/zero bs=512 count=1 >>$bs.infotext
   1.298 +		n=$(($(stat -c %s $bs.infotext)/512))
   1.299 +		ddq if=$bs.infotext count=$n bs=512 >> $bs
   1.300 +		rm -f $bs.infotext
   1.301 +		store 8 0x1F1  $(($setupsz+$n))	 $bs	update setup size
   1.302 +		store 8 0x04A  $((2+2*$setupsz)) $bs	update displayinfo call
   1.303  	fi
   1.305 -	# Store cmdline after setup
   1.306 +	# Store cmdline after setup for kernels >= 0.99
   1.307  	if [ -n "$CMDLINE" ]; then
   1.308 -		[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo -n "--cmdline '$CMDLINE' " 1>&2
   1.309 -		echo -n "$CMDLINE" | dd bs=512 count=1 conv=sync 2> /dev/null >> $bs
   1.310 -		storelong $ArgPtrOfs $(( $SetupBase + $stacktop )) $bs
   1.311 +		echo -n "$CMDLINE" | ddq bs=512 count=1 conv=sync >> $bs
   1.312 +		CmdlineOfs=0x9E00	# Should be in 0x8000 .. 0xA000
   1.313 +		ArgPtrOfs=0x228
   1.314 +		ArgPtrVal=$(( $SetupBase + $CmdlineOfs ))
   1.315 +		if [ $Version -lt 514 ]; then
   1.316 +			ArgPtrOfs=0x0020
   1.317 +			ArgPtrVal=$(( 0xA33F + ($CmdlineOfs << 16) ))
   1.318 +		fi
   1.319 +		store 32 $ArgPtrOfs $ArgPtrVal $bs "Cmdline '$CMDLINE'"
   1.320  	fi
   1.322 -	# Compute initramfs size
   1.323 +	# Compute initramfs size (protocol >= 2.00)
   1.324 +	[ $Version -lt 512 ] && INITRD=""
   1.325  	initrdlen=0
   1.326 +INITRDPAD=4
   1.327 +INITRDALIGN=0x1000
   1.328  	for i in $( echo $INITRD | sed 's/,/ /' ); do
   1.329  		[ -s "$i" ] || continue
   1.330 -		[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo "--initrd $i " 1>&2
   1.331 -		initrdlen=$(( ($initrdlen + $(stat -c %s $i) + 3) & -4 ))
   1.332 +		while [ -L "$i" ]; do i="$(readlink $i)"; done
   1.333 +		size=$(( ($(stat -c %s "$i") + $INITRDPAD - 1) & -$INITRDPAD ))
   1.334 +		[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo "initrd $i $size " 1>&2
   1.335 +		initrdlen=$(( $initrdlen + $size ))
   1.336 +		[ -n "$ADRSRD" ] || ADRSRD=$(( (($MEM * 0x100000) - $initrdlen) & -$INITRDALIGN ))
   1.337 +		store 32 $RamfsAdrOfs $(( $ADRSRD )) $bs initrd adrs
   1.338 +		store 32 $RamfsLenOfs $initrdlen $bs initrdlen
   1.339  	done
   1.340 -	if [ $initrdlen -ne 0 ]; then
   1.341 -		[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo "initrdlen = $initrdlen " 1>&2
   1.342 -		storelong $RamfsAdrOfs \
   1.343 -			$(( (0x1000000 - $initrdlen) & 0xFFFF0000 )) $bs
   1.344 -		storelong $RamfsLenOfs $initrdlen $bs
   1.345 -	fi
   1.346 +
   1.347 +	[ -n "$NOSYSSIZEFIX" ] || store 32 0x1F4 \
   1.348 +		$(( ($(stat -c %s $KERNEL)+15)/16 - ($setupsz+1)*32)) $bs fix system size
   1.350  	# Output boot sector + setup + cmdline
   1.351 -	dd if=$bs 2> /dev/null
   1.352 +	ddq if=$bs
   1.354  	# Output kernel code
   1.355 -	dd if=$KERNEL bs=512 skip=$(( $setupszb + 1 )) 2> /dev/null
   1.356 -
   1.357 -	# Pad to next sector
   1.358 -	Kpad=$(( 512 - ($(stat -c %s $KERNEL) & 511) ))
   1.359 -	[ $Kpad -eq 512 ] || dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=$Kpad 2> /dev/null
   1.360 +	syssz=$(( ($(getlong 0x1F4 $bs)+31)/32 ))
   1.361 +	cat $KERNEL /dev/zero | ddq bs=512 skip=$(( $setupsz+1 )) count=$syssz conv=sync
   1.363  	# Output initramfs
   1.364 -	padding=0
   1.365  	for i in $( echo $INITRD | sed 's/,/ /' ); do
   1.366  		[ -s "$i" ] || continue
   1.367 -		[ $padding -ne 0 ] && dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=$padding 2> /dev/null
   1.368 -		dd if=$i 2> /dev/null
   1.369 -		padding=$(( 4 - ($(stat -c %s $i) & 3) ))
   1.370 -		[ $padding -eq 4 ] && padding=0
   1.371 +		ddq if=$i
   1.372 +		padding=$(( $INITRDPAD - ($(stat -c %s $i) % $INITRDPAD) ))
   1.373 +		[ $padding -eq $INITRDPAD ] || ddq if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=$padding
   1.374  	done
   1.376  	# Cleanup
   1.377 @@ -199,14 +280,18 @@
   1.378  if [ "$FORMAT" == "0" ]; then # unsplitted
   1.379  	floppyset > $PREFIX
   1.380  	PAD=$(( 512 - ($(stat -c %s $PREFIX) % 512) ))
   1.381 -	[ $PAD -ne 512 ] && dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=$PAD >> $PREFIX 2> /dev/null
   1.382 +	[ $PAD -ne 512 ] && ddq if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=$PAD >> $PREFIX
   1.383  	exit
   1.384  fi
   1.385 +[ $FORMAT -lt 1440 ] && store 8 0xEF  16	 $bs	1.2M
   1.386 +[ $FORMAT -lt 1200 ] && store 8 0xEF  10	 $bs	720K
   1.387 +[ $FORMAT -lt 360  ] && store 8 0xEF  9		 $bs	320K
   1.388 +[ $FORMAT -lt 320  ] && store 8 0xF8  2		 $bs	160K
   1.389  floppyset | split -b ${FORMAT}k /dev/stdin floppy$$
   1.390  i=1
   1.391 -ls floppy$$* | while read file ; do
   1.392 +ls floppy$$* 2> /dev/null | while read file ; do
   1.393  	output=$PREFIX$(printf "%03d" $i)
   1.394 -	cat $file /dev/zero | dd bs=1k count=$FORMAT conv=sync of=$output 2> /dev/null
   1.395 +	cat $file /dev/zero | ddq bs=1k count=$FORMAT conv=sync of=$output
   1.396  	echo $output
   1.397  	rm -f $file
   1.398  	i=$(( $i + 1 ))
     2.1 --- a/mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/builder/index.php	Sat Jul 07 18:30:41 2012 +0200
     2.2 +++ b/mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/builder/index.php	Sat Jul 28 11:28:54 2012 +0200
     2.3 @@ -46,8 +46,8 @@
     2.4  	<meta name="description" content="slitaz boot floppies builder" />
     2.5  	<meta name="robots" content="index, nofollow" />
     2.6  	<meta name="author" content="SliTaz Contributors" />
     2.7 -	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/static/favicon.ico" />
     2.8 -	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/slitaz.css" />
     2.9 +	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="../static/favicon.ico" />
    2.10 +	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../static/slitaz.css" />
    2.11  	<style type="text/css">
    2.13  input[type=text] {
    2.14 @@ -80,9 +80,9 @@
    2.15  	<div id="logo"></div>
    2.16  	<div id="network">
    2.17  		<a href="">
    2.18 -		<img src="/static/network.png" alt="[ home ]" /></a>
    2.19 +		<img src="../static/home.png" alt="[ home ]" /></a>
    2.20  		<a href="bootloader" title="Build your floppy sets without Internet">Shell builder</a> |
    2.21 -		<a href="../../boot/floppy-grub4dos" title="Boot tools">Generic boot floppy</a>
    2.22 +		<a href="../floppy-grub4dos" title="Boot tools">Generic boot floppy</a>
    2.23  	</div>
    2.24  	<h1><a href="">Boot floppies builder</a></h1>
    2.25  </div>
    2.26 @@ -129,11 +129,12 @@
    2.28  	$size = 0;
    2.29  	$initrd_size = 0;
    2.30 +	$info_size = 0;
    2.32  	// Upload kernel
    2.34  	foreach($_FILES as $data) {
    2.35 -		$msg="The file ".$_FILES["kernel"]['name']." ";
    2.36 +		$msg="The file ".$data['name']." ";
    2.37  		switch ($data["error"]) {
    2.38  		case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE   : 
    2.39  			error($msg."exceeds upload_max_filesize.");
    2.40 @@ -162,24 +163,21 @@
    2.41  				   $tmp_dir."kernel");
    2.42  		$kernel = $tmp_dir."kernel";
    2.43  		$boot_version = get_long($kernel,0x206) & 255;
    2.44 +		if (get_long($kernel,0x202) != 0x53726448) // 'HdrS' magic
    2.45 +			$boot_version = 0;
    2.46  		$size = get_long($kernel,0x1F4);	// syssize paragraphs
    2.47  		if ($boot_version < 4) $size &= 0xFFFF;	// 16 bits before 2.4
    2.48  		$size = ($size + 0xFFF) & 0xFFFF000;	// round up to 64K
    2.49  		$size <<= 4;				// paragraphs -> bytes
    2.50 -		if (get_long($kernel,0x202) != 0x53726448 ||	// 'HdrS' magic
    2.51 -		    (get_long($kernel,0x211) & 1 != 1)) {	// bzImage flag
    2.52 -			error("The file ".$_FILES["kernel"]['name'].
    2.53 -			      " is not a bzImage Linux kernel.");
    2.54 -			$size = 0;
    2.55 -		}
    2.56 -		else if ($boot_version < 2 && $_POST['cmdline']) { // before 2.2
    2.57 -			unset($_POST['cmdline']);
    2.58 -			error("This boot loader does not support Linux kernel ".
    2.59 -			      "prior 2.4.0-test3-pre3 command line.",
    2.60 -			      "Warning");
    2.61 -		}
    2.62  		$msg = "The size of the file ".$_FILES["kernel"]['name'];
    2.63  	}
    2.64 +
    2.65 +	if ($size && isset($_FILES["info"]['tmp_name']) &&
    2.66 +	    is_uploaded_file($_FILES["info"]['tmp_name'])) {
    2.67 +		move_uploaded_file($_FILES["info"]['tmp_name'],
    2.68 +				   $tmp_dir."info");
    2.69 +		$info_size = $_FILES["info"]['size'];
    2.70 +	}
    2.72  	// Upload initrd
    2.74 @@ -213,9 +211,13 @@
    2.75  	else {
    2.76  		$cmd = "./bootloader ".$tmp_dir."kernel --prefix "
    2.77  		     . $tmp_dir."fd --format 0 --flags ".$_POST['flags']
    2.78 -		     . " --video ".$_POST['video'];
    2.79 +		     . " --video ".$_POST['video']." --mem ".$_POST['ram'];
    2.80 +		if ($_POST['edit'] == "")
    2.81 +			$cmd .= " --dont-edit-cmdline";
    2.82  		if ($_POST['cmdline'])
    2.83  			$cmd .= " --cmdline '".$_POST['cmdline']."'";
    2.84 +		if ($info_size)
    2.85 +			$cmd .= " --info ".$tmp_dir."info";
    2.86  		if (file_exists($_POST['rdev']))
    2.87  			$cmd .= " --rdev ".$_POST['rdev'];
    2.88  		if ($initrd_size)
    2.89 @@ -286,21 +288,26 @@
    2.90  <table>
    2.91  	<tr>
    2.92  	<td>Linux kernel:</td>
    2.93 -	<td><input type="file" name="kernel" size="25" /> <i>required</i></td>
    2.94 +	<td><input type="file" name="kernel" size="37" /> <i>required</i></td>
    2.95  	</tr>
    2.96  	<tr>
    2.97  	<td>Initramfs / Initrd:</td>
    2.98 -	<td><input type="file" name="initrd" size="25" /> <i>optional</i></td>
    2.99 +	<td><input type="file" name="initrd" size="37" /> <i>optional</i></td>
   2.100  	</tr>
   2.101  	<tr>
   2.102  	<td>Extra initramfs:</td>
   2.103 -	<td><input type="file" name="initrd2" size="25" /> <i>optional</i></td>
   2.104 +	<td><input type="file" name="initrd2" size="37" /> <i>optional</i></td>
   2.105 +	</tr>
   2.106 +	<tr>
   2.107 +	<td>Boot message:</td>
   2.108 +	<td><input type="file" name="info" size="37" /> <i>optional</i></td>
   2.109  	</tr>
   2.110  	<tr>
   2.111  	<td>Default cmdline:</td>
   2.112  	<td><input type="text" name="cmdline" size="36" <?php 
   2.113  		if (isset($_GET['cmdline'])) echo 'value="'.$_GET['cmdline'].'"';
   2.114 -	?>/> <i>optional</i></td>
   2.115 +	?>/> <input type="checkbox" name="edit" checked="checked" />edit
   2.116 +	<i>optional</i></td>
   2.117  	</tr>
   2.118  	<tr>
   2.119  	<td>Root device:</td>
   2.120 @@ -308,22 +315,85 @@
   2.121  		if (isset($_GET['rdev'])) echo $_GET['rdev'];
   2.122  		else echo "/dev/fd0";
   2.123  	?>" />
   2.124 -	&nbsp;&nbsp;Root flags: <select name="flags">
   2.125 +	&nbsp;&nbsp;Flags: <select name="flags">
   2.126  		<option value="1">R/O</option>
   2.127  		<option value="0" <?php
   2.128  			if (isset($_GET['rdev']) && $_GET['rdev'] == "0")
   2.129  				echo ' selected="selected"'
   2.130  		?>>R/W</option>
   2.131  	</select>
   2.132 -	&nbsp;&nbsp;VGA mode: <select name="video">
   2.133 +	&nbsp;&nbsp;VESA: <select name="video">
   2.134  		<?php
   2.135  			$selected=-1;
   2.136  			if (isset($_GET['video'])) $selected = $_GET['video'];
   2.137  			$options = array();
   2.138  			$options[-3] = "Ask";
   2.139 -			$options[-2] = "Ext";
   2.140 -			$options[-1] = "Std";
   2.141 -			for ($i = 0; $i < 64; $i++) $options[$i] = $i;
   2.142 +			$options[-2] = "Extended";
   2.143 +			$options[-1] = "Standard";
   2.144 +			for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) $options[$i] = $i;
   2.145 +			$options[0xF00] = "80x25";
   2.146 +			$options[0xF01] = "80x50";
   2.147 +			$options[0xF02] = "80x43";
   2.148 +			$options[0xF03] = "80x28";
   2.149 +			$options[0xF05] = "80x30";
   2.150 +			$options[0xF06] = "80x34";
   2.151 +			$options[0xF07] = "80x60";
   2.152 +			$options[0x30A] = "132x43";
   2.153 +			$options[0x309] = "132x25";
   2.154 +			$options[0x338] = "320x200x8"; // 382?
