slitaz-forge rev 12

Add tank/web folder.
author Christopher Rogers <>
date Wed Feb 23 22:16:38 2011 +0000 (2011-02-23)
parents 5dbbf86c3bc0
children 89ae537ae823
files tank/web/bin/makegraphs tank/web/favicon.ico tank/web/graphs.php tank/web/index.php tank/web/pics/website/development.png tank/web/pics/website/header-img.png tank/web/pics/website/logo.png tank/web/pics/website/monitor.png tank/web/pics/website/slitaz-awstats.png tank/web/pics/website/vhosts.png tank/web/pics/website/xhtml10.png tank/web/slitaz.css
line diff
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/tank/web/bin/makegraphs	Wed Feb 23 22:16:38 2011 +0000
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
     1.4 +#!/bin/sh
     1.5 +#*/5  * * * * /home/slitaz/www/tank/bin/makegraphs >/dev/null
     1.6 +
     1.7 +# RRD database directory
     1.8 +rrdlog="/home/slitaz/www/tank/rrd"
     1.9 +
    1.10 +# Images directory
    1.11 +rrdgraph="/home/slitaz/www/tank/pics/rrd"
    1.12 +
    1.13 +# Colors
    1.14 +rrdcolors="--color SHADEA#FFFFFF --color SHADEB#FFFFFF --color BACK#FFFFFF" 
    1.15 +rrdgraphargs="-aPNG -i -z --alt-y-grid -w 600 -h 100 -r $rrdcolors"
    1.16 +
    1.17 +[ -d $rrdlog ] || mkdir -p $rrdlog
    1.18 +[ -d $rrdgraph ] || mkdir -p $rrdgraph
    1.19 +
    1.20 +updatecpudata() {
    1.21 +	[ -e "$rrdlog/cpu.rrd" ] || rrdtool create $rrdlog/cpu.rrd --step=300 \
    1.22 +			DS:user:COUNTER:600:0:500000000 \
    1.23 +			DS:system:COUNTER:600:0:500000000 \
    1.24 +			DS:idle:COUNTER:600:0:500000000 \
    1.25 +			RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:576  RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:672 \
    1.26 +			RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:732 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:144:1460
    1.27 +	grep '^cpu' /proc/stat | while read cpu user nice system idle misc; do
    1.28 +		rrdtool update $rrdlog/cpu.rrd -t user:system:idle \
    1.29 +			N:$(( $user + $nice )):$system:$idle
    1.30 +		break
    1.31 +	done
    1.32 +
    1.33 +	[ -e "$rrdlog/cpu2.rrd" ] &&
    1.34 +	grep '^cpu' /proc/stat | while read cpu user nice system idle misc; do
    1.35 +		rrdtool update $rrdlog/cpu2.rrd -t nice:user:system:idle \
    1.36 +			N:$nice:$user:$system:$idle
    1.37 +		break
    1.38 +	done
    1.39 +}
    1.40 +
    1.41 +updatecpugraph() {
    1.42 +	period=$1
    1.43 +	info="$(grep '^model name' /proc/cpuinfo | cut -d: -f2 \
    1.44 +		| sed 's/ * / /g' | awk '
    1.45 +{ s=$0 ; n++ }                    
    1.46 +END { if (n > 1) printf " %dx",n; print s }')"
    1.47 +	rrdtool graph "$rrdgraph/cpu-$period.png" --start -1$period \
    1.48 +		$rrdgraphargs -l 0 -u 100 -t "cpu usage per $period [$info ]" \
    1.49 +		DEF:user=$rrdlog/cpu.rrd:user:AVERAGE \
    1.50 +		DEF:system=$rrdlog/cpu.rrd:system:AVERAGE \
    1.51 +		DEF:idle=$rrdlog/cpu.rrd:idle:AVERAGE \
    1.52 +		'CDEF:total=user,system,idle,+,+' \
    1.53 +		'CDEF:userpct=100,user,total,/,*' \
    1.54 +		'CDEF:systempct=100,system,total,/,*' \
    1.55 +		'CDEF:idlepct=100,idle,total,/,*' \
    1.56 +		'AREA:userpct#0000FF:user cpu usage' \
    1.57 +		'STACK:systempct#FF0000:system cpu usage' \
    1.58 +		'STACK:idlepct#00FF00:idle cpu usage\j'
    1.59 +}
    1.60 +
    1.61 +updatememgraph() {
    1.62 +	period=$1
    1.63 +	info="$(free | awk '\
    1.64 +{ \
    1.65 +  if (/Mem:/) { \
    1.66 +	if ($2 < 10000) printf "%d KB",$2; \
    1.67 +	else if ($2 < 10000000) printf "%d MB",$2/1024; \
    1.68 +	else printf "%d GB",$2/1024/1024; \
