slitaz-modular log

age author description
2011-06-18 Christopher Rogers Add $KBASEVER support.
2011-06-12 Christopher Rogers Update local-mirror script to support ssfs for local
2011-06-12 Christopher Rogers Added option SRC_PKG to get the all SOURCE packages. This only works if there the same version though.
2011-06-08 Christopher Rogers Update core/list folder.
2011-06-08 Christopher Rogers local-mirror: Update local-mirror script. Added support for install incoming packages on desktop.
2011-06-01 Christopher Rogers Added full support for
2011-06-01 Christopher Rogers Add my-cookutils repos to MY_HG_LIST.
2011-06-01 Christopher Rogers local-mirror: Add cook website option.
2011-05-25 Christopher Rogers Add support for wok-tank.
2011-05-25 Christopher Rogers local-mirror: Add wok-tank support. The new my-wok repo.
2011-05-20 Christopher Rogers Replace kbd-busybox with kbd-base in intramfs.list file.
2011-05-18 Christopher Rogers local-mirror: Fixed website crond option. Check if is used to add to same line in /etc/hosts file.
2011-05-17 Christopher Rogers Rename some of the modules lists in core/list folder.
2011-05-17 Christopher Rogers Updated rcS.conf in core overlay.
2011-05-17 Christopher Rogers Add and support into lighttpd configs.
2011-05-14 Christopher Rogers Fixed dnsmasq.conf file.
2011-05-13 Christopher Rogers Updated local-mirror.conf file initramfs/etc folder.
2011-05-13 Christopher Rogers Fixed local-mirror script to make $COOKING and $STABLE folders.
2011-05-12 Christopher Rogers local-mirror: Add support for backup-mirror. This will allow you to backup mirror packages, src, and repos to the mirror union branch directly if its mounted in /mnt/live/memory/mirror folder.
2011-05-12 Christopher Rogers linuxrc: Fixed mirror option so it can be used for resync with folders on system.
2011-05-12 Christopher Rogers liblinuxlive: Folders are now bind instead of rbind with mount_device function.
2011-05-11 Christopher Rogers Add script to free up ram.
2011-05-11 Christopher Rogers Now just add lines for crond if the website in question is used. Made sure the command is also run before being added. Ex. tazpkg-web cooking needs to be run for to work locally.
2011-05-11 Christopher Rogers Update tazbb script. Now you can execute a command in chroot. Need full path for this to work.
2011-05-08 Christopher Rogers Added tazbb replacement script for crond. This will automate the build bot.
2011-05-08 Christopher Rogers Add cookutils to $HG_LIST. Disabled check for $WGET_URL since all of slitaz meta packages wouldn't have it.
2011-05-06 Christopher Rogers local-mirror: Bug fix.
2011-05-06 Christopher Rogers Add initramfs/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root file.
2011-05-06 Christopher Rogers Added into vhosts for tank and local-tank.
2011-05-06 Christopher Rogers Update local-mirror.conf.
2011-05-06 Christopher Rogers Add up-src-links so sources can be updated after build. Add some of crond commands into local-mirror if file exists. crond is now started after lighttpd. Add bugs option for setting up (needs to be fix).
2011-05-06 Christopher Rogers Update core list folder.
2011-05-06 Christopher Rogers Add a if statement to check if your in in cooking branch of my-wok before updating it.
2011-05-03 Christopher Rogers Changed repos path so home boot option can work. Now its root (/)repos instead of /home/slitaz/repos. Made sure union needs BASE_MODULES instead of MODULES. Made MY_HG_LIST only get made if COPY_HG equals yes.
2011-04-30 Christopher Rogers Add aufs-utils to initramfs.list file.
2011-04-30 Christopher Rogers Update core/config file.
2011-04-30 Christopher Rogers Update core lists.
2011-04-27 Christopher Rogers Fixed to remove log files if then exist. This is so the new logs are not added to the older ones.
2011-04-20 Christopher Rogers Updated core profile lists.
2011-04-20 Christopher Rogers Add support for my-wok repo. Fixed script up.
2011-04-16 Christopher Rogers Add tazpanel and slitaz-vz into local-mirror script.
2011-04-15 Christopher Rogers Added logs support into slitaz-modular.
2011-04-14 Christopher Rogers Fixed config file in core profile.
2011-04-14 Christopher Rogers Removed old hgweb.config file in core overlay.
2011-04-14 Christopher Rogers Removed old common.conf file. Add awstats.conf and lighttpd.conf files to initramfs/etc/lighttpd folder.