   2.155 +			$options[0x30D] = "320x200x15";
   2.156 +			$options[0x30E] = "320x200x16";
   2.157 +			$options[0x30F] = "320x200x24";
   2.158 +			$options[0x320] = "320x200x32";
   2.159 +			$options[0x332] = "320x240x8"; // 392?
   2.160 +			$options[0x393] = "320x240x15";
   2.161 +			$options[0x335] = "320x240x16";// 394?
   2.162 +			$options[0x395] = "320x240x24";
   2.163 +			$options[0x396] = "320x240x32";
   2.164 +			$options[0x333] = "400x300x8";// 3A2?
   2.165 +			$options[0x3A3] = "400x300x15";
   2.166 +			$options[0x336] = "400x300x16";// 3A4?
   2.167 +			$options[0x3A5] = "400x300x24";
   2.168 +			$options[0x3A6] = "400x300x32";
   2.169 +			$options[0x334] = "512x384x8";// 3B2?
   2.170 +			$options[0x3B3] = "512x384x15";
   2.171 +			$options[0x337] = "512x384x16";// 3B4?
   2.172 +			$options[0x3B5] = "512x384x24";
   2.173 +			$options[0x3B6] = "512x384x32";
   2.174 +			$options[0x3C2] = "640x350x8";
   2.175 +			$options[0x3C3] = "640x350x15";
   2.176 +			$options[0x3C4] = "640x350x16";
   2.177 +			$options[0x3C5] = "640x350x24";
   2.178 +			$options[0x3C6] = "640x350x32";
   2.179 +			$options[0x300] = "640x400x8";
   2.180 +			$options[0x383] = "640x400x15";
   2.181 +			$options[0x339] = "640x400x16";// 384?
   2.182 +			$options[0x385] = "640x400x24";
   2.183 +			$options[0x386] = "640x400x32";
   2.184 +			$options[0x301] = "640x480x8";
   2.185 +			$options[0x310] = "640x480x15";
   2.186 +			$options[0x311] = "640x480x16";
   2.187 +			$options[0x312] = "640x480x24";
   2.188 +			$options[0x33A] = "640x480x32";// 321?
   2.189 +			//$options[770] = "800x600x4";
   2.190 +			$options[0x303] = "800x600x8";
   2.191 +			$options[0x313] = "800x600x15";
   2.192 +			$options[0x314] = "800x600x16";
   2.193 +			$options[0x315] = "800x600x24";
   2.194 +			$options[0x33B] = "800x600x32";//322?
   2.195 +			//$options[772] = "1024x768x4";
   2.196 +			$options[0x305] = "1024x768x8";
   2.197 +			$options[0x316] = "1024x768x15";
   2.198 +			$options[0x317] = "1024x768x16";
   2.199 +			$options[0x318] = "1024x768x24";
   2.200 +			$options[0x33C] = "1024x768x32";//323?
   2.201 +			$options[0x307] = "1280x1024x8";
   2.202 +			$options[0x319] = "1280x1024x15";
   2.203 +			$options[0x31A] = "1280x1024x16";
   2.204 +			$options[0x31B] = "1280x1024x24";
   2.205 +			$options[0x33D] = "1280x1024x32";
   2.206 +			$options[0x330] = "1600x1200x8";
   2.207 +			$options[0x331] = "1600x1200x16";
   2.208  			foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
   2.209  				echo '<option value="'.$key.'"';
   2.210  				if ($key == $selected || $value == $selected)
   2.211 @@ -344,7 +414,13 @@
   2.212  		echo ">$value</option>\n";
   2.213  	}
   2.214  ?>
   2.215 -	</select>
   2.216 +	</select>&nbsp;
   2.217 +	RAM used&nbsp;<select name="ram">
   2.218 +<?php
   2.219 +	for ($i = 16; $i >= 4; $i--)
   2.220 +		echo "		<option value=\"$i\">$i MB</option>\n";
   2.221 +?>
   2.222 +	</select>&nbsp;
   2.223  		<input name="build" value="Build floppy set" type="submit" />
   2.224  	</td>
   2.225  	</tr>
   2.226 @@ -358,6 +434,9 @@
   2.227  <p>
   2.228  Note 2: the extra initramfs may be useful to add your own configuration files.
   2.229  </p>
   2.230 +<p>
   2.231 +Note 3: the keyboard is read for ESC or ENTER on every form feed (ASCII 12) in the boot message.
   2.232 +</p>
   2.233  EOT;
   2.234  	}
   2.235  	else {
   2.236 @@ -411,7 +490,7 @@
   2.237  <h4>How does it work ?</h4>
   2.238  <p>
   2.239  This tool updates the boot sector of your kernel with
   2.240 -<a href="">this patch</a>.
   2.241 +<a href="">this patch</a>.
   2.242  You may add a default cmdline and an initramfs. The cmdline can be edited at boot
   2.243  time but the keyboard is not mandatory.
   2.244  A <a href="bootloader"> standalone version</a> is available.
   2.245 @@ -421,6 +500,10 @@
   2.246  The result is split to fit the floppy size.
   2.247  The last floppy image is padded with zeros.
   2.248  </p>
   2.249 +<p>
   2.250 +You can extract the <u>kernel</u>, <u>cmdline</u> and <u>rootfs</u> files with 
   2.251 +<a href="../floppies">this tool</a> from the floppy images.
   2.252 +</p>
   2.253  </div>
   2.255  <!-- End of content with round corner -->
   2.256 @@ -439,10 +522,10 @@
   2.257  <!-- End of copy -->
   2.258  </div>
   2.260 -<!-- Bottom and logos -->
   2.261 +<!-- Bottom and logo's -->
   2.262  <div id="bottom">
   2.263  <p>
   2.264 -<a href=""><img src="/static/xhtml10.png" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0" title="Code validé XHTML 1.0" style="width: 80px; height: 15px;" /></a>
   2.265 +<a href=""><img src="../static/xhtml10.png" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0" title="Code validé XHTML 1.0" style="width: 80px; height: 15px;" /></a>
   2.266  </p>
   2.267  </div>
     3.1 --- a/mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/download.php	Sat Jul 07 18:30:41 2012 +0200
     3.2 +++ b/mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/download.php	Sat Jul 28 11:28:54 2012 +0200
     3.3 @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
     3.4  	<div id="network">
     3.5  		<a href="">
     3.6  		<img src="/css/pics/network.png" alt="network.png" /></a>
     3.7 -		<a href="../boot/floppy-grub4dos" title="Boot tools">Generic boot floppy</a> |
     3.8 +		<a href="floppy-grub4dos" title="Boot tools">Generic boot floppy</a> |
     3.9  		<a href="" title="SliTaz in one floppy !">Tiny SliTaz</a> |
    3.10  		<a href="index-loram.html" title="Floppy image sets for low ram systems">Loram floppies</a> |
    3.11  		<a href="builder/index.php" title="Build floppies with your own kernel and initramfs">Floppy set web builder</a> |
    3.12 @@ -104,6 +104,8 @@
    3.13  	<div id="block_info">
    3.14  		<h4>Available boot floppies</h4>
    3.15  		<ul>
    3.16 +	<li><a href="index-4.0.html">SliTaz 4.0</a></li>
    3.17 +	<li><a href="index-loram-4.0.html">SliTaz loram 4.0</a></li>
    3.18  	<li><a href="index-3.0.html">SliTaz 3.0</a></li>
    3.19  	<li><a href="index-loram-3.0.html">SliTaz loram 3.0</a></li>
    3.20  	<li><a href="index-2.0.html">SliTaz 2.0</a></li>
    3.21 @@ -150,7 +152,7 @@
    3.22  <!-- End of copy -->
    3.23  </div>
    3.25 -<!-- Bottom and logos -->
    3.26 +<!-- Bottom and logo's -->
    3.27  <div id="bottom">
    3.28  <p>
    3.29  <a href=""><img src="../css/pics/website/xhtml10.png" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0" title="Code validé XHTML 1.0" style="width: 80px; height: 15px;" /></a>
     4.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/floppy-grub4dos	Sat Jul 28 11:28:54 2012 +0200
     4.3 @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
     4.4 +../boot/floppy-grub4dos
     4.5 \ No newline at end of file
     5.1 --- a/mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/index-1.0.html	Sat Jul 07 18:30:41 2012 +0200
     5.2 +++ b/mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/index-1.0.html	Sat Jul 28 11:28:54 2012 +0200
     5.3 @@ -4,12 +4,17 @@
     5.4  <head>
     5.5  	<title>SliTaz Boot Floppies</title>
     5.6  	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
     5.7 -	<meta name="description" content="slitaz boot floppies" />
     5.8 +	<meta name="description" content="slitaz boot floppies 1.0" />
     5.9  	<meta name="robots" content="index, nofollow" />
    5.10  	<meta name="author" content="SliTaz Contributors" />
    5.11 -	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="../css/favicon.ico" />
    5.12 -	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/slitaz.css" />
    5.13 +	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="static/favicon.ico" />
    5.14 +	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="static/slitaz.css" />
    5.15 +	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="menu.css" />
    5.16  	<style type="text/css">
    5.17 +table {
    5.18 +	background-color: inherit;
    5.19 +	margin: 10px 0px 0px 0px;
    5.20 +}
    5.21  #copy {
    5.22  	text-align: center;
    5.23  }
    5.24 @@ -26,15 +31,48 @@
    5.25      <a name="top"></a>
    5.26  	<div id="logo"></div>
    5.27  	<div id="network">
    5.28 +	    <ul id="menu">
    5.29 +	      <li>
    5.30  		<a href="">
    5.31 -		<img src="/css/pics/network.png" alt="network.png" /></a>
    5.32 -		<a href="../boot/floppy-grub4dos" title="Boot tools">Generic boot floppy</a> |
    5.33 -		<a href="" title="SliTaz in one floppy !">Tiny SliTaz</a> |
    5.34 -		<a href="index-loram.html" title="Floppy image sets for low ram systems">Loram floppies</a> |
    5.35 -		<a href="builder/index.php" title="Build floppies with your own kernel and initramfs">Floppy set web builder</a> |
    5.36 -		<a href="builder/bootloader" title="Build your floppy sets without Internet">Shell builder</a>
    5.37 +		<img src="static/home.png" alt="[ home ]" /></a>
    5.38 +	      </li>
    5.39 +	      <li>
    5.40 +		<a href="floppy-grub4dos" title="Boot tools">Generic boot floppy</a>
    5.41 +	      </li>
    5.42 +	      <li>
    5.43 +		<a href="" title="SliTaz in one floppy and 8Mb RAM">Tiny SliTaz</a>
    5.44 +	        <ul>
    5.45 +		  <li>
    5.46 +		    <a href="index-4.0.html" title="Released on 10 April 2012, needs 192Mb RAM">SliTaz 4.0</a>
    5.47 +		  </li>
    5.48 +		  <li>
    5.49 +		    <a href="index-loram-4.0.html" title="Released on 10 April 2012, needs 128Mb RAM">SliTaz loram 4.0</a>
    5.50 +		  </li>
    5.51 +		  <li>
    5.52 +		    <a href="index-3.0.html" title="Released on 28 March 2010, needs 144Mb RAM">SliTaz 3.0</a>
    5.53 +		  </li>
    5.54 +		  <li>
    5.55 +		    <a href="index-loram-3.0.html" title="Released on 28 March 2010, needs 80b RAM">SliTaz loram 3.0</a>
    5.56 +		  </li>
    5.57 +		  <li>
    5.58 +		    <a href="index-2.0.html" title="Released on 16 April 2009, needs 144Mb RAM">SliTaz 2.0</a>
    5.59 +		  </li>
    5.60 +		  <li>
    5.61 +		    <a href="index-1.0.html" title="Released on 22 March 2008, needs 128Mb RAM">SliTaz 1.0</a>
    5.62 +		  </li>
    5.63 +		</ul>
    5.64 +	      </li>
    5.65 +	      <li>
    5.66 +		<a href="builder/index.php" title="Build floppies with your own kernel and initramfs">Floppy set builder</a>
    5.67 +	        <ul>
    5.68 +        	  <li>
    5.69 +		  <a href="builder/bootloader" title="Build your floppy sets without Internet">Standalone shell</a>
    5.70 +        	  </li>
    5.71 +	        </ul>
    5.72 +	      </li>
    5.73 +	    </ul>
    5.74  	</div>
    5.75 -	<h1><a href="">Boot floppies</a></h1>
    5.76 +	<h1><a href="">Boot&nbsp;floppies&nbsp;1.0</a></h1>
    5.77  </div>   
    5.79  <!-- Block -->
    5.80 @@ -79,8 +117,10 @@
    5.81  	<div id="block_info">
    5.82  		<h4>Available boot floppies</h4>
    5.83  		<ul>
    5.84 -	<li><a href="index-3.0.html">SliTaz 3.0</a></li>
    5.85 -	<li><a href="index-loram-3.0.html">SliTaz loram 3.0</a></li>
    5.86 +	<li><a href="index-4.0.html">SliTaz 4.0</a>
    5.87 +	<a href="index-loram-4.0.html">loram</a></li>
    5.88 +	<li><a href="index-3.0.html">SliTaz 3.0</a>
    5.89 +	<a href="index-loram-3.0.html">loram</a></li>
    5.90  	<li><a href="index-2.0.html">SliTaz 2.0</a></li>
    5.91  	<li><a href="index-1.0.html">SliTaz 1.0</a></li>
    5.92  		</ul>
    5.93 @@ -112,10 +152,10 @@
    5.94  first. This 1.44Mb floppy provides tiny programs to boot these devices without BIOS
    5.95  support and some other tools.