    1.69 +  } \
    1.70 +}')"
    1.71 +	info2="$(free | awk '\
    1.72 +{ \
    1.73 +  if (/Swap:/) { \
    1.74 +	if ($2 < 10000) printf "%d KB",$2; \
    1.75 +	else if ($2 < 10000000) printf "%d MB",$2/1024; \
    1.76 +	else printf "%d GB",$2/1024/1024; \
    1.77 +  } \
    1.78 +}')"
    1.79 +	rrdtool graph "$rrdgraph/memory-$period.png" --start -1$period \
    1.80 +		$rrdgraphargs -l 0 -u 100 \
    1.81 +		-t "memory usage per $period [ $info + $info2 swap ]" \
    1.82 +		DEF:used=$rrdlog/mem.rrd:memused:AVERAGE \
    1.83 +		DEF:free=$rrdlog/mem.rrd:memfree:AVERAGE \
    1.84 +		DEF:shared=$rrdlog/mem.rrd:memshared:AVERAGE \
    1.85 +		DEF:buffer=$rrdlog/mem.rrd:membuffers:AVERAGE \
    1.86 +		DEF:cache=$rrdlog/mem.rrd:memcache:AVERAGE \
    1.87 +		DEF:swused=$rrdlog/mem.rrd:swapused:AVERAGE \
    1.88 +		DEF:swfree=$rrdlog/mem.rrd:swapfree:AVERAGE \
    1.89 +		'CDEF:total=used,free,+' \
    1.90 +		'CDEF:used2=used,buffer,cache,shared,+,+,-' \
    1.91 +		'CDEF:usedpct=100,used2,total,/,*' \
    1.92 +		'CDEF:sharedpct=100,shared,total,/,*' \
    1.93 +		'CDEF:bufferpct=100,buffer,total,/,*' \
    1.94 +		'CDEF:cachepct=100,cache,total,/,*' \
    1.95 +		'CDEF:freepct=100,free,total,/,*' \
    1.96 +		'CDEF:swtotal=swused,swfree,+' \
    1.97 +		'CDEF:swusedpct=100,swused,swtotal,/,*' \
    1.98 +		'AREA:usedpct#0000FF:used memory' \
    1.99 +		'STACK:sharedpct#FF7F00:shared memory' \
   1.100 +		'STACK:bufferpct#FF00FF:buffered memory' \
   1.101 +		'STACK:cachepct#FFFF00:cached memory' \
   1.102 +		'STACK:freepct#00FF00:free memory' \
   1.103 +		'LINE2:swusedpct#FF0000:used swap\j'
   1.104 +}
   1.105 +
   1.106 +updatememdata () {
   1.107 +	[ -e "$rrdlog/mem.rrd" ] ||
   1.108 +		rrdtool create "$rrdlog/mem.rrd" --step=300 \
   1.109 +			DS:memused:ABSOLUTE:600:0:5000000000 \
   1.110 +			DS:memfree:ABSOLUTE:600:0:5000000000 \
   1.111 +			DS:memshared:ABSOLUTE:600:0:5000000000 \
   1.112 +			DS:membuffers:ABSOLUTE:600:0:5000000000 \
   1.113 +			DS:memcache:ABSOLUTE:600:0:5000000000 \
   1.114 +			DS:swapused:ABSOLUTE:600:0:5000000000 \
   1.115 +			DS:swapfree:ABSOLUTE:600:0:5000000000 \
   1.116 +			RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:576  RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:672 \
   1.117 +			RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:732 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:144:1460
   1.118 +
   1.119 +	while read tag count unit; do
   1.120 +		case "$tag" in
   1.121 +		MemTotal:)  memtotal=$(($count * 1024));;
   1.122 +		MemFree:)   memfree=$(($count * 1024))
   1.123 +			    memused=$(($memtotal - $memfree))
   1.124 +			    memshared=0;;
   1.125 +		MemShared:) memshared=$(($count * 1024));;
   1.126 +		Buffers:)   membuffers=$(($count * 1024));;
   1.127 +		Cached:)    memcache=$(($count * 1024));;
   1.128 +		SwapTotal:) swaptotal=$(($count * 1024));;
   1.129 +		SwapFree:)  swapfree=$(($count * 1024))
   1.130 +			    swapused=$(( $swaptotal - $swapfree));;
   1.131 +		esac
   1.132 +	done < /proc/meminfo
   1.133 +
   1.134 +	rrdtool update "$rrdlog/mem.rrd" \
   1.135 +		-t memused:memfree:memshared:membuffers:memcache:swapused:swapfree \
   1.136 +		"N:$memused:$memfree:$memshared:$membuffers:$memcache:$swapused:$swapfree"
   1.137 +}
   1.138 +
   1.139 +getmax() {
   1.140 +	rrdtool fetch $rrdlog/$1.rrd AVERAGE | awk '\
   1.141 +BEGIN {max=0} \
   1.142 +/^[0-9]/ { \
   1.143 +   if ($2 != "nan" && $2 > max) max=$2; \
   1.144 +   if ($3 != "nan" && $3 > max) max=$3; \