2011-04-14 Christopher Rogers Add a.003.server.list file to core-basic/list folder.
2011-04-14 Christopher Rogers Fixed up script when rebuilding installed.md5 file.
2011-04-14 Christopher Rogers Updated initramfs.list file.
2011-04-14 Christopher Rogers Fixed slitaz-modular script to work better with a unclean working folder.
2011-04-13 Christopher Rogers Add script in intrams/etc/init.d folder.
2011-04-13 Christopher Rogers Remove rebuild of installed.md5 in setup-live script.
2011-04-13 Christopher Rogers Add slitaz-configs-base to initramfs.list file. This should make isolinux image show up on boot.
2011-04-13 Christopher Rogers Fixed slitaz-modular script to make source dvd again.
2011-04-12 Christopher Rogers Fixed slitaz-modular script to source config file in profile.
2011-04-12 Christopher Rogers Add core-basic profile for new slitaz-modular script.
2011-04-12 Christopher Rogers Updated slitaz-modular script to make subfolders for differnet flavors packages lists. This way you can get a iso to load one of the more basic flavors.
2011-04-12 Christopher Rogers Up: Fixed setup-live script only reconfigure packages that have post_install function in receipts.
2011-04-12 Christopher Rogers Make varable i local in mktaz2xz function in slitaz-modular script.
2011-04-11 Christopher Rogers Fixed slitaz-modular script to only remove packages-order.txt if CLEAN_MODULES_DIR equals yes. Also made sure to add old code in script into slitaz-modular script to remove modules folders if CLEAN_MODULES_DIR equals yes.
2011-04-11 Christopher Rogers Add some basic debug messages it to slitaz-modular script. Add if statements to remove INITRAMFS folder if CLEAN_INITRAMFS is used. And check if INITRAMFS folder exist before running initramfs function.
2011-04-10 Christopher Rogers Removed -nopad option. Never use -nopad since it screws up squashfs format.
2011-04-10 Christopher Rogers Fixed mktaz2xz function again in slitaz-modular script.
2011-04-10 Christopher Rogers Add setup-live script. Its meant to help setup up livecd if you build it with slitaz-modular script.
2011-04-10 Christopher Rogers Fixed mktaz2xz function in slitaz-modular script. Also added -nopad option to both create_module functions in slitaz-modular and liblinuxlive scripts.
2011-04-10 Christopher Rogers Fixed taz2xz. Path for INSTALLED don't need version in them.
2011-04-10 Christopher Rogers Fixed off option when tazpanel is release. Made sure MAIN_WWW_DIR/slitaz links to /var/www/slitaz. Add slitaz-modular soft link to COOKING folder for new slitaz-modular script.
2011-04-10 Christopher Rogers taz2xz: made sure to add pkgmd5 file to help rebuild installed.md5. Also made sure to look for packages with EXTRAVERSION variable.
2011-04-09 Christopher Rogers Add slitaz-modular script to initramfs/usr/bin/ folder. This will allow it to be used on the server end since it doesn't need to make a aufs union.
2011-04-09 Christopher Rogers Update initramfs.list file.
2011-04-08 Christopher Rogers Add taz2xz to initramfs.
2011-04-08 Christopher Rogers Add xz2dir to initramfs.
2011-04-08 Christopher Rogers Add dir2xz to initramfs.
2011-04-05 Christopher Rogers Update core/list folder.
2011-04-05 Christopher Rogers Add update-repos to local-mirror script. Added more variables to local-mirror.conf.
2011-04-05 Christopher Rogers Add tazweb to HG_LIST in script.
2011-03-29 Christopher Rogers Updated core list files.
2011-03-29 Christopher Rogers Add activate and deactivate scripts for loading and unloading modules.
2011-03-27 Christopher Rogers Started to add dnsmasq support into local-mirror. Will allow local lan version of tank to be possible. Add support also. Fixed hg repos pull.
2011-03-27 Christopher Rogers Update
2011-03-27 Christopher Rogers Add support into local-mirror.conf. Fixed to work i think.
2011-03-24 Christopher Rogers Add my working dnsmasq.conf file. This will allow people to use slitaz mirror iso for local versions of slitaz sites on local lan.
2011-03-16 Christopher Rogers Add mirror boot option. This way the mirror files could be on a differnet device.
2011-03-16 Christopher Rogers Add linux-udf to initramfs packages list.