    5.96  </p>
    5.97 -
    5.98 +<p>
    5.99  Start your computer with <i>fd001.img</i>. It will show the kernel version string and
   5.100  the kernel cmdline line. You can edit the cmdline. Most users can just press Enter.
   5.101 -
   5.102 +</p>
   5.103  <p>
   5.104  The floppy is then loaded into memory (one dot each 64k) and you will be prompted to
   5.105  insert the next floppy, <i>fd002.img</i>.
   5.106 @@ -128,6 +168,11 @@
   5.107  Each floppy set detects disk swaps and can be used without a keyboard.
   5.108  </p>
   5.109  <p>
   5.110 +If you have an ext3 partition on your hard disk, the bootstrap can create the
   5.111 +installation script <u>slitaz/</u>. You will be able to install SliTaz
   5.112 +on your hard disk without extra media.
   5.113 +</p>
   5.114 +<p>
   5.115  Good luck.
   5.116  </p>
   5.118 @@ -136,24 +181,54 @@
   5.120  <form method="post" action="">
   5.121  <p>
   5.122 -You may need these images to
   5.123 +The floppy image set above includes an embedded installer and can install
   5.124 +SliTaz on your hard disk.
   5.125 +</p>
   5.126 +<p>
   5.127 +Anyway you may want these ISO images to
   5.128  <a href="">
   5.129  install SliTaz</a>
   5.130  <select name="iso">
   5.131 -	<option value="iso/rolling/slitaz-core.iso">core rolling</option>
   5.132 -	<option value="iso/cooking/slitaz-cooking.iso">core cooking</option>
   5.133 -	<option value="iso/cooking/flavors/slitaz-cooking-base.iso">base cooking</option>
   5.134 -	<option value="iso/cooking/flavors/slitaz-cooking-loram.iso">loram cooking</option>
   5.135 -	<option value="iso/cooking/flavors/slitaz-cooking-firefox.iso">firefox cooking</option>
   5.136 -	<option value="iso/3.0/slitaz-3.0.iso" selected="selected">core 3.0</option>
   5.137 -	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-base.iso">base 3.0</option>
   5.138 -	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-loram.iso">loram 3.0</option>
   5.139 -	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-firefox.iso">firefox 3.0</option>
   5.140 -	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-xvesa.iso">xvesa 3.0</option>
   5.141 -	<option value="iso/2.0/slitaz-2.0.iso">core 2.0</option>
   5.142 -	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-2.0-base.iso">base 2.0</option>
   5.143 -	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-loram.iso">loram 2.0</option>
   5.144 -	<option value="iso/1.0/slitaz-1.0.iso" selected="selected">core 1.0</option>
   5.145 +	<option value="iso/1.0/flavors/slitaz-loram-cdrom-1.0.iso">cdrom 1.0 loram</option>
   5.146 +	<option value="iso/1.0/slitaz-1.0.iso">core  1.0</option>
   5.147 +	<option value="iso/1.0/slitaz-stable.iso">core  stable</option>
   5.148 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-2.0-base.iso">base  2.0</option>
   5.149 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-2.0-justX.iso">justX  2.0</option>
   5.150 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-loram-cdrom.iso">cdrom  loram</option>
   5.151 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-loram-cdrom-sqfs.iso">cdrom sqfs loram</option>
   5.152 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-loram.iso">core  loram</option>
   5.153 +	<option value="iso/2.0/slitaz-2.0.iso">core  2.0</option>
   5.154 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-3in1.iso">3in1  3.0</option>
   5.155 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-base.iso">base  3.0</option>
   5.156 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-firefox.iso">firefox  3.0</option>
   5.157 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-justx.iso">justx  3.0</option>
   5.158 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-loram-cdrom.iso">loram cdrom 3.0</option>
   5.159 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-loram.iso">loram  3.0</option>
   5.160 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-xvesa.iso">xvesa  3.0</option>
   5.161 +	<option value="iso/3.0/slitaz-3.0.iso">core  3.0</option>
   5.162 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-base.iso">base  4.0</option>
   5.163 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-core.iso">core  4.0</option>
   5.164 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-firefox.iso">firefox  4.0</option>
   5.165 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-justx.iso">justx  4.0</option>
   5.166 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-loram-cdrom.iso">loram cdrom 4.0</option>
   5.167 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-loram.iso">loram  4.0</option>
   5.168 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-preinit.iso">preinit  4.0</option>
   5.169 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-proxy.iso">proxy  4.0</option>
   5.170 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-xorg-light.iso">xorg light 4.0</option>
   5.171 +	<option value="iso/4.0/slitaz-4.0.iso">core  4.0</option>
   5.172 +	<option value="iso/cooking/slitaz-cooking.iso">core  cooking</option>
   5.173 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-base.iso">base  4.0</option>
   5.174 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-core.iso">core  4.0</option>
   5.175 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-firefox.iso">firefox  4.0</option>
   5.176 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-justx.iso">justx  4.0</option>
   5.177 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-loram-cdrom.iso">loram cdrom 4.0</option>
   5.178 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-loram.iso">loram  4.0</option>
   5.179 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-preinit.iso">preinit  4.0</option>
   5.180 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-proxy.iso">proxy  4.0</option>
   5.181 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-xorg-light.iso">xorg light 4.0</option>
   5.182 +	<option value="iso/stable/slitaz-4.0.iso">core  4.0</option>
   5.183 +	<option value="iso/tank/slitaz-tank-2012-01-24.iso">2012 01 tank</option>
   5.184 +	<option value="iso/vintage/slitaz-cooking-20071204.iso">20071204  cooking</option>
   5.185  </select>
   5.186  <input name="build" value="Build floppy set" type="submit" />
   5.187  </p>
   5.188 @@ -171,8 +246,10 @@
   5.189  <h2>Images generation</h2>
   5.190  <p>
   5.191  All these floppy images are built with <b>bootfloppybox</b> from
   5.192 -a <i>core</i> or a <i>3in1</i> iso. The <i>loram</i> is preprocessed by
   5.193 +a <i>core</i> or a <i>4in1</i> iso. The <i>loram</i> is preprocessed by
   5.194  <b>tazlitobox</b> (Low RAM tab). These tools are available since 3.0.
   5.195 +You can extract the <u>kernel</u>, <u>cmdline</u> and <u>rootfs</u> files with 
   5.196 +<a href="floppies">this tool</a>
   5.197  </p>
   5.199  <!-- End of content with round corner -->
   5.200 @@ -194,7 +271,7 @@
   5.201  <!-- Bottom and logo's -->
   5.202  <div id="bottom">
   5.203  <p>
   5.204 -<a href=""><img src="../css/pics/website/xhtml10.png" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0" title="Code validé XHTML 1.0" style="width: 80px; height: 15px;" /></a>
   5.205 +<a href=""><img src="static/xhtml10.png" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0" title="Code validé XHTML 1.0" style="width: 80px; height: 15px;" /></a>
   5.206  </p>
   5.207  </div>
     6.1 --- a/mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/index-2.0.html	Sat Jul 07 18:30:41 2012 +0200
     6.2 +++ b/mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/index-2.0.html	Sat Jul 28 11:28:54 2012 +0200
     6.3 @@ -4,12 +4,17 @@
     6.4  <head>
     6.5  	<title>SliTaz Boot Floppies</title>
     6.6  	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
     6.7 -	<meta name="description" content="slitaz boot floppies" />
     6.8 +	<meta name="description" content="slitaz boot floppies 2.0" />
     6.9  	<meta name="robots" content="index, nofollow" />
    6.10  	<meta name="author" content="SliTaz Contributors" />
    6.11 -	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="../css/favicon.ico" />
    6.12 -	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/slitaz.css" />
    6.13 +	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="static/favicon.ico" />
    6.14 +	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="static/slitaz.css" />
    6.15 +	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="menu.css" />
    6.16  	<style type="text/css">
    6.17 +table {
    6.18 +	background-color: inherit;
    6.19 +	margin: 10px 0px 0px 0px;
    6.20 +}
    6.21  #copy {
    6.22  	text-align: center;
    6.23  }
    6.24 @@ -26,15 +31,48 @@
    6.25      <a name="top"></a>
    6.26  	<div id="logo"></div>
    6.27  	<div id="network">
    6.28 +	    <ul id="menu">
    6.29 +	      <li>
    6.30  		<a href="">
    6.31 -		<img src="/css/pics/network.png" alt="network.png" /></a>
    6.32 -		<a href="../boot/floppy-grub4dos" title="Boot tools">Generic boot floppy</a> |
    6.33 -		<a href="" title="SliTaz in one floppy !">Tiny SliTaz</a> |
    6.34 -		<a href="index-loram.html" title="Floppy image sets for low ram systems">Loram floppies</a> |
    6.35 -		<a href="builder/index.php" title="Build floppies with your own kernel and initramfs">Floppy set web builder</a> |
    6.36 -		<a href="builder/bootloader" title="Build your floppy sets without Internet">Shell builder</a>
    6.37 +		<img src="static/home.png" alt="[ home ]" /></a>
    6.38 +	      </li>
    6.39 +	      <li>
    6.40 +		<a href="floppy-grub4dos" title="Boot tools">Generic boot floppy</a>
    6.41 +	      </li>
    6.42 +	      <li>
    6.43 +		<a href="" title="SliTaz in one floppy and 8Mb RAM">Tiny SliTaz</a>
    6.44 +	        <ul>
    6.45 +		  <li>
    6.46 +		    <a href="index-4.0.html" title="Released on 10 April 2012, needs 192Mb RAM">SliTaz 4.0</a>
    6.47 +		  </li>
    6.48 +		  <li>
    6.49 +		    <a href="index-loram-4.0.html" title="Released on 10 April 2012, needs 128Mb RAM">SliTaz loram 4.0</a>
    6.50 +		  </li>
    6.51 +		  <li>
    6.52 +		    <a href="index-3.0.html" title="Released on 28 March 2010, needs 144Mb RAM">SliTaz 3.0</a>
    6.53 +		  </li>
    6.54 +		  <li>
    6.55 +		    <a href="index-loram-3.0.html" title="Released on 28 March 2010, needs 80b RAM">SliTaz loram 3.0</a>
    6.56 +		  </li>
    6.57 +		  <li>
    6.58 +		    <a href="index-2.0.html" title="Released on 16 April 2009, needs 144Mb RAM">SliTaz 2.0</a>
    6.59 +		  </li>
    6.60 +		  <li>
    6.61 +		    <a href="index-1.0.html" title="Released on 22 March 2008, needs 128Mb RAM">SliTaz 1.0</a>
    6.62 +		  </li>
    6.63 +		</ul>
    6.64 +	      </li>
    6.65 +	      <li>
    6.66 +		<a href="builder/index.php" title="Build floppies with your own kernel and initramfs">Floppy set builder</a>
    6.67 +	        <ul>
    6.68 +        	  <li>
    6.69 +		  <a href="builder/bootloader" title="Build your floppy sets without Internet">Standalone shell</a>
    6.70 +        	  </li>
    6.71 +	        </ul>
    6.72 +	      </li>
    6.73 +	    </ul>
    6.74  	</div>
    6.75 -	<h1><a href="">Boot floppies</a></h1>
    6.76 +	<h1><a href="">Boot&nbsp;floppies&nbsp;2.0</a></h1>
    6.77  </div>   
    6.79  <!-- Block -->
    6.80 @@ -85,8 +123,10 @@
    6.81  	<div id="block_info">
    6.82  		<h4>Available boot floppies</h4>
    6.83  		<ul>
    6.84 -	<li><a href="index-3.0.html">SliTaz 3.0</a></li>
    6.85 -	<li><a href="index-loram-3.0.html">SliTaz loram 3.0</a></li>
    6.86 +	<li><a href="index-4.0.html">SliTaz 4.0</a>
    6.87 +	<a href="index-loram-4.0.html">loram</a></li>
    6.88 +	<li><a href="index-3.0.html">SliTaz 3.0</a>
    6.89 +	<a href="index-loram-3.0.html">loram</a></li>
    6.90  	<li><a href="index-2.0.html">SliTaz 2.0</a></li>
    6.91  	<li><a href="index-1.0.html">SliTaz 1.0</a></li>
    6.92  		</ul>
    6.93 @@ -120,7 +160,8 @@
    6.94  </p>
    6.95  <p>
    6.96  You can start with one of the 3 following flavors :
    6.97 -</p><ul>
    6.98 +</p>
    6.99 +<ul>
   6.100    <li>
   6.101    <b>base</b> needs 32Mb of RAM and 5 floppies: <i>fd001.img</i> to <i>fd005.img</i>.<br />
   6.102    base provides the minimum slitaz distribution subset in text mode. 