   1.145 +} \
   1.146 +END { print max }' | sed 's/,/./'
   1.147 +}
   1.148 +
   1.149 +updatediskgraph() {
   1.150 +	period=$1
   1.151 +	[ "$period" == "day" ] && maxdisk="$(getmax disk)"
   1.152 +	info=""
   1.153 +	[ -r $2 ] &&
   1.154 +	info="[ $(fdisk -l 2> /dev/null | grep "^Disk $2:" | \
   1.155 +		  sed "s|Disk $2: \(.*\), .*|\1|") ]"
   1.156 +	if [ -e /sys/block/${2#/dev/}/device/iodone_cnt ]; then
   1.157 +	err=$(printf "%d\n" $(cat /sys/block/${2#/dev/}/device/ioerr_cnt) )
   1.158 +	done=$(printf "%d\n" $(cat /sys/block/${2#/dev/}/device/iodone_cnt) )
   1.159 +	rate=$(echo | awk "BEGIN { printf \"%.0e\\n\",$err/$done }")
   1.160 +	[ $err -eq 0 ] &&  rate="0"
   1.161 +#		--right-axis-label "I/O state %"
   1.162 +	rrdtool graph "$rrdgraph/disk-$period.png" --start -1$period \
   1.163 +		$rrdgraphargs -t "disk access per $period $info" \
   1.164 +		--logarithmic --lower-limit 1 -v "Sectors/second" --units=si \
   1.165 +		DEF:read=$rrdlog/disk.rrd:readsect:AVERAGE \
   1.166 +		DEF:write=$rrdlog/disk.rrd:writesect:AVERAGE \
   1.167 +		DEF:req=$rrdlog/iodisk.rrd:req:AVERAGE \
   1.168 +		DEF:done=$rrdlog/iodisk.rrd:done:AVERAGE \
   1.169 +		DEF:err=$rrdlog/iodisk.rrd:err:AVERAGE \
   1.170 +		"CDEF:readpct=100,read,$maxdisk,/,*" \
   1.171 +		"CDEF:writepct=100,write,$maxdisk,/,*" \
   1.172 +		"CDEF:errpct=100,err,req,/,*" \
   1.173 +		"CDEF:donepct=100,done,req,/,*" \
   1.174 +		"CDEF:errrate=err,done,/" \
   1.175 +		'AREA:readpct#0000FF:sectors read from disk' \
   1.176 +		"COMMENT:I/O error rate $rate" \
   1.177 +		'STACK:writepct#00FF00:sectors written to disk' \
   1.178 +		'LINE2:donepct#FFFF00:% I/O complete' \
   1.179 +		'LINE2:errpct#FF0000:% I/O error\j'
   1.180 +	else
   1.181 +	rrdtool graph "$rrdgraph/disk-$period.png" --start -1$period \
   1.182 +		$rrdgraphargs -t "disk access per $period $info" \
   1.183 +		--logarithmic --lower-limit 1 -v "Sectors/second" --units=si \
   1.184 +		DEF:read=$rrdlog/disk.rrd:readsect:AVERAGE \
   1.185 +		DEF:write=$rrdlog/disk.rrd:writesect:AVERAGE \
   1.186 +		"CDEF:readpct=100,read,$maxdisk,/,*" \
   1.187 +		"CDEF:writepct=100,write,$maxdisk,/,*" \
   1.188 +		'AREA:readpct#0000FF:sectors read from disk' \
   1.189 +		'STACK:writepct#00FF00:sectors written to disk'
   1.190 +	fi
   1.191 +}
   1.192 +
   1.193 +updatediskdata() {
   1.194 +	dev=$1
   1.195 +	[ -e "$rrdlog/disk.rrd" ] ||
   1.196 +		rrdtool create "$rrdlog/disk.rrd" --step=300 \
   1.197 +			DS:readsect:COUNTER:600:0:5000000000 \
   1.198 +			DS:writesect:COUNTER:600:0:5000000000 \
   1.199 +			RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:576  RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:672 \
   1.200 +			RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:732 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:144:1460
   1.201 +	[ -e "$rrdlog/iodisk.rrd" ] ||
   1.202 +		rrdtool create "$rrdlog/iodisk.rrd" --step=300 \
   1.203 +			DS:done:GAUGE:600:0:U  DS:err:GAUGE:600:0:U \
   1.204 +			DS:req:GAUGE:600:0:U \
   1.205 +			RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:576  RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:672 \
   1.206 +			RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:732 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:144:1460
   1.207 +
   1.208 +	while read major minor name readreq readsect writereq writesect misc; do
   1.209 +		[ $major = $(( 0x$(stat -c %t $dev) )) ] || continue
   1.210 +		[ $minor = $(( 0x$(stat -c %T $dev) )) ] || continue
