slitaz-modular log initramfs/linuxrc

age author description
2011-06-12 Christopher Rogers Update local-mirror script to support ssfs for local
2011-05-12 Christopher Rogers linuxrc: Fixed mirror option so it can be used for resync with folders on system.
2011-03-16 Christopher Rogers Add mirror boot option. This way the mirror files could be on a differnet device.
2011-03-08 Christopher Rogers Updated initramfs. Added support to change the mirror, packages, and source folders on the iso. Added support for and to work locally.
2011-02-27 Christopher Rogers Added local-mirror script to initramfs so its on all isos. Livecd/dvd will be added to union if /boot/packages exist on iso. Use fstab_clean so you can mount devices with pcmanfm.
2011-01-19 Christopher Rogers Update init and linuxrc scripts.
2010-12-16 Christopher Rogers Add rootuuid support into init. Also started copying initramfs to /mnt/memory/initramfs to save space. Updated linuxrc to support /memory/initramfs in union.
2010-11-25 Christopher Rogers first release0.1-alpha