   6.103 @@ -134,10 +175,10 @@
   6.104    core provides the default slitaz distribution. 
   6.105    </li>
   6.106  </ul>
   6.107 -
   6.108 +<p>
   6.109  Start your computer with <i>fd001.img</i>. It will show the kernel version string and
   6.110  the kernel cmdline line. You can edit the cmdline. Most users can just press Enter.
   6.111 -
   6.112 +</p>
   6.113  <p>
   6.114  The floppy is then loaded into memory (one dot each 64k) and you will be prompted to
   6.115  insert the next floppy, <i>fd002.img</i>. And so on up to <i>fd005.img</i>.
   6.116 @@ -150,6 +191,11 @@
   6.117  Each floppy set detects disk swaps and can be used without a keyboard.
   6.118  </p>
   6.119  <p>
   6.120 +If you have an ext3 partition on your hard disk, the bootstrap can create the
   6.121 +installation script <u>slitaz/</u>. You will be able to install SliTaz
   6.122 +on your hard disk without extra media.
   6.123 +</p>
   6.124 +<p>
   6.125  Good luck.
   6.126  </p>
   6.128 @@ -158,24 +204,54 @@
   6.130  <form method="post" action="">
   6.131  <p>
   6.132 -You may need these images to
   6.133 +The floppy image set above includes an embedded installer and can install
   6.134 +SliTaz on your hard disk.
   6.135 +</p>
   6.136 +<p>
   6.137 +Anyway you may want these ISO images to
   6.138  <a href="">
   6.139  install SliTaz</a>
   6.140  <select name="iso">
   6.141 -	<option value="iso/rolling/slitaz-core.iso">core rolling</option>
   6.142 -	<option value="iso/cooking/slitaz-cooking.iso">core cooking</option>
   6.143 -	<option value="iso/cooking/flavors/slitaz-cooking-base.iso">base cooking</option>
   6.144 -	<option value="iso/cooking/flavors/slitaz-cooking-loram.iso">loram cooking</option>
   6.145 -	<option value="iso/cooking/flavors/slitaz-cooking-firefox.iso">firefox cooking</option>
   6.146 -	<option value="iso/3.0/slitaz-3.0.iso" selected="selected">core 3.0</option>
   6.147 -	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-base.iso">base 3.0</option>
   6.148 -	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-loram.iso">loram 3.0</option>
   6.149 -	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-firefox.iso">firefox 3.0</option>
   6.150 -	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-xvesa.iso">xvesa 3.0</option>
   6.151 -	<option value="iso/2.0/slitaz-2.0.iso" selected="selected">core 2.0</option>
   6.152 -	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-2.0-base.iso">base 2.0</option>
   6.153 -	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-loram.iso">loram 2.0</option>
   6.154 -	<option value="iso/1.0/slitaz-1.0.iso">core 1.0</option>
   6.155 +	<option value="iso/1.0/flavors/slitaz-loram-cdrom-1.0.iso">cdrom 1.0 loram</option>
   6.156 +	<option value="iso/1.0/slitaz-1.0.iso">core  1.0</option>
   6.157 +	<option value="iso/1.0/slitaz-stable.iso">core  stable</option>
   6.158 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-2.0-base.iso">base  2.0</option>
   6.159 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-2.0-justX.iso">justX  2.0</option>
   6.160 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-loram-cdrom.iso">cdrom  loram</option>
   6.161 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-loram-cdrom-sqfs.iso">cdrom sqfs loram</option>
   6.162 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-loram.iso">core  loram</option>
   6.163 +	<option value="iso/2.0/slitaz-2.0.iso">core  2.0</option>
   6.164 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-3in1.iso">3in1  3.0</option>
   6.165 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-base.iso">base  3.0</option>
   6.166 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-firefox.iso">firefox  3.0</option>
   6.167 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-justx.iso">justx  3.0</option>
   6.168 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-loram-cdrom.iso">loram cdrom 3.0</option>
   6.169 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-loram.iso">loram  3.0</option>
   6.170 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-xvesa.iso">xvesa  3.0</option>
   6.171 +	<option value="iso/3.0/slitaz-3.0.iso">core  3.0</option>
   6.172 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-base.iso">base  4.0</option>
   6.173 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-core.iso">core  4.0</option>
   6.174 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-firefox.iso">firefox  4.0</option>
   6.175 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-justx.iso">justx  4.0</option>
   6.176 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-loram-cdrom.iso">loram cdrom 4.0</option>
   6.177 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-loram.iso">loram  4.0</option>
   6.178 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-preinit.iso">preinit  4.0</option>
   6.179 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-proxy.iso">proxy  4.0</option>
   6.180 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-xorg-light.iso">xorg light 4.0</option>
   6.181 +	<option value="iso/4.0/slitaz-4.0.iso">core  4.0</option>
   6.182 +	<option value="iso/cooking/slitaz-cooking.iso">core  cooking</option>
   6.183 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-base.iso">base  4.0</option>
   6.184 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-core.iso">core  4.0</option>
   6.185 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-firefox.iso">firefox  4.0</option>
   6.186 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-justx.iso">justx  4.0</option>
   6.187 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-loram-cdrom.iso">loram cdrom 4.0</option>
   6.188 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-loram.iso">loram  4.0</option>
   6.189 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-preinit.iso">preinit  4.0</option>
   6.190 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-proxy.iso">proxy  4.0</option>
   6.191 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-xorg-light.iso">xorg light 4.0</option>
   6.192 +	<option value="iso/stable/slitaz-4.0.iso">core  4.0</option>
   6.193 +	<option value="iso/tank/slitaz-tank-2012-01-24.iso">2012 01 tank</option>
   6.194 +	<option value="iso/vintage/slitaz-cooking-20071204.iso">20071204  cooking</option>
   6.195  </select>
   6.196  <input name="build" value="Build floppy set" type="submit" />
   6.197  </p>
   6.198 @@ -193,8 +269,10 @@
   6.199  <h2>Images generation</h2>
   6.200  <p>
   6.201  All these floppy images are built with <b>bootfloppybox</b> from
   6.202 -a <i>core</i> or a <i>3in1</i> iso. The <i>loram</i> is preprocessed by
   6.203 +a <i>core</i> or a <i>4in1</i> iso. The <i>loram</i> is preprocessed by
   6.204  <b>tazlitobox</b> (Low RAM tab). These tools are available since 3.0.
   6.205 +You can extract the <u>kernel</u>, <u>cmdline</u> and <u>rootfs</u> files with 
   6.206 +<a href="floppies">this tool</a>
   6.207  </p>
   6.209  <!-- End of content with round corner -->
   6.210 @@ -216,7 +294,7 @@
   6.211  <!-- Bottom and logo's -->
   6.212  <div id="bottom">
   6.213  <p>
   6.214 -<a href=""><img src="../css/pics/website/xhtml10.png" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0" title="Code validé XHTML 1.0" style="width: 80px; height: 15px;" /></a>
   6.215 +<a href=""><img src="static/xhtml10.png" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0" title="Code validé XHTML 1.0" style="width: 80px; height: 15px;" /></a>
   6.216  </p>
   6.217  </div>
     7.1 --- a/mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/index-3.0.html	Sat Jul 07 18:30:41 2012 +0200
     7.2 +++ b/mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/index-3.0.html	Sat Jul 28 11:28:54 2012 +0200
     7.3 @@ -4,12 +4,17 @@
     7.4  <head>
     7.5  	<title>SliTaz Boot Floppies</title>
     7.6  	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
     7.7 -	<meta name="description" content="slitaz boot floppies" />
     7.8 +	<meta name="description" content="slitaz boot floppies 3.0" />
     7.9  	<meta name="robots" content="index, nofollow" />
    7.10  	<meta name="author" content="SliTaz Contributors" />
    7.11 -	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="../css/favicon.ico" />
    7.12 -	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/slitaz.css" />
    7.13 +	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="static/favicon.ico" />
    7.14 +	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="static/slitaz.css" />
    7.15 +	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="menu.css" />
    7.16  	<style type="text/css">
    7.17 +table {
    7.18 +	background-color: inherit;
    7.19 +	margin: 10px 0px 0px 0px;
    7.20 +}
    7.21  #copy {
    7.22  	text-align: center;
    7.23  }
    7.24 @@ -26,15 +31,48 @@
    7.25      <a name="top"></a>
    7.26  	<div id="logo"></div>
    7.27  	<div id="network">
    7.28 +	    <ul id="menu">
    7.29 +	      <li>
    7.30  		<a href="">
    7.31 -		<img src="/css/pics/network.png" alt="network.png" /></a>
    7.32 -		<a href="../boot/floppy-grub4dos" title="Boot tools">Generic boot floppy</a> |
    7.33 -		<a href="" title="SliTaz in one floppy !">Tiny SliTaz</a> |
    7.34 -		<a href="index-loram.html" title="Floppy image sets for low ram systems">Loram floppies</a> |
    7.35 -		<a href="builder/index.php" title="Build floppies with your own kernel and initramfs">Floppy set web builder</a> |
    7.36 -		<a href="builder/bootloader" title="Build your floppy sets without Internet">Shell builder</a>
    7.37 +		<img src="static/home.png" alt="[ home ]" /></a>
    7.38 +	      </li>
    7.39 +	      <li>
    7.40 +		<a href="floppy-grub4dos" title="Boot tools">Generic boot floppy</a>
    7.41 +	      </li>
    7.42 +	      <li>
    7.43 +		<a href="" title="SliTaz in one floppy and 8Mb RAM">Tiny SliTaz</a>
    7.44 +	        <ul>
    7.45 +		  <li>
    7.46 +		    <a href="index-4.0.html" title="Released on 10 April 2012, needs 192Mb RAM">SliTaz 4.0</a>
    7.47 +		  </li>
    7.48 +		  <li>
    7.49 +		    <a href="index-loram-4.0.html" title="Released on 10 April 2012, needs 128Mb RAM">SliTaz loram 4.0</a>
    7.50 +		  </li>
    7.51 +		  <li>
    7.52 +		    <a href="index-3.0.html" title="Released on 28 March 2010, needs 144Mb RAM">SliTaz 3.0</a>
    7.53 +		  </li>
    7.54 +		  <li>
    7.55 +		    <a href="index-loram-3.0.html" title="Released on 28 March 2010, needs 80b RAM">SliTaz loram 3.0</a>
    7.56 +		  </li>
    7.57 +		  <li>
    7.58 +		    <a href="index-2.0.html" title="Released on 16 April 2009, needs 144Mb RAM">SliTaz 2.0</a>
    7.59 +		  </li>
    7.60 +		  <li>
    7.61 +		    <a href="index-1.0.html" title="Released on 22 March 2008, needs 128Mb RAM">SliTaz 1.0</a>
    7.62 +		  </li>
    7.63 +		</ul>
    7.64 +	      </li>
    7.65 +	      <li>
    7.66 +		<a href="builder/index.php" title="Build floppies with your own kernel and initramfs">Floppy set builder</a>
    7.67 +	        <ul>
    7.68 +        	  <li>
    7.69 +		  <a href="builder/bootloader" title="Build your floppy sets without Internet">Standalone shell</a>
    7.70 +        	  </li>
    7.71 +	        </ul>
    7.72 +	      </li>
    7.73 +	    </ul>
    7.74  	</div>
    7.75 -	<h1><a href="">Boot floppies</a></h1>
    7.76 +	<h1><a href="">Boot&nbsp;floppies&nbsp;3.0</a></h1>
    7.77  </div>   
    7.79  <!-- Block -->
    7.80 @@ -85,8 +123,10 @@
    7.81  	<div id="block_info">
    7.82  		<h4>Available boot floppies</h4>
    7.83  		<ul>
    7.84 -	<li><a href="index-3.0.html">SliTaz 3.0</a></li>
    7.85 -	<li><a href="index-loram-3.0.html">SliTaz loram 3.0</a></li>
    7.86 +	<li><a href="index-4.0.html">SliTaz 4.0</a>
    7.87 +	<a href="index-loram-4.0.html">loram</a></li>
    7.88 +	<li><a href="index-3.0.html">SliTaz 3.0</a>
    7.89 +	<a href="index-loram-3.0.html">loram</a></li>
    7.90  	<li><a href="index-2.0.html">SliTaz 2.0</a></li>
    7.91  	<li><a href="index-1.0.html">SliTaz 1.0</a></li>
    7.92  		</ul>
    7.93 @@ -120,7 +160,8 @@
    7.94  </p>
    7.95  <p>
    7.96  You can start with one of the 3 following flavors :
    7.97 -</p><ul>
    7.98 +</p>
    7.99 +<ul>
   7.100    <li>
   7.101    <b>base</b> needs 32Mb of RAM and 5 floppies: <i>fd001.img</i> to <i>fd005.img</i>.<br />
   7.102    base provides the minimum slitaz distribution subset in text mode. 