   1.211 +		rrdtool update "$rrdlog/disk.rrd" -t readsect:writesect \
   1.212 +			N:$readsect:$writesect
   1.213 +	done < /proc/diskstats
   1.214 +	disk=${dev:0:8}
   1.215 +	dir=/sys/block/${disk#/dev/}/device
   1.216 +	done=$(printf "%d\n" $(cat $dir/iodone_cnt 2> /dev/null) )
   1.217 +	err=$(printf "%d\n" $(cat $dir/ioerr_cnt 2> /dev/null) )
   1.218 +	req=$(printf "%d\n" $(cat $dir/iorequest_cnt 2> /dev/null) )
   1.219 +	rrdtool update "$rrdlog/iodisk.rrd" -t done:err:req N:$done:$err:$req
   1.220 +}
   1.221 +
   1.222 +updateifgraph() {
   1.223 +	interface=$1
   1.224 +	period=$2
   1.225 +	rrdtool graph "$rrdgraph/$interface-$period.png" --start -1$period \
   1.226 +		$rrdgraphargs -t "traffic on $interface graph per $period" \
   1.227 +		--logarithmic -A -v "Bytes/second" --units=si \
   1.228 +		DEF:incoming=$rrdlog/$interface.rrd:incoming:AVERAGE \
   1.229 +		DEF:outgoing=$rrdlog/$interface.rrd:outgoing:AVERAGE \
   1.230 +		'AREA:incoming#00FF00:incoming traffic' \
   1.231 +		'GPRINT:outgoing:MAX:max output%8.3lf %sBps' \
   1.232 +		'LINE1:outgoing#0000FF:outgoing traffic\j'
   1.233 +}
   1.234 +
   1.235 +netframes() {
   1.236 +ifconfig $1 | grep "$2 packets" | sed -re "s/.*$3:([0-9]+).*/\1/g"
   1.237 +}
   1.238 +
   1.239 +netstats() {
   1.240 +ifconfig $1 | grep bytes | sed -re "s/.*$2 bytes:([0-9]+).*/\1/g"
   1.241 +}
   1.242 +
   1.243 +updateifdata() {
   1.244 +	interface=$1
   1.245 +	[ -e "$rrdlog/$interface.rrd" ] ||
   1.246 +		rrdtool create "$rrdlog/$interface.rrd" --step=300 \
   1.247 +			DS:incoming:COUNTER:600:0:U \
   1.248 +			DS:outgoing:COUNTER:600:0:U \
   1.249 +			RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:576  RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:672 \
   1.250 +			RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:732 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:144:1460
   1.251 +	[ -e "$rrdlog/packets-$interface.rrd" ] ||
   1.252 +		rrdtool create "$rrdlog/packets-$interface.rrd" --step=300 \
   1.253 +			DS:in:COUNTER:600:0:U      DS:out:COUNTER:600:0:U \
   1.254 +			DS:inerr:COUNTER:600:0:U   DS:outerr:COUNTER:600:0:U \
   1.255 +			DS:indrop:COUNTER:600:0:U  DS:outdrop:COUNTER:600:0:U \
   1.256 +			DS:inov:COUNTER:600:0:U    DS:outov:COUNTER:600:0:U \
   1.257 +			DS:frame:COUNTER:600:0:U   DS:carrier:COUNTER:600:0:U \
   1.258 +			RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:576  RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:672 \
   1.259 +			RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:732 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:144:1460
   1.260 +	rx=$(netstats $interface RX)
   1.261 +	tx=$(netstats $interface TX)
   1.262 +	rrdtool update "$rrdlog/$interface.rrd" -t incoming:outgoing \
   1.263 +		N:${rx:-U}:${tx:-U}
   1.264 +	rx=$(netframes $interface RX packets)
   1.265 +	tx=$(netframes $interface TX packets)
   1.266 +	rxerr=$(netframes $interface RX errors)
   1.267 +	txerr=$(netframes $interface TX errors)
   1.268 +	rxdrop=$(netframes $interface RX dropped)
   1.269 +	txdrop=$(netframes $interface TX dropped)
   1.270 +	rxov=$(netframes $interface RX overruns)
   1.271 +	txov=$(netframes $interface TX overruns)
   1.272 +	frame=$(netframes $interface RX frame)
   1.273 +	carrier=$(netframes $interface TX carrier)
   1.274 +	rrdtool update "$rrdlog/packets-$interface.rrd" \
   1.275 +		-t in:out:inerr:outerr:indrop:outdrop:inov:outov:frame:carrier \
