website view README @ rev 919

es: add RC2 announce (Thanks Eduardo)
author Paul Issott <>
date Sat Mar 10 19:12:59 2012 +0000 (2012-03-10)
parents d25a10601731
children c21c253e3d9b
line source
1 SliTaz Website
2 ================================================================================
5 The SliTaz website is hand made, using PHP and XHTML 1.0 Transitional. Code
6 must follow standards and be validated by the W3C. We have a main index with
7 news, feed parser, Tweets and links to all website languages. Since we Tweet
8 and blog only in English, we display these only on the main page but website
9 news is translated.
12 New version
13 -----------
14 When a new SliTaz version is published the version string must be changed in
15 the configuration file config.php as well as the ISO size.
18 ================================================================================