   7.103 @@ -134,10 +175,10 @@
   7.104    core provides the default slitaz distribution. 
   7.105    </li>
   7.106  </ul>
   7.107 -
   7.108 +<p>
   7.109  Start your computer with <i>fd001.img</i>. It will show the kernel version string and
   7.110  the kernel cmdline line. You can edit the cmdline. Most users can just press Enter.
   7.111 -
   7.112 +</p>
   7.113  <p>
   7.114  The floppy is then loaded into memory (one dot each 64k) and you will be prompted to
   7.115  insert the next floppy, <i>fd002.img</i>. And so on up to <i>fd005.img</i>.
   7.116 @@ -150,6 +191,11 @@
   7.117  Each floppy set detects disk swaps and can be used without a keyboard.
   7.118  </p>
   7.119  <p>
   7.120 +If you have an ext3 partition on your hard disk, the bootstrap can create the
   7.121 +installation script <u>slitaz/</u>. You will be able to install SliTaz
   7.122 +on your hard disk without extra media.
   7.123 +</p>
   7.124 +<p>
   7.125  Good luck.
   7.126  </p>
   7.128 @@ -158,24 +204,54 @@
   7.130  <form method="post" action="">
   7.131  <p>
   7.132 -You may need these images to
   7.133 +The floppy image set above includes an embedded installer and can install
   7.134 +SliTaz on your hard disk.
   7.135 +</p>
   7.136 +<p>
   7.137 +Anyway you may want these ISO images to
   7.138  <a href="">
   7.139  install SliTaz</a>
   7.140  <select name="iso">
   7.141 -	<option value="iso/rolling/slitaz-core.iso">core rolling</option>
   7.142 -	<option value="iso/cooking/slitaz-cooking.iso">core cooking</option>
   7.143 -	<option value="iso/cooking/flavors/slitaz-cooking-base.iso">base cooking</option>
   7.144 -	<option value="iso/cooking/flavors/slitaz-cooking-loram.iso">loram cooking</option>
   7.145 -	<option value="iso/cooking/flavors/slitaz-cooking-firefox.iso">firefox cooking</option>
   7.146 -	<option value="iso/3.0/slitaz-3.0.iso" selected="selected">core 3.0</option>
   7.147 -	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-base.iso">base 3.0</option>
   7.148 -	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-loram.iso">loram 3.0</option>
   7.149 -	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-firefox.iso">firefox 3.0</option>
   7.150 -	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-xvesa.iso">xvesa 3.0</option>
   7.151 -	<option value="iso/2.0/slitaz-2.0.iso">core 2.0</option>
   7.152 -	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-2.0-base.iso">base 2.0</option>
   7.153 -	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-loram.iso">loram 2.0</option>
   7.154 -	<option value="iso/1.0/slitaz-1.0.iso">core 1.0</option>
   7.155 +	<option value="iso/1.0/flavors/slitaz-loram-cdrom-1.0.iso">cdrom 1.0 loram</option>
   7.156 +	<option value="iso/1.0/slitaz-1.0.iso">core  1.0</option>
   7.157 +	<option value="iso/1.0/slitaz-stable.iso">core  stable</option>
   7.158 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-2.0-base.iso">base  2.0</option>
   7.159 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-2.0-justX.iso">justX  2.0</option>
   7.160 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-loram-cdrom.iso">cdrom  loram</option>
   7.161 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-loram-cdrom-sqfs.iso">cdrom sqfs loram</option>
   7.162 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-loram.iso">core  loram</option>
   7.163 +	<option value="iso/2.0/slitaz-2.0.iso">core  2.0</option>
   7.164 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-3in1.iso">3in1  3.0</option>
   7.165 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-base.iso">base  3.0</option>
   7.166 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-firefox.iso">firefox  3.0</option>
   7.167 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-justx.iso">justx  3.0</option>
   7.168 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-loram-cdrom.iso">loram cdrom 3.0</option>
   7.169 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-loram.iso">loram  3.0</option>
   7.170 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-xvesa.iso">xvesa  3.0</option>
   7.171 +	<option value="iso/3.0/slitaz-3.0.iso">core  3.0</option>
   7.172 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-base.iso">base  4.0</option>
   7.173 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-core.iso">core  4.0</option>
   7.174 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-firefox.iso">firefox  4.0</option>
   7.175 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-justx.iso">justx  4.0</option>
   7.176 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-loram-cdrom.iso">loram cdrom 4.0</option>
   7.177 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-loram.iso">loram  4.0</option>
   7.178 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-preinit.iso">preinit  4.0</option>
   7.179 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-proxy.iso">proxy  4.0</option>
   7.180 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-xorg-light.iso">xorg light 4.0</option>
   7.181 +	<option value="iso/4.0/slitaz-4.0.iso">core  4.0</option>
   7.182 +	<option value="iso/cooking/slitaz-cooking.iso">core  cooking</option>
   7.183 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-base.iso">base  4.0</option>
   7.184 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-core.iso">core  4.0</option>
   7.185 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-firefox.iso">firefox  4.0</option>
   7.186 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-justx.iso">justx  4.0</option>
   7.187 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-loram-cdrom.iso">loram cdrom 4.0</option>
   7.188 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-loram.iso">loram  4.0</option>
   7.189 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-preinit.iso">preinit  4.0</option>
   7.190 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-proxy.iso">proxy  4.0</option>
   7.191 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-xorg-light.iso">xorg light 4.0</option>
   7.192 +	<option value="iso/stable/slitaz-4.0.iso">core  4.0</option>
   7.193 +	<option value="iso/tank/slitaz-tank-2012-01-24.iso">2012 01 tank</option>
   7.194 +	<option value="iso/vintage/slitaz-cooking-20071204.iso">20071204  cooking</option>
   7.195  </select>
   7.196  <input name="build" value="Build floppy set" type="submit" />
   7.197  </p>
   7.198 @@ -193,8 +269,10 @@
   7.199  <h2>Images generation</h2>
   7.200  <p>
   7.201  All these floppy images are built with <b>bootfloppybox</b> from
   7.202 -a <i>core</i> or a <i>3in1</i> iso. The <i>loram</i> is preprocessed by
   7.203 +a <i>core</i> or a <i>4in1</i> iso. The <i>loram</i> is preprocessed by
   7.204  <b>tazlitobox</b> (Low RAM tab). These tools are available since 3.0.
   7.205 +You can extract the <u>kernel</u>, <u>cmdline</u> and <u>rootfs</u> files with 
   7.206 +<a href="floppies">this tool</a>
   7.207  </p>
   7.209  <!-- End of content with round corner -->
   7.210 @@ -216,7 +294,7 @@
   7.211  <!-- Bottom and logo's -->
   7.212  <div id="bottom">
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   7.214 -<a href=""><img src="../css/pics/website/xhtml10.png" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0" title="Code validé XHTML 1.0" style="width: 80px; height: 15px;" /></a>
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   7.216  </p>
   7.217  </div>
     8.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     8.2 +++ b/mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/index-4.0.html	Sat Jul 28 11:28:54 2012 +0200
     8.3 @@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
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     8.5 +	"">
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     8.9 +	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
    8.10 +	<meta name="description" content="slitaz boot floppies 4.0" />
    8.11 +	<meta name="robots" content="index, nofollow" />
    8.12 +	<meta name="author" content="SliTaz Contributors" />
    8.13 +	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="static/favicon.ico" />
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    8.15 +	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="menu.css" />
    8.16 +	<style type="text/css">
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    8.37 +	    <ul id="menu">
    8.38 +	      <li>
    8.39 +		<a href="">
    8.40 +		<img src="static/home.png" alt="[ home ]" /></a>
    8.41 +	      </li>
    8.42 +	      <li>
    8.43 +		<a href="floppy-grub4dos" title="Boot tools">Generic boot floppy</a>
    8.44 +	      </li>
    8.45 +	      <li>
    8.46 +		<a href="" title="SliTaz in one floppy and 8Mb RAM">Tiny SliTaz</a>
    8.47 +	        <ul>
    8.48 +		  <li>
    8.49 +		    <a href="index-4.0.html" title="Released on 10 April 2012, needs 192Mb RAM">SliTaz 4.0</a>
    8.50 +		  </li>
    8.51 +		  <li>
    8.52 +		    <a href="index-loram-4.0.html" title="Released on 10 April 2012, needs 128Mb RAM">SliTaz loram 4.0</a>
    8.53 +		  </li>
    8.54 +		  <li>
    8.55 +		    <a href="index-3.0.html" title="Released on 28 March 2010, needs 144Mb RAM">SliTaz 3.0</a>
    8.56 +		  </li>
    8.57 +		  <li>
    8.58 +		    <a href="index-loram-3.0.html" title="Released on 28 March 2010, needs 80b RAM">SliTaz loram 3.0</a>
    8.59 +		  </li>
    8.60 +		  <li>
    8.61 +		    <a href="index-2.0.html" title="Released on 16 April 2009, needs 144Mb RAM">SliTaz 2.0</a>
    8.62 +		  </li>
    8.63 +		  <li>
    8.64 +		    <a href="index-1.0.html" title="Released on 22 March 2008, needs 128Mb RAM">SliTaz 1.0</a>
    8.65 +		  </li>
    8.66 +		</ul>
    8.67 +	      </li>
    8.68 +	      <li>
    8.69 +		<a href="builder/index.php" title="Build floppies with your own kernel and initramfs">Floppy set builder</a>
    8.70 +	        <ul>
    8.71 +        	  <li>
    8.72 +		  <a href="builder/bootloader" title="Build your floppy sets without Internet">Standalone shell</a>
    8.73 +        	  </li>
    8.74 +	        </ul>
    8.75 +	      </li>
    8.76 +	    </ul>
    8.77 +	</div>
    8.78 +	<h1><a href="">Boot&nbsp;floppies&nbsp;4.0</a></h1>
    8.79 +</div>   
    8.80 +
    8.81 +<!-- Block -->
    8.82 +<div id="block">
    8.83 +	<!-- Navigation -->
    8.84 +	<div id="block_nav">
    8.85 +		<h4><img src="pics/floppy.png" alt="@" />1.44Mb SliTaz 4.0 floppy images</h4>
    8.86 +<table width="100%">
    8.87 +<tr>
    8.88 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd001.img">fd001.img</a> </td>
    8.89 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd002.img">fd002.img</a> </td>
    8.90 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd003.img">fd003.img</a> </td>
    8.91 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd004.img">fd004.img</a> </td>
    8.92 +</tr>
    8.93 +<tr>
    8.94 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd005.img">fd005.img</a> </td>
    8.95 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd006.img">fd006.img</a> </td>
    8.96 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd100.img">fd100.img</a> </td>
    8.97 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd101.img">fd101.img</a> </td>
    8.98 +</tr>
    8.99 +<tr>
   8.100 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd102.img">fd102.img</a> </td>
   8.101 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd103.img">fd103.img</a> </td>
   8.102 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd104.img">fd104.img</a> </td>
   8.103 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd105.img">fd105.img</a> </td>
   8.104 +</tr>
   8.105 +<tr>
   8.106 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd200.img">fd200.img</a> </td>
   8.107 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd201.img">fd201.img</a> </td>
   8.108 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd202.img">fd202.img</a> </td>
   8.109 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd203.img">fd203.img</a> </td>
   8.110 +</tr>
   8.111 +<tr>
   8.112 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd204.img">fd204.img</a> </td>
   8.113 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd300.img">fd300.img</a> </td>
   8.114 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd301.img">fd301.img</a> </td>
   8.115 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd302.img">fd302.img</a> </td>
   8.116 +</tr>
   8.117 +<tr>
   8.118 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd303.img">fd303.img</a> </td>
   8.119 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd304.img">fd304.img</a> </td>
   8.120 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd305.img">fd305.img</a> </td>
   8.121 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd306.img">fd306.img</a> </td>
   8.122 +</tr>
   8.123 +<tr>
   8.124 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd307.img">fd307.img</a> </td>
   8.125 +	<td> <a href="4.0/fd308.img">fd308.img</a> </td>
   8.126 +	<td> </td>
   8.127 +	<td> <a href="4.0/md5sum">md5sum</a> </td>
   8.128 +</tr>
   8.129 +</table>
   8.130 +	</div>
   8.131 +	<!-- Information/image -->
   8.132 +	<div id="block_info">
   8.133 +		<h4>Available boot floppies</h4>
   8.134 +		<ul>
   8.135 +	<li><a href="index-4.0.html">SliTaz 4.0</a>
   8.136 +	<a href="index-loram-4.0.html">loram</a></li>
   8.137 +	<li><a href="index-3.0.html">SliTaz 3.0</a>
   8.138 +	<a href="index-loram-3.0.html">loram</a></li>
   8.139 +	<li><a href="index-2.0.html">SliTaz 2.0</a></li>
   8.140 +	<li><a href="index-1.0.html">SliTaz 1.0</a></li>
   8.141 +		</ul>
   8.142 +	</div>
   8.143 +</div>
   8.144 +		
   8.145 +<!-- Content top. -->
   8.146 +<div id="content_top">
   8.147 +<div class="top_left"></div>
   8.148 +<div class="top_right"></div>
   8.149 +</div>
   8.150 +
   8.151 +<!-- Content -->
   8.152 +<div id="content">
   8.153 +
   8.154 +<h2>Floppy image set</h2>
   8.155 +
   8.156 +<p>
   8.157 +This floppy set will boot a Slitaz stable version. You can write floppies
   8.158 +with SliTaz <i>bootfloppybox</i>, 
   8.159 +<a href="">Windows rawrite</a> or simply dd:
   8.160 +</p><pre># dd if=fd001.img of=/dev/fd0
   8.161 +</pre>
   8.162 +
   8.163 +<p>
   8.164 +If you have a CD-ROM, an USB port and an USB key or a network card, but you
   8.165 +can't boot these devices directly, then try
   8.166 +<a href="">floppy-grub4dos</a> 
   8.167 +first. This 1.44Mb floppy provides tiny programs to boot these devices without BIOS
   8.168 +support and some other tools.