   1.276 +		N:${rx:-U}:${tx:-U}:${rxerr:-U}:${txerr:-U}:${rxdrop:-U}:${txdrop:-U}:${rxov:-U}:${txov:-U}:${frame:-U}:${carrier:-U}
   1.277 +}
   1.278 +
   1.279 +getdisk()
   1.280 +{
   1.281 +	local d
   1.282 +	local i
   1.283 +	d=$(stat -c %04D $1)
   1.284 +	for i in /dev/* ; do 
   1.285 +		[ $(stat -c "%02t%02T" $i) == $d ] || continue
   1.286 +		echo $i
   1.287 +		break
   1.288 +	done
   1.289 +}
   1.290 +
   1.291 +###
   1.292 +### System graphs
   1.293 +###
   1.294 +
   1.295 +updatecpudata
   1.296 +updatecpugraph day
   1.297 +updatecpugraph week
   1.298 +updatecpugraph month
   1.299 +updatecpugraph year
   1.300 +
   1.301 +updatememdata
   1.302 +updatememgraph day
   1.303 +updatememgraph week
   1.304 +updatememgraph month
   1.305 +updatememgraph year
   1.306 +
   1.307 +if [ -e /proc/diskstats ]; then
   1.308 +	disk=$(getdisk $0)
   1.309 +	updatediskdata $disk
   1.310 +	updatediskgraph day ${disk:0:8}
   1.311 +	updatediskgraph week ${disk:0:8}
   1.312 +	updatediskgraph month ${disk:0:8}
   1.313 +	updatediskgraph year ${disk:0:8}
   1.314 +fi
   1.315 +
   1.316 +iface=$(/sbin/route -n | awk '{ if (/^ print $8 }')
   1.317 +updateifdata $iface
   1.318 +updateifgraph $iface day
   1.319 +updateifgraph $iface week
   1.320 +updateifgraph $iface month
   1.321 +updateifgraph $iface year
     2.1 Binary file tank/web/favicon.ico has changed
     3.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/tank/web/graphs.php	Wed Feb 23 22:16:38 2011 +0000
     3.3 @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
     3.4 +<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
     3.5 +    "">
     3.6 +<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
     3.7 +<head>
     3.8 +	<title>Tank RRD stats</title>
     3.9 +	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
    3.10 +	<meta name="description" content="slitaz tank rrdtool graphs" />
    3.11 +	<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />
    3.12 +	<meta name="author" content="SliTaz Contributors" />
    3.13 +	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" />
    3.14 +	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="slitaz.css" />
    3.15 +</head>
    3.16 +<body>
    3.17 +
    3.18 +<!-- Header -->
    3.19 +<div id="header">
    3.20 +    <a href=""><img id="logo"
    3.21 +		src="pics/website/logo.png" 
    3.22 +		title="" alt="" /></a>
    3.23 +    <p id="titre">#!/Tank</p>
    3.24 +</div>
    3.25 +
    3.26 +<!-- Content -->
    3.27 +<div id="content-full">
    3.28 +
    3.29 +<!-- Block begin -->
    3.30 +<div class="block">
    3.31 +	<!-- Nav block begin -->
    3.32 +	<div id="block_nav">
    3.33 +		<h3><img src="pics/website/development.png" alt="png" />Devel corner</h3>
    3.34 +		<ul>
    3.35 +			<li><a href="">Website/devel</a></li>
    3.36 +			<li><a href="">Laboratories</a></li>
    3.37 +			<li><a href="">Mercurial Repos</a></li>
    3.38 +			<li><a href="">Build Bot</a></li>
    3.39 +			<li><a href="">Community Network</a></li>
    3.40 +			<li><a href="">SliTaz People</a></li>
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    3.43 +	</div>
    3.44 +	<!-- Top block begin -->
    3.45 +	<div id="block_top">
    3.46 +		<h1>Tank RRD stats</h1>
    3.47 +		<p>
    3.48 +			This is the SliTaz GNU/Linux main server and build host. The server runs
    3.49 +			naturally SliTaz (stable) and provides some services to all contributors
    3.50 +			such as: secure access, disk space, a public directory, cron jobs and the
    3.51 +			<a href="">Build Bot</a>.