2011-03-12 Christopher Rogers Updated script and local-mirror script. Removed variables in lighttpd configs files. Fixed seding local-mirror.conf file in Made two lighttpd configs. One for local tank and one for local mirror. Added support for tank-only or mirror-only option into local-mirror.
2011-03-08 Christopher Rogers Fixed mirror folder path to be in PKGISO_DIR and SRCISO_DIR variables.
2011-03-08 Christopher Rogers Updated initramfs. Added support to change the mirror, packages, and source folders on the iso. Added support for and to work locally.
2011-02-28 Christopher Rogers Removed /etc/lighttpd and local-mirror in core profile overlay.
2011-02-28 Christopher Rogers Update local-mirror script. Add on and off options. Put if statement of WWW and for loop of REPOS into functions.
2011-02-28 Christopher Rogers Add slitaz-doc-wiki-data and slitaz-modular to HG_LIST. Make sure to check and remove ISODIR/boot/src and ISODIR/boot/packages if exist.
2011-02-27 Christopher Rogers Added local-mirror script to initramfs so its on all isos. Livecd/dvd will be added to union if /boot/packages exist on iso. Use fstab_clean so you can mount devices with pcmanfm.
2011-02-26 Christopher Rogers Got BACKUP_SOURCES and PACKAGES config options working right.
2011-02-25 Christopher Rogers Removed iso path in md5sum for iso. Added a BACKUP_ALL option. I can now add soft links to iso so it will be followed and added to iso.
2011-02-23 Christopher Rogers Updated core profile. Added local-mirror script. Local-mirror will allow one to use the hg repos on slitaz to make a local network of
2011-02-22 Christopher Rogers Adding support for backing up packages and sources. Moved hg repos to /home/slitaz/repos to be inline with tank server.
2011-02-22 Christopher Rogers Update initramfs init script.
2011-02-03 Christopher Rogers Fix typo in init script.
2011-01-24 Christopher Rogers Updated init script.
2011-01-19 Christopher Rogers Update init and linuxrc scripts.
2010-12-26 Christopher Rogers Changed HG_DIR folder path to /home/slitaz/hg. Added PROFILE name to iso name now. (Ex. slitaz-core-DATE.iso)
2010-12-25 Christopher Rogers Update core overlay. Add fixes to vte problem with /dev/pts permissions. This makes vte based terminals work in user mode.
2010-12-24 Christopher Rogers Updated script and initramfs.list.
2010-12-18 Christopher Rogers Remove commented out MODULES in core/config file.
2010-12-18 Christopher Rogers Changed script be able to have profiles or flavors as slitaz calls them. Added first core flavor that has base, core-basic, core, firefox, and core-xfce flavor as modules. Will make readme to explain more.
2010-12-16 Christopher Rogers Updated config file. Removed a.000.base from MODULES.
2010-12-16 Christopher Rogers Updated script. Now initramfs is base of union. This is so we can save 10mb on iso.
2010-12-16 Christopher Rogers Removed list/a.000.base.list file. The list/initramfs.list file now replaces list/a.000.base.list file. Doesn't need to be added to MODULES in config since it is used to build initramfs.
2010-12-16 Christopher Rogers Add rootuuid support into init. Also started copying initramfs to /mnt/memory/initramfs to save space. Updated linuxrc to support /memory/initramfs in union.
2010-12-13 Christopher Rogers Added privoxy user to my overlay.
2010-12-12 Christopher Rogers Update config file and modular lists.
2010-12-03 Christopher Rogers 0.1-beta
2010-12-03 Christopher Rogers Update config file.0.1-beta
2010-12-03 Christopher Rogers Update tazpkg in overlay. Add my own group, gshadow, passwd, and shadow files into overlay.
2010-12-03 Christopher Rogers Updated package list files again. Added mesa-demos, clamav, frozen-bubble, and warzone2100.
2010-12-02 Christopher Rogers Updated my modular package lists.
2010-12-01 Christopher Rogers Make check for package files.list instead of just the folder in /var/lib/tazpkg/installed.
2010-11-27 Christopher Rogers Fixed CLEAN_INITRAMFS option.
2010-11-26 Christopher Rogers Added comment to config file to explain what some of the variables do.
2010-11-26 Christopher Rogers Added CLEAN_INITRAMFS variable into Made sure union does run if MODULES in null.
2010-11-25 Christopher Rogers Added tag 0.1-alpha for changeset 6d654d523ac8
2010-11-25 Christopher Rogers first release0.1-alpha