   8.169 +</p>
   8.170 +<p>
   8.171 +You can start with one of the 4 following flavors :
   8.172 +</p>
   8.173 +<ul>
   8.174 +  <li>
   8.175 +  <b>base</b> needs 48Mb of RAM and 6 floppies: <i>fd001.img</i> to <i>fd006.img</i>.<br />
   8.176 +  base provides the minimum slitaz distribution subset in text mode. 
   8.177 +  </li>
   8.178 +  <li>
   8.179 +  <b>justx</b> needs 100M of RAM and 12 floppies: <i>fd001.img</i> to <i>fd105.img</i>.<br />
   8.180 +  justx provides the minimum slitaz distribution subset with X11 support. 
   8.181 +  </li>
   8.182 +  <li>
   8.183 +  <b>gtkonly</b> needs 160M of RAM and 17 floppies: <i>fd001.img</i> to <i>fd204.img</i>.<br />
   8.184 +  gtkonly provides the minimum slitaz distribution subset with Gtk+ support. 
   8.185 +  </li>
   8.186 +  <li>
   8.187 +  <b>core</b> needs 192M of RAM and 26 floppies: <i>fd001.img</i> to <i>fd308.img</i>.<br />
   8.188 +  core provides the default slitaz distribution. 
   8.189 +  </li>
   8.190 +</ul>
   8.191 +<p>
   8.192 +Start your computer with <i>fd001.img</i>. It will show the kernel version string and
   8.193 +the kernel cmdline line. You can edit the cmdline. Most users can just press Enter.
   8.194 +</p>
   8.195 +<p>
   8.196 +The floppy is then loaded into memory (one dot each 64k) and you will be prompted to
   8.197 +insert the next floppy, <i>fd002.img</i>. And so on up to <i>fd006.img</i>.
   8.198 +</p>
   8.199 +<p>
   8.200 +The base flavor will then start and you will be prompted to insert extra floppies
   8.201 +for justx and core flavors. You can bypass this by using Q and Enter.
   8.202 +</p>
   8.203 +<p>
   8.204 +Each floppy set detects disk swaps and can be used without a keyboard.
   8.205 +</p>
   8.206 +<p>
   8.207 +If you have an ext3 partition on your hard disk, the bootstrap can create the
   8.208 +installation script <u>slitaz/</u>. You will be able to install SliTaz
   8.209 +on your hard disk without extra media.
   8.210 +</p>
   8.211 +<p>
   8.212 +Good luck.
   8.213 +</p>
   8.214 +
   8.215 +<a name="fdiso"></a>
   8.216 +<h2>ISO image floppy set</h2>
   8.217 +
   8.218 +<form method="post" action="">
   8.219 +<p>
   8.220 +The floppy image set above includes an embedded installer and can install
   8.221 +SliTaz on your hard disk.
   8.222 +</p>
   8.223 +<p>
   8.224 +Anyway you may want these ISO images to
   8.225 +<a href="">
   8.226 +install SliTaz</a>
   8.227 +<select name="iso">
   8.228 +	<option value="iso/1.0/flavors/slitaz-loram-cdrom-1.0.iso">cdrom 1.0 loram</option>
   8.229 +	<option value="iso/1.0/slitaz-1.0.iso">core  1.0</option>
   8.230 +	<option value="iso/1.0/slitaz-stable.iso">core  stable</option>
   8.231 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-2.0-base.iso">base  2.0</option>
   8.232 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-2.0-justX.iso">justX  2.0</option>
   8.233 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-loram-cdrom.iso">cdrom  loram</option>
   8.234 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-loram-cdrom-sqfs.iso">cdrom sqfs loram</option>
   8.235 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-loram.iso">core  loram</option>
   8.236 +	<option value="iso/2.0/slitaz-2.0.iso">core  2.0</option>
   8.237 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-3in1.iso">3in1  3.0</option>
   8.238 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-base.iso">base  3.0</option>
   8.239 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-firefox.iso">firefox  3.0</option>
   8.240 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-justx.iso">justx  3.0</option>
   8.241 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-loram-cdrom.iso">loram cdrom 3.0</option>
   8.242 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-loram.iso">loram  3.0</option>
   8.243 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-xvesa.iso">xvesa  3.0</option>
   8.244 +	<option value="iso/3.0/slitaz-3.0.iso">core  3.0</option>
   8.245 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-base.iso">base  4.0</option>
   8.246 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-core.iso">core  4.0</option>
   8.247 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-firefox.iso">firefox  4.0</option>
   8.248 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-justx.iso">justx  4.0</option>
   8.249 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-loram-cdrom.iso">loram cdrom 4.0</option>
   8.250 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-loram.iso">loram  4.0</option>
   8.251 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-preinit.iso">preinit  4.0</option>
   8.252 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-proxy.iso">proxy  4.0</option>
   8.253 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-xorg-light.iso">xorg light 4.0</option>
   8.254 +	<option value="iso/4.0/slitaz-4.0.iso">core  4.0</option>
   8.255 +	<option value="iso/cooking/slitaz-cooking.iso">core  cooking</option>
   8.256 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-base.iso">base  4.0</option>
   8.257 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-core.iso">core  4.0</option>
   8.258 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-firefox.iso">firefox  4.0</option>
   8.259 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-justx.iso">justx  4.0</option>
   8.260 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-loram-cdrom.iso">loram cdrom 4.0</option>
   8.261 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-loram.iso">loram  4.0</option>
   8.262 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-preinit.iso">preinit  4.0</option>
   8.263 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-proxy.iso">proxy  4.0</option>
   8.264 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-xorg-light.iso">xorg light 4.0</option>
   8.265 +	<option value="iso/stable/slitaz-4.0.iso">core  4.0</option>
   8.266 +	<option value="iso/tank/slitaz-tank-2012-01-24.iso">2012 01 tank</option>
   8.267 +	<option value="iso/vintage/slitaz-cooking-20071204.iso">20071204  cooking</option>
   8.268 +</select>
   8.269 +<input name="build" value="Build floppy set" type="submit" />
   8.270 +</p>
   8.271 +</form>
   8.272 +<p>
   8.273 +You can restore the ISO image on your hard disk using :
   8.274 +</p>
   8.275 +<pre>
   8.276 +# dd if=/dev/fd0 of=fdiso01.img
   8.277 +# dd if=/dev/fd0 of=fdiso02.img
   8.278 +# ...
   8.279 +# cat fdiso*.img | cpio -i
   8.280 +</pre>
   8.281 +
   8.282 +<h2>Images generation</h2>
   8.283 +<p>
   8.284 +All these floppy images are built with <b>bootfloppybox</b> from
   8.285 +a <i>core</i> or a <i>4in1</i> iso. The <i>loram</i> is preprocessed by
   8.286 +<b>tazlitobox</b> (Low RAM tab). These tools are available since 3.0.
   8.287 +You can extract the <u>kernel</u>, <u>cmdline</u> and <u>rootfs</u> files with 
   8.288 +<a href="floppies">this tool</a>
   8.289 +</p>
   8.290 +
   8.291 +<!-- End of content with round corner -->
   8.292 +</div>
   8.293 +<div id="content_bottom">
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   8.298 +<!-- Start of footer and copy notice -->
   8.299 +<div id="copy">
   8.300 +<p>
   8.301 +Copyright &copy; <span class="year"></span> <a href="">SliTaz</a> -
   8.302 +<a href="">GNU General Public License</a>
   8.303 +</p>
   8.304 +<!-- End of copy -->
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     9.1 --- a/mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/index-loram-3.0.html	Sat Jul 07 18:30:41 2012 +0200
     9.2 +++ b/mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/index-loram-3.0.html	Sat Jul 28 11:28:54 2012 +0200
     9.3 @@ -4,12 +4,17 @@
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     9.5  	<title>SliTaz Boot Floppies</title>
     9.6  	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
     9.7 -	<meta name="description" content="slitaz loram boot floppies" />
     9.8 +	<meta name="description" content="slitaz&nbsp;loram boot floppies 3.0" />
     9.9  	<meta name="robots" content="index, nofollow" />
    9.10  	<meta name="author" content="SliTaz Contributors" />
    9.11 -	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="../css/favicon.ico" />
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    9.13 +	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="static/favicon.ico" />
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    9.16  	<style type="text/css">
    9.17 +table {
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    9.31 -		<img src="/css/pics/network.png" alt="network.png" /></a>
    9.32 -		<a href="../boot/floppy-grub4dos" title="Boot tools">Generic boot floppy</a> |
    9.33 -		<a href="" title="SliTaz in one floppy !">Tiny SliTaz</a> |
    9.34 -		<a href="builder/index.php" title="Build floppies with your own kernel and initramfs">Floppy set web builder</a> |
    9.35 -		<a href="builder/bootloader" title="Build your floppy sets without Internet">Shell builder</a>
    9.36 +		<img src="static/home.png" alt="[ home ]" /></a>
    9.37 +	      </li>
    9.38 +	      <li>
    9.39 +		<a href="floppy-grub4dos" title="Boot tools">Generic boot floppy</a>
    9.40 +	      </li>
    9.41 +	      <li>
    9.42 +		<a href="" title="SliTaz in one floppy and 8Mb RAM">Tiny SliTaz</a>
    9.43 +	        <ul>
    9.44 +		  <li>
    9.45 +		    <a href="index-4.0.html" title="Released on 10 April 2012, needs 192Mb RAM">SliTaz 4.0</a>
    9.46 +		  </li>
    9.47 +		  <li>
    9.48 +		    <a href="index-loram-4.0.html" title="Released on 10 April 2012, needs 128Mb RAM">SliTaz loram 4.0</a>
    9.49 +		  </li>
    9.50 +		  <li>
    9.51 +		    <a href="index-3.0.html" title="Released on 28 March 2010, needs 144Mb RAM">SliTaz 3.0</a>
    9.52 +		  </li>
    9.53 +		  <li>
    9.54 +		    <a href="index-loram-3.0.html" title="Released on 28 March 2010, needs 80b RAM">SliTaz loram 3.0</a>
    9.55 +		  </li>
    9.56 +		  <li>
    9.57 +		    <a href="index-2.0.html" title="Released on 16 April 2009, needs 144Mb RAM">SliTaz 2.0</a>
    9.58 +		  </li>
    9.59 +		  <li>
    9.60 +		    <a href="index-1.0.html" title="Released on 22 March 2008, needs 128Mb RAM">SliTaz 1.0</a>
    9.61 +		  </li>
    9.62 +		</ul>
    9.63 +	      </li>
    9.64 +	      <li>
    9.65 +		<a href="builder/index.php" title="Build floppies with your own kernel and initramfs">Floppy set builder</a>
    9.66 +	        <ul>
    9.67 +        	  <li>
    9.68 +		  <a href="builder/bootloader" title="Build your floppy sets without Internet">Standalone shell</a>
    9.69 +        	  </li>
    9.70 +	        </ul>
    9.71 +	      </li>
    9.72 +	    </ul>
    9.73  	</div>
    9.74 -	<h1><a href="">Loram boot floppies</a></h1>
    9.75 +	<h1><a href="">Boot&nbsp;floppies&nbsp;loram&nbsp;3.0</a></h1>
    9.76  </div>   
    9.78  <!-- Block -->
    9.79  <div id="block">
    9.80  	<!-- Navigation -->
    9.81  	<div id="block_nav">
    9.82 -		<h4><img src="pics/floppy.png" alt="@" />1.44Mb SliTaz loram 3.0 floppy images</h4>
    9.83 +		<h4><img src="pics/floppy.png" alt="@" />1.44Mb SliTaz&nbsp;loram 3.0 floppy images</h4>
    9.84  <table width="100%">
    9.85  <tr>
    9.86  	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd001.img">fd001.img</a> </td>
    9.87  	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd002.img">fd002.img</a> </td>
    9.88 -	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd003.img">fd003.img</a> </td>
    9.89  	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd100.img">fd100.img</a> </td>
    9.90 +	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd101.img">fd101.img</a> </td>
    9.91  </tr>
    9.92  <tr>
    9.93 -	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd101.img">fd101.img</a> </td>