    3.52 +		</p>
    3.53 +	<!-- Top block end -->
    3.54 +	</div>
    3.55 +<!-- Block end -->
    3.56 +</div>
    3.57 +
    3.58 +<?php
    3.59 +
    3.60 +$myurl="http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
    3.61 +
    3.62 +function one_graphic($img,$name)
    3.63 +{
    3.64 +	echo '<img src="pics/rrd/'.$img.'" title="'.
    3.65 +		$name.'" alt="'.$name.'" />'."\n";
    3.66 +}
    3.67 +
    3.68 +function graphic($res, $img='')
    3.69 +{
    3.70 +	global $myurl;
    3.71 +	if (!$img) $img=$res;
    3.72 +	echo "<a name=\"".$res."\"></a>";
    3.73 +	echo "<a href=\"".$myurl."?stats=".$res."#".$res."\">\n";
    3.74 +	one_graphic($img."-day.png",$res." daily");
    3.75 +	echo "</a>";
    3.76 +	if ($_GET['stats'] == $res) {
    3.77 +		one_graphic($img."-week.png",$res." weekly");
    3.78 +		one_graphic($img."-month.png",$res." monthly");
    3.79 +		one_graphic($img."-year.png",$res." yearly");
    3.80 +	}
    3.81 +}
    3.82 +
    3.83 +echo "<h2>CPU</h2>\n";
    3.84 +graphic("cpu");
    3.85 +echo "<h2>Memory</h2>\n";
    3.86 +graphic("memory");
    3.87 +echo "<h2>Disk</h2>\n";
    3.88 +graphic("disk");
    3.89 +echo "<h2>Network</h2>\n";
    3.90 +$eth = array();
    3.91 +exec("/sbin/route -n | awk '{ if (/^ print $8 }'", $eth);
    3.92 +graphic("net",$eth[0]);
    3.93 +
    3.94 +?>
    3.95 +
    3.96 +<!-- End of content -->
    3.97 +</div>
    3.98 +
    3.99 +<!-- Footer -->
   3.100 +<div id="footer">
   3.101 +	<div class="right_box">
   3.102 +	<h4>SliTaz Network</h4>
   3.103 +		<ul>
   3.104 +			<li><a href="">Documentation</a></li>
   3.105 +			<li><a href="">Support Forum</a></li>
   3.106 +			<li><a href="">Community Network</a></li>
   3.107 +			<li><a href="">Laboratories</a></li>
   3.108 +			<li><a href="">SliTaz on Twitter</a></li>
   3.109 +			<li><a href="">SliTaz on DistroWatch</a></li>
   3.110 +		</ul>
   3.111 +	</div>
   3.112 +	<h4>SliTaz Website</h4>
   3.113 +	<ul>
   3.114 +		<li><a href="#header">Top of the page</a></li>
   3.115 +		<li>Copyright &copy; <?php echo date('Y'); ?>
   3.116 +			<a href="">SliTaz</a></li>
   3.117 +		<li><a href="">About the project</a></li>
   3.118 +		<li><a href="">Network Map</a></li>
   3.119 +		<li>Page modified the <?php echo (date( "d M Y", getlastmod())); ?></li>
   3.120 +		<li><a href=""><img
   3.121 +		src="pics/website/xhtml10.png" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0"
   3.122 +		title="Code validé XHTML 1.0"
   3.123 +		style="width: 80px; height: 15px; vertical-align: middle;" /></a></li>
   3.124 +	</ul>
   3.125 +</div>
   3.126 +
   3.127 +</body>
   3.128 +</html>
     4.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/tank/web/index.php	Wed Feb 23 22:16:38 2011 +0000
     4.3 @@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
     4.4 +<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
     4.5 +    "">
     4.6 +<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
     4.7 +<head>
     4.8 +	<title>SliTaz Tank</title>
     4.9 +	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
    4.10 +	<meta name="description" content="slitaz tank server" />
