ssfs diff ssfs-box @ rev 103

Tiny edits
author Paul Issott <>
date Sun Apr 24 15:45:47 2016 +0100 (2016-04-24)
parents c5d1be52a338
children db15cf5d46c7
line diff
     1.1 --- a/ssfs-box	Mon Jun 13 23:42:47 2011 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/ssfs-box	Sun Apr 24 15:45:47 2016 +0100
     1.3 @@ -37,16 +37,17 @@
     1.4  	if [ ! -s "$config" ]; then
     1.5  		$0 setup && exit 0
     1.6  	fi
     1.7 -	[ "$opts" ] || opts="--width=460 --height=320"
     1.8 +	[ "$opts" ] || opts="--width=520 --height=320"
     1.9  	text=$(gettext "<b>Welcome to the Ssfs Client user interface</b>")
    1.10  	info | yad $opts \
    1.11  		--list --title="Ssfs Box" \
    1.12  		--image-on-top --window-icon=$pixmap \
    1.13  		--text="$text" --image=$pixmap \
    1.14  		--column "Ssfs" --column "$(gettext "Value")" \
    1.15 -		--button="$(gettext "Setup client"):4" \
    1.16 -		--button="$(gettext "Edit config"):3" \
    1.17 -		--button="$(gettext "Browse files"):2" \
    1.18 +		--button="$(gettext "Setup client"):5" \
    1.19 +		--button="$(gettext "Edit config"):4" \
    1.20 +		--button="$(gettext "Browse files"):3" \
    1.21 +		--button="$(gettext "SSH Login"):2" \
    1.22  		--button="gtk-close:1"
    1.23  }
    1.25 @@ -57,16 +58,19 @@
    1.26  	# Deal with --button values
    1.27  	case $? in
    1.28  		1) exit 0 ;;
    1.29 -		2) file-manager $HOME/Sync ;;
    1.30 -		3) editor $config ;;
    1.31 -		4) $0 setup ;;
    1.32 +		2) terminal -e "ssfs login" ;;
    1.33 +		3) file-manager $HOME/Sync ;;
    1.34 +		4) editor $config ;;
    1.35 +		5) $0 setup ;;
    1.36  		*) continue ;;
    1.37  	esac
    1.38  	case $main in
    1.39 +		Files*) file-manager $HOME/Sync ;;
    1.40  		RSA*)
    1.41  			yad --text-info --title="RSA Key" \
    1.42  				--width=560 --height=420 \
    1.43 -				--filename=$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa ;;
    1.44 +				--filename=$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa \
    1.45 +				--button="gtk-close:1" ;;
    1.46  		*)
    1.47  			continue ;;
    1.48  	esac
    1.49 @@ -100,7 +104,7 @@
    1.51  # Notification mode.
    1.52  notify() {
    1.53 -	export opts="--geometry=460x320-40+40 --timeout=6 --skip-taskbar"
    1.54 +	export opts="--geometry=520x320-40+40 --timeout=6 --skip-taskbar"
    1.55  	yad --notification --image=$pixmap --command=$0 \
    1.56  		--text="$(gettext "Ssfs Live Sync storage")"
    1.57  }