    9.94  	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd102.img">fd102.img</a> </td>
    9.95  	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd103.img">fd103.img</a> </td>
    9.96  	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd200.img">fd200.img</a> </td>
    9.97 +	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd201.img">fd201.img</a> </td>
    9.98  </tr>
    9.99  <tr>
   9.100 -	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd201.img">fd201.img</a> </td>
   9.101  	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd202.img">fd202.img</a> </td>
   9.102  	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd203.img">fd203.img</a> </td>
   9.103  	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd204.img">fd204.img</a> </td>
   9.104 +	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd205.img">fd205.img</a> </td>
   9.105  </tr>
   9.106  <tr>
   9.107 -	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd205.img">fd205.img</a> </td>
   9.108  	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd206.img">fd206.img</a> </td>
   9.109  	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd300.img">fd300.img</a> </td>
   9.110  	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd301.img">fd301.img</a> </td>
   9.111 +	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd302.img">fd302.img</a> </td>
   9.112  </tr>
   9.113  <tr>
   9.114 -	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd302.img">fd302.img</a> </td>
   9.115  	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd303.img">fd303.img</a> </td>
   9.116  	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd304.img">fd304.img</a> </td>
   9.117  	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd305.img">fd305.img</a> </td>
   9.118 +	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd306.img">fd306.img</a> </td>
   9.119  </tr>
   9.120  <tr>
   9.121 -	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd306.img">fd306.img</a> </td>
   9.122  	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd307.img">fd307.img</a> </td>
   9.123  	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd308.img">fd308.img</a> </td>
   9.124  	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd309.img">fd309.img</a> </td>
   9.125 +	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd310.img">fd310.img</a> </td>
   9.126  </tr>
   9.127  <tr>
   9.128 -	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd310.img">fd310.img</a> </td>
   9.129  	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/fd311.img">fd311.img</a> </td>
   9.130  	<td> </td>
   9.131 +	<td> </td>
   9.132  	<td> <a href="loram-3.0/md5sum">md5sum</a> </td>
   9.133  </tr>
   9.134  </table>
   9.135 @@ -90,8 +129,10 @@
   9.136  	<div id="block_info">
   9.137  		<h4>Available boot floppies</h4>
   9.138  		<ul>
   9.139 -	<li><a href="index-3.0.html">SliTaz 3.0</a></li>
   9.140 -	<li><a href="index-loram-3.0.html">SliTaz loram 3.0</a></li>
   9.141 +	<li><a href="index-4.0.html">SliTaz 4.0</a>
   9.142 +	<a href="index-loram-4.0.html">loram</a></li>
   9.143 +	<li><a href="index-3.0.html">SliTaz 3.0</a>
   9.144 +	<a href="index-loram-3.0.html">loram</a></li>
   9.145  	<li><a href="index-2.0.html">SliTaz 2.0</a></li>
   9.146  	<li><a href="index-1.0.html">SliTaz 1.0</a></li>
   9.147  		</ul>
   9.148 @@ -110,7 +151,7 @@
   9.149  <h2>Floppy image set</h2>
   9.151  <p>
   9.152 -This floppy set will boot a Slitaz stable loram version. You can write floppies
   9.153 +This floppy set will boot a Slitaz stable&nbsp;loram version. You can write floppies
   9.154  with SliTaz <i>bootfloppybox</i>, 
   9.155  <a href="">Windows rawrite</a> or simply dd:
   9.156  </p><pre># dd if=fd001.img of=/dev/fd0
   9.157 @@ -125,27 +166,28 @@
   9.158  </p>
   9.159  <p>
   9.160  You can start with one of the 3 following flavors :
   9.161 -</p><ul>
   9.162 +</p>
   9.163 +<ul>
   9.164    <li>
   9.165 -  <b>base</b> needs 22Mb of RAM and 7 floppies: <i>fd001.img</i> to <i>fd103.img</i>.<br />
   9.166 +  <b>base</b> needs 22Mb of RAM and 6 floppies: <i>fd001.img</i> to <i>fd103.img</i>.<br />
   9.167    base provides the minimum slitaz distribution subset in text mode. 
   9.168    </li>
   9.169    <li>
   9.170 -  <b>justx</b> needs 64M of RAM and 14 floppies: <i>fd001.img</i> to <i>fd206.img</i>.<br />
   9.171 +  <b>justx</b> needs 64M of RAM and 13 floppies: <i>fd001.img</i> to <i>fd206.img</i>.<br />
   9.172    justx provides the minimum slitaz distribution subset with X11 support. 
   9.173    </li>
   9.174    <li>
   9.175 -  <b>core</b> needs 92M of RAM and 26 floppies: <i>fd001.img</i> to <i>fd311.img</i>.<br />
   9.176 +  <b>core</b> needs 92M of RAM and 25 floppies: <i>fd001.img</i> to <i>fd311.img</i>.<br />
   9.177    core provides the default slitaz distribution. 
   9.178    </li>
   9.179  </ul>
   9.180 -
   9.181 +<p>
   9.182  Start your computer with <i>fd001.img</i>. It will show the kernel version string and
   9.183  the kernel cmdline line. You can edit the cmdline. Most users can just press Enter.
   9.184 -
   9.185 +</p>
   9.186  <p>
   9.187  The floppy is then loaded into memory (one dot each 64k) and you will be prompted to
   9.188 -insert the next floppy, <i>fd002.img</i>. And so on up to <i>fd003.img</i>.
   9.189 +insert the next floppy, <i>fd002.img</i>.
   9.190  </p>
   9.191  <p>
   9.192  The loram bootstrap will then start and you will be prompted to insert extra floppies
   9.193 @@ -155,6 +197,11 @@
   9.194  Each floppy set detects disk swaps and can be used without a keyboard.
   9.195  </p>
   9.196  <p>
   9.197 +If you have an ext3 partition on your hard disk, the bootstrap can create the
   9.198 +installation script <u>slitaz/</u>. You will be able to install SliTaz
   9.199 +on your hard disk without extra media.
   9.200 +</p>
   9.201 +<p>
   9.202  Good luck.
   9.203  </p>
   9.205 @@ -163,24 +210,54 @@
   9.207  <form method="post" action="">
   9.208  <p>
   9.209 -You may need these images to
   9.210 +The floppy image set above includes an embedded installer and can install
   9.211 +SliTaz on your hard disk.
   9.212 +</p>
   9.213 +<p>
   9.214 +Anyway you may want these ISO images to
   9.215  <a href="">
   9.216  install SliTaz</a>
   9.217  <select name="iso">
   9.218 -	<option value="iso/rolling/slitaz-core.iso">core rolling</option>
   9.219 -	<option value="iso/cooking/slitaz-cooking.iso">core cooking</option>
   9.220 -	<option value="iso/cooking/flavors/slitaz-cooking-base.iso">base cooking</option>
   9.221 -	<option value="iso/cooking/flavors/slitaz-cooking-loram.iso">loram cooking</option>
   9.222 -	<option value="iso/cooking/flavors/slitaz-cooking-firefox.iso">firefox cooking</option>
   9.223 -	<option value="iso/3.0/slitaz-3.0.iso" selected="selected">core 3.0</option>
   9.224 -	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-base.iso">base 3.0</option>
   9.225 -	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-loram.iso">loram 3.0</option>
   9.226 -	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-firefox.iso">firefox 3.0</option>
   9.227 -	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-xvesa.iso">xvesa 3.0</option>
   9.228 -	<option value="iso/2.0/slitaz-2.0.iso">core 2.0</option>
   9.229 -	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-2.0-base.iso">base 2.0</option>
   9.230 -	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-loram.iso">loram 2.0</option>
   9.231 -	<option value="iso/1.0/slitaz-1.0.iso">core 1.0</option>
   9.232 +	<option value="iso/1.0/flavors/slitaz-loram-cdrom-1.0.iso">cdrom 1.0 loram</option>
   9.233 +	<option value="iso/1.0/slitaz-1.0.iso">core  1.0</option>
   9.234 +	<option value="iso/1.0/slitaz-stable.iso">core  stable</option>
   9.235 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-2.0-base.iso">base  2.0</option>
   9.236 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-2.0-justX.iso">justX  2.0</option>
   9.237 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-loram-cdrom.iso">cdrom  loram</option>
   9.238 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-loram-cdrom-sqfs.iso">cdrom sqfs loram</option>
   9.239 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-loram.iso">core  loram</option>
   9.240 +	<option value="iso/2.0/slitaz-2.0.iso">core  2.0</option>
   9.241 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-3in1.iso">3in1  3.0</option>
   9.242 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-base.iso">base  3.0</option>
   9.243 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-firefox.iso">firefox  3.0</option>
   9.244 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-justx.iso">justx  3.0</option>
   9.245 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-loram-cdrom.iso">loram cdrom 3.0</option>
   9.246 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-loram.iso">loram  3.0</option>
   9.247 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-xvesa.iso">xvesa  3.0</option>
   9.248 +	<option value="iso/3.0/slitaz-3.0.iso">core  3.0</option>
   9.249 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-base.iso">base  4.0</option>
   9.250 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-core.iso">core  4.0</option>
   9.251 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-firefox.iso">firefox  4.0</option>
   9.252 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-justx.iso">justx  4.0</option>
   9.253 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-loram-cdrom.iso">loram cdrom 4.0</option>
   9.254 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-loram.iso">loram  4.0</option>
   9.255 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-preinit.iso">preinit  4.0</option>
   9.256 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-proxy.iso">proxy  4.0</option>
   9.257 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-xorg-light.iso">xorg light 4.0</option>
   9.258 +	<option value="iso/4.0/slitaz-4.0.iso">core  4.0</option>
   9.259 +	<option value="iso/cooking/slitaz-cooking.iso">core  cooking</option>
   9.260 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-base.iso">base  4.0</option>
   9.261 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-core.iso">core  4.0</option>
   9.262 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-firefox.iso">firefox  4.0</option>
   9.263 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-justx.iso">justx  4.0</option>
   9.264 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-loram-cdrom.iso">loram cdrom 4.0</option>
   9.265 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-loram.iso">loram  4.0</option>
   9.266 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-preinit.iso">preinit  4.0</option>
   9.267 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-proxy.iso">proxy  4.0</option>
   9.268 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-xorg-light.iso">xorg light 4.0</option>
   9.269 +	<option value="iso/stable/slitaz-4.0.iso">core  4.0</option>
   9.270 +	<option value="iso/tank/slitaz-tank-2012-01-24.iso">2012 01 tank</option>
   9.271 +	<option value="iso/vintage/slitaz-cooking-20071204.iso">20071204  cooking</option>
   9.272  </select>
   9.273  <input name="build" value="Build floppy set" type="submit" />
   9.274  </p>
   9.275 @@ -198,8 +275,10 @@
   9.276  <h2>Images generation</h2>
   9.277  <p>
   9.278  All these floppy images are built with <b>bootfloppybox</b> from
   9.279 -a <i>core</i> or a <i>3in1</i> iso. The <i>loram</i> is preprocessed by
   9.280 +a <i>core</i> or a <i>4in1</i> iso. The <i>loram</i> is preprocessed by
   9.281  <b>tazlitobox</b> (Low RAM tab). These tools are available since 3.0.