    4.11 +	<meta name="robots" content="index, nofollow" />
    4.12 +	<meta name="author" content="SliTaz Contributors" />
    4.13 +	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" />
    4.14 +	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="slitaz.css" />
    4.15 +</head>
    4.16 +<body>
    4.17 +
    4.18 +<!-- Header -->
    4.19 +<div id="header">
    4.20 +    <a href=""><img id="logo"
    4.21 +		src="pics/website/logo.png" 
    4.22 +		title="" alt="" /></a>
    4.23 +    <p id="titre">#!/Tank</p>
    4.24 +</div>
    4.25 +
    4.26 +<!-- Content -->
    4.27 +<div id="content-full">
    4.28 +
    4.29 +<!-- Block begin -->
    4.30 +<div class="block">
    4.31 +	<!-- Nav block begin -->
    4.32 +	<div id="block_nav">
    4.33 +		<h3><img src="pics/website/development.png" alt="png" />Devel corner</h3>
    4.34 +		<ul>
    4.35 +			<li><a href="">Website/devel</a></li>
    4.36 +			<li><a href="">Laboratories</a></li>
    4.37 +			<li><a href="">Mercurial Repos</a></li>
    4.38 +			<li><a href="">Build Bot</a></li>
    4.39 +			<li><a href="">Community Network</a></li>
    4.40 +			<li><a href="">SliTaz People</a></li>
    4.41 +		</ul>
    4.42 +	<!-- Nav block end -->
    4.43 +	</div>
    4.44 +	<!-- Top block begin -->
    4.45 +	<div id="block_top">
    4.46 +		<h1>Codename: tank</h1>
    4.47 +		<p>
    4.48 +			This is the SliTaz GNU/Linux main server and build host. The server runs
    4.49 +			naturally SliTaz (stable) and provides some services to all contributors
    4.50 +			such as: secure access, disk space, a public directory, cron jobs and the
    4.51 +			<a href="">Build Bot</a>.
    4.52 +		</p>
    4.53 +		<p>
    4.54 +			Tank CPU is a AMD Dual Core 2 GHz - 2GB RAM - Located next to Lausanne,
    4.55 +			Switzerland and offered by Thomas Hinterberger and hosted by Christophe
    4.56 +			Lincoln. Tank is also monitored by RRDtool which provides 
    4.57 +			<a href="graphs.php">graphical stats</a>.
    4.58 +		</p>
    4.59 +	<!-- Top block end -->
    4.60 +	</div>
    4.61 +<!-- Block end -->
    4.62 +</div>
    4.63 +
    4.64 +<h2><a href="graphs.php"><img 
    4.65 +	style="vertical-align: middle; padding: 0 4px 0 0;"
    4.66 +	title="Tank RRDtool graphs" alt="graphs"
    4.67 +    src="pics/website/monitor.png" /></a>System stats</h2>
    4.68 +
    4.69 +<h4>Uptime</h4>
    4.70 +
    4.71 +<pre class="package">
    4.72 +<?php
    4.73 +system("uptime | sed 's/^\s*//'");
    4.74 +?>
    4.75 +</pre>
    4.76 +
    4.77 +<h4>Disk usage</h4>
    4.78 +<pre class="package">
    4.79 +<?php
    4.80 +system("df -h | sed '/^rootfs/d' | grep  '\(^/dev\|Filesystem\)'");
    4.81 +?>
    4.82 +</pre>
    4.83 +
    4.84 +<h4>Network</h4>
    4.85 +<pre class="package">
    4.86 +<?php
    4.87 +system("ifconfig eth0 | awk '{ if (/X packet/ || /X byte/) print }' | sed 's/^\s*//'");
    4.88 +?>
    4.89 +</pre>
    4.90 +
    4.91 +<h2><a href="/stats/"><img
    4.92 +	style="vertical-align: middle; padding: 0 4px 0 0;"
    4.93 +	title="Tank Virtual hosts" alt="vhosts"
    4.94 +    src="pics/website/vhosts.png" /></a>Virtual hosts</h2>
    4.95 +
    4.96 +<ul>
    4.97 +	<li><a href=""></a> - SliTaz Website.
    4.98 +	(<a href="/stats/">stats</a>)</li>
    4.99 +	<li><a href=""></a> - Documentation platform.</li>
   4.100 +	<li><a href=""></a> - Packages Web interface.</li>
   4.101 +	<li><a href=""></a> - gPXE Web boot.</li>
   4.102 +	<li><a href=""></a> - Mercurial repositories.</li>
   4.103 +	<li><a href=""></a> - SliTaz Build Bot.</li>
   4.104 +	<li><a href=""></a> - SliTaz People stuff.</li>
   4.105 +	<li><a href=""></a> - SliTaz Professional services.</li>
   4.106 +</ul>
   4.107 +
   4.108 +<h2><img
   4.109 +	style="vertical-align: middle; padding: 0 4px 0 0;"
   4.110 +	title="Erjo Virtual hosts" alt="vhosts"
   4.111 +    src="pics/website/vhosts.png" />Other hosts</h2>
   4.112 +
   4.113 +<p>
   4.114 +	These services are hosted by some individual sponsors who gracefully offer
   4.115 +	resources to the SliTaz project.
   4.116 +</p>
   4.117 +<ul>
   4.118 +	<li><a href=""></a> - SliTaz support forum.</li>
   4.119 +	<li><a href=""></a> - SliTaz Laboratories.</li>
   4.120 +	<li><a href=""></a> - SliTaz main mirror and replicas.
   4.121 +		(<a href="">more...</a>)</li>
   4.122 +	<li><a href=""></a> - Community platform.</li>
   4.123 +	<li><a href=""></a> - SliTaz flavor builder.</li>
   4.124 +</ul>
   4.125 +    
   4.126 +<h2><a href=""> <img
   4.127 +	style="vertical-align: middle; padding: 0 4px 0 0;"
   4.128 +	src="pics/website/vhosts.png"
   4.129 +	title="Secondary mirrors" alt="mirrors" /></a>Mirrors</h2>
   4.130 +<p>
   4.131 +	These mirrors are updated using the url <b>rsync://</b>
   4.132 +	(<a href="">stats</a>)
   4.133 +</p>
   4.134 +<ul>
   4.135 +	<li><a href="">
   4.136 +</a> or
   4.137 +		<a href="">
   4.138 +</a></li>
   4.139 +	<li><a href="">
   4.140 +</a></li>
   4.141 +	<li><a href="">
   4.142 +</a></li>
   4.143 +	<li><a href="">
   4.144 +</a></li>
   4.145 +	<li><a href="">
   4.146 +</a> or
   4.147 +		<a href="">
   4.148 +</a></li>
   4.149 +	<li><a href="">
   4.150 +</a></li>
   4.151 +	<li><a href="">
   4.152 +</a> or
   4.153 +		<a href="">
   4.154 +</a></li>
   4.155 +		<li><a href="">
   4.156 +</a></li>
   4.157 +</ul>
   4.158 +
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   4.160 +</div>
   4.161 +
   4.162 +<!-- Footer -->
   4.163 +<div id="footer">
   4.164 +	<div class="right_box">
   4.165 +	<h4>SliTaz Network</h4>
   4.166 +		<ul>
   4.167 +			<li><a href="">Documentation</a></li>
   4.168 +			<li><a href="">Support Forum</a></li>
   4.169 +			<li><a href="">Community Network</a></li>
   4.170 +			<li><a href="">Laboratories</a></li>
   4.171 +			<li><a href="">SliTaz on Twitter</a></li>
   4.172 +			<li><a href="">SliTaz on DistroWatch</a></li>
   4.173 +		</ul>
   4.174 +	</div>
   4.175 +	<h4>SliTaz Website</h4>
   4.176 +	<ul>
   4.177 +		<li><a href="#header">Top of the page</a></li>
   4.178 +		<li>Copyright &copy; <?php echo date('Y'); ?>
   4.179 +			<a href="">SliTaz</a></li>
   4.180 +		<li><a href="">About the project</a></li>
   4.181 +		<li><a href="">Network Map</a></li>
   4.182 +		<li>Page modified the <?php echo (date( "d M Y", getlastmod())); ?></li>
   4.183 +		<li><a href=""><img
   4.184 +		src="pics/website/xhtml10.png" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0"
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   4.186 +		style="width: 80px; height: 15px; vertical-align: middle;" /></a></li>
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   4.191 +</html>
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