   9.282 +You can extract the <u>kernel</u>, <u>cmdline</u> and <u>rootfs</u> files with 
   9.283 +<a href="floppies">this tool</a>
   9.284  </p>
   9.286  <!-- End of content with round corner -->
   9.287 @@ -221,7 +300,7 @@
   9.288  <!-- Bottom and logo's -->
   9.289  <div id="bottom">
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   9.293  </p>
   9.294  </div>
    10.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    10.2 +++ b/mirror-tools/slitaz/mirror/floppies/index-loram-4.0.html	Sat Jul 28 11:28:54 2012 +0200
    10.3 @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
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   10.10 +	<meta name="description" content="slitaz&nbsp;loram boot floppies 4.0" />
   10.11 +	<meta name="robots" content="index, nofollow" />
   10.12 +	<meta name="author" content="SliTaz Contributors" />
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   10.36 +	<div id="network">
   10.37 +	    <ul id="menu">
   10.38 +	      <li>
   10.39 +		<a href="">
   10.40 +		<img src="static/home.png" alt="[ home ]" /></a>
   10.41 +	      </li>
   10.42 +	      <li>
   10.43 +		<a href="floppy-grub4dos" title="Boot tools">Generic boot floppy</a>
   10.44 +	      </li>
   10.45 +	      <li>
   10.46 +		<a href="" title="SliTaz in one floppy and 8Mb RAM">Tiny SliTaz</a>
   10.47 +	        <ul>
   10.48 +		  <li>
   10.49 +		    <a href="index-4.0.html" title="Released on 10 April 2012, needs 192Mb RAM">SliTaz 4.0</a>
   10.50 +		  </li>
   10.51 +		  <li>
   10.52 +		    <a href="index-loram-4.0.html" title="Released on 10 April 2012, needs 128Mb RAM">SliTaz loram 4.0</a>
   10.53 +		  </li>
   10.54 +		  <li>
   10.55 +		    <a href="index-3.0.html" title="Released on 28 March 2010, needs 144Mb RAM">SliTaz 3.0</a>
   10.56 +		  </li>
   10.57 +		  <li>
   10.58 +		    <a href="index-loram-3.0.html" title="Released on 28 March 2010, needs 80b RAM">SliTaz loram 3.0</a>
   10.59 +		  </li>
   10.60 +		  <li>
   10.61 +		    <a href="index-2.0.html" title="Released on 16 April 2009, needs 144Mb RAM">SliTaz 2.0</a>
   10.62 +		  </li>
   10.63 +		  <li>
   10.64 +		    <a href="index-1.0.html" title="Released on 22 March 2008, needs 128Mb RAM">SliTaz 1.0</a>
   10.65 +		  </li>
   10.66 +		</ul>
   10.67 +	      </li>
   10.68 +	      <li>
   10.69 +		<a href="builder/index.php" title="Build floppies with your own kernel and initramfs">Floppy set builder</a>
   10.70 +	        <ul>
   10.71 +        	  <li>
   10.72 +		  <a href="builder/bootloader" title="Build your floppy sets without Internet">Standalone shell</a>
   10.73 +        	  </li>
   10.74 +	        </ul>
   10.75 +	      </li>
   10.76 +	    </ul>
   10.77 +	</div>
   10.78 +	<h1><a href="">Boot&nbsp;floppies&nbsp;loram&nbsp;4.0</a></h1>
   10.79 +</div>   
   10.80 +
   10.81 +<!-- Block -->
   10.82 +<div id="block">
   10.83 +	<!-- Navigation -->
   10.84 +	<div id="block_nav">
   10.85 +		<h4><img src="pics/floppy.png" alt="@" />1.44Mb SliTaz&nbsp;loram 4.0 floppy images</h4>
   10.86 +<table width="100%">
   10.87 +<tr>
   10.88 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd001.img">fd001.img</a> </td>
   10.89 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd002.img">fd002.img</a> </td>
   10.90 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd100.img">fd100.img</a> </td>
   10.91 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd101.img">fd101.img</a> </td>
   10.92 +</tr>
   10.93 +<tr>
   10.94 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd102.img">fd102.img</a> </td>
   10.95 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd103.img">fd103.img</a> </td>
   10.96 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd200.img">fd200.img</a> </td>
   10.97 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd201.img">fd201.img</a> </td>
   10.98 +</tr>
   10.99 +<tr>
  10.100 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd202.img">fd202.img</a> </td>
  10.101 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd203.img">fd203.img</a> </td>
  10.102 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd204.img">fd204.img</a> </td>
  10.103 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd205.img">fd205.img</a> </td>
  10.104 +</tr>
  10.105 +<tr>
  10.106 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd206.img">fd206.img</a> </td>
  10.107 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd300.img">fd300.img</a> </td>
  10.108 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd301.img">fd301.img</a> </td>
  10.109 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd302.img">fd302.img</a> </td>
  10.110 +</tr>
  10.111 +<tr>
  10.112 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd303.img">fd303.img</a> </td>
  10.113 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd304.img">fd304.img</a> </td>
  10.114 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd400.img">fd400.img</a> </td>
  10.115 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd401.img">fd401.img</a> </td>
  10.116 +</tr>
  10.117 +<tr>
  10.118 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd402.img">fd402.img</a> </td>
  10.119 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd403.img">fd403.img</a> </td>
  10.120 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd404.img">fd404.img</a> </td>
  10.121 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd405.img">fd405.img</a> </td>
  10.122 +</tr>
  10.123 +<tr>
  10.124 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd406.img">fd406.img</a> </td>
  10.125 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd407.img">fd407.img</a> </td>
  10.126 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd408.img">fd408.img</a> </td>
  10.127 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd409.img">fd409.img</a> </td>
  10.128 +</tr>
  10.129 +<tr>
  10.130 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/fd410.img">fd410.img</a> </td>
  10.131 +	<td> </td>
  10.132 +	<td> </td>
  10.133 +	<td> <a href="loram-4.0/md5sum">md5sum</a> </td>
  10.134 +</tr>
  10.135 +</table>
  10.136 +	</div>
  10.137 +	<!-- Information/image -->
  10.138 +	<div id="block_info">
  10.139 +		<h4>Available boot floppies</h4>
  10.140 +		<ul>
  10.141 +	<li><a href="index-4.0.html">SliTaz 4.0</a>
  10.142 +	<a href="index-loram-4.0.html">loram</a></li>
  10.143 +	<li><a href="index-3.0.html">SliTaz 3.0</a>
  10.144 +	<a href="index-loram-3.0.html">loram</a></li>
  10.145 +	<li><a href="index-2.0.html">SliTaz 2.0</a></li>
  10.146 +	<li><a href="index-1.0.html">SliTaz 1.0</a></li>
  10.147 +		</ul>
  10.148 +	</div>
  10.149 +</div>
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  10.158 +<div id="content">
  10.159 +
  10.160 +<h2>Floppy image set</h2>
  10.161 +
  10.162 +<p>
  10.163 +This floppy set will boot a Slitaz stable&nbsp;loram version. You can write floppies
  10.164 +with SliTaz <i>bootfloppybox</i>, 
  10.165 +<a href="">Windows rawrite</a> or simply dd:
  10.166 +</p><pre># dd if=fd001.img of=/dev/fd0
  10.167 +</pre>
  10.168 +
  10.169 +<p>
  10.170 +If you have a CD-ROM, an USB port and an USB key or a network card, but you
  10.171 +can't boot these devices directly, then try
  10.172 +<a href="">floppy-grub4dos</a> 
  10.173 +first. This 1.44Mb floppy provides tiny programs to boot these devices without BIOS
  10.174 +support and some other tools.
  10.175 +</p>
  10.176 +<p>
  10.177 +You can start with one of the 4 following flavors :
  10.178 +</p>
  10.179 +<ul>
  10.180 +  <li>
  10.181 +  <b>base</b> needs 38Mb of RAM and 6 floppies: <i>fd001.img</i> to <i>fd103.img</i>.<br />
  10.182 +  base provides the minimum slitaz distribution subset in text mode. 
  10.183 +  </li>
  10.184 +  <li>
  10.185 +  <b>justx</b> needs 68M of RAM and 13 floppies: <i>fd001.img</i> to <i>fd206.img</i>.<br />
  10.186 +  justx provides the minimum slitaz distribution subset with X11 support. 
  10.187 +  </li>
  10.188 +  <li>
  10.189 +  <b>gtkonly</b> needs 111M of RAM and 18 floppies: <i>fd001.img</i> to <i>fd304.img</i>.<br />
  10.190 +  gtkonly provides the minimum slitaz distribution subset with Gtk+ support. 
  10.191 +  </li>
  10.192 +  <li>
  10.193 +  <b>core</b> needs 128M of RAM and 29 floppies: <i>fd001.img</i> to <i>fd410.img</i>.<br />
  10.194 +  core provides the default slitaz distribution. 
  10.195 +  </li>
  10.196 +</ul>
  10.197 +<p>
  10.198 +Start your computer with <i>fd001.img</i>. It will show the kernel version string and
  10.199 +the kernel cmdline line. You can edit the cmdline. Most users can just press Enter.
  10.200 +</p>
  10.201 +<p>
  10.202 +The floppy is then loaded into memory (one dot each 64k) and you will be prompted to
  10.203 +insert the next floppy, <i>fd002.img</i>.
  10.204 +</p>
  10.205 +<p>
  10.206 +The loram bootstrap will then start and you will be prompted to insert extra floppies
  10.207 +for base, justx and core flavors. You can bypass this by using Q and Enter.
  10.208 +</p>
  10.209 +<p>
  10.210 +Each floppy set detects disk swaps and can be used without a keyboard.
  10.211 +</p>
  10.212 +<p>
  10.213 +If you have an ext3 partition on your hard disk, the bootstrap can create the
  10.214 +installation script <u>slitaz/</u>. You will be able to install SliTaz
  10.215 +on your hard disk without extra media.
  10.216 +</p>
  10.217 +<p>
  10.218 +Good luck.
  10.219 +</p>
  10.220 +
  10.221 +<a name="fdiso"></a>
  10.222 +<h2>ISO image floppy set</h2>
  10.223 +
  10.224 +<form method="post" action="">
  10.225 +<p>
  10.226 +The floppy image set above includes an embedded installer and can install
  10.227 +SliTaz on your hard disk.
  10.228 +</p>
  10.229 +<p>
  10.230 +Anyway you may want these ISO images to
  10.231 +<a href="">
  10.232 +install SliTaz</a>
  10.233 +<select name="iso">
  10.234 +	<option value="iso/1.0/flavors/slitaz-loram-cdrom-1.0.iso">cdrom 1.0 loram</option>
  10.235 +	<option value="iso/1.0/slitaz-1.0.iso">core  1.0</option>
  10.236 +	<option value="iso/1.0/slitaz-stable.iso">core  stable</option>
  10.237 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-2.0-base.iso">base  2.0</option>
  10.238 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-2.0-justX.iso">justX  2.0</option>
  10.239 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-loram-cdrom.iso">cdrom  loram</option>
  10.240 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-loram-cdrom-sqfs.iso">cdrom sqfs loram</option>
  10.241 +	<option value="iso/2.0/flavors/slitaz-loram.iso">core  loram</option>
  10.242 +	<option value="iso/2.0/slitaz-2.0.iso">core  2.0</option>
  10.243 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-3in1.iso">3in1  3.0</option>
  10.244 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-base.iso">base  3.0</option>
  10.245 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-firefox.iso">firefox  3.0</option>
  10.246 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-justx.iso">justx  3.0</option>
  10.247 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-loram-cdrom.iso">loram cdrom 3.0</option>
  10.248 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-loram.iso">loram  3.0</option>
  10.249 +	<option value="iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-xvesa.iso">xvesa  3.0</option>
  10.250 +	<option value="iso/3.0/slitaz-3.0.iso">core  3.0</option>
  10.251 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-base.iso">base  4.0</option>
  10.252 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-core.iso">core  4.0</option>
  10.253 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-firefox.iso">firefox  4.0</option>
  10.254 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-justx.iso">justx  4.0</option>
  10.255 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-loram-cdrom.iso">loram cdrom 4.0</option>
  10.256 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-loram.iso">loram  4.0</option>
  10.257 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-preinit.iso">preinit  4.0</option>
  10.258 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-proxy.iso">proxy  4.0</option>
  10.259 +	<option value="iso/4.0/flavors/slitaz-4.0-xorg-light.iso">xorg light 4.0</option>
  10.260 +	<option value="iso/4.0/slitaz-4.0.iso">core  4.0</option>
  10.261 +	<option value="iso/cooking/slitaz-cooking.iso">core  cooking</option>
  10.262 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-base.iso">base  4.0</option>
  10.263 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-core.iso">core  4.0</option>
  10.264 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-firefox.iso">firefox  4.0</option>
  10.265 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-justx.iso">justx  4.0</option>
  10.266 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-loram-cdrom.iso">loram cdrom 4.0</option>
  10.267 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-loram.iso">loram  4.0</option>
  10.268 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-preinit.iso">preinit  4.0</option>
  10.269 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-proxy.iso">proxy  4.0</option>
  10.270 +	<option value="iso/stable/flavors/slitaz-4.0-xorg-light.iso">xorg light 4.0</option>
  10.271 +	<option value="iso/stable/slitaz-4.0.iso">core  4.0</option>
  10.272 +	<option value="iso/tank/slitaz-tank-2012-01-24.iso">2012 01 tank</option>
  10.273 +	<option value="iso/vintage/slitaz-cooking-20071204.iso">20071204  cooking</option>
  10.274 +</select>
  10.275 +<input name="build" value="Build floppy set" type="submit" />
  10.276 +</p>
  10.277 +</form>
  10.278 +<p>
  10.279 +You can restore the ISO image on your hard disk using :
  10.280 +</p>
  10.281 +<pre>
  10.282 +# dd if=/dev/fd0 of=fdiso01.img
  10.283 +# dd if=/dev/fd0 of=fdiso02.img
  10.284 +# ...
  10.285 +# cat fdiso*.img | cpio -i
  10.286 +</pre>
  10.287 +
  10.288 +<h2>Images generation</h2>
  10.289 +<p>
  10.290 +All these floppy images are built with <b>bootfloppybox</b> from
  10.291 +a <i>core</i> or a <i>4in1</i> iso. The <i>loram</i> is preprocessed by
  10.292 +<b>tazlitobox</b> (Low RAM tab). These tools are available since 3.0.
  10.293 +You can extract the <u>kernel</u>, <u>cmdline</u> and <u>rootfs</u> files with 
  10.294 +<a href="floppies">this tool</a>
  10.295 +</p>
  10.296 +
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  10.298 +</div>
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  10.304 +<!-- Start of footer and copy notice -->
  10.305 +<div id="copy">
  10.306 +<p>
  10.307 +Copyright &copy; <span class="year"></span> <a href="">SliTaz</a> -
  10.308 +<a href="">GNU General Public License</a>
  10.309 +</p>
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