- Add: libwnck (Window Navigator Construction Kit)2008-08-18, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: glib (2.16.5) - Fix favicon loading bug2008-08-18, by Christophe Lincoln
- dropbear: declare config files2008-08-18, by Pascal Bellard
- lighttpd: declare config files2008-08-18, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: parcellite (0.8)2008-08-18, by Christophe Lincoln
- udev: fix files path change2008-08-18, by Christophe Lincoln
- slitaz-boot-scripts: declare config files2008-08-18, by Pascal Bellard
- powertop: merge with receipts from Mike and Fabrice2008-08-16, by Dominique Corbex
- gnumeric : fix libart_lglp dependency2008-08-16, by Mallory MOLLO
- Add : xkill2008-08-15, by Mallory MOLLO
- Add: libetpan, libetpan-dev.2008-08-15, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- psycopg2: fix WGET_URL2008-08-15, by Christophe Lincoln
- Fix: Set executable mode to xft-config.2008-08-15, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Fix: Missing xft-config in xorg-libXft-dev.2008-08-15, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- udev: use now GNU configure2008-08-13, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: udev (126)2008-08-13, by Christophe Lincoln
- psycopg: ugly hack, but works...2008-08-13, by Pascal Bellard
- Add numpy & matplotlib2008-08-13, by Pascal Bellard
- pygtk: add glade support2008-08-13, by Pascal Bellard
- powertop: typo fix in receipt2008-08-13, by Dominique Corbex
- Add netatalk2008-08-13, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: transmission (1.32)2008-08-13, by Pascal Bellard
- Add squid & squidguard2008-08-13, by Pascal Bellard
- Add powertop2008-08-12, by Dominique Corbex
- Minor fix2008-08-12, by Dominique Corbex
- Add samba2008-08-12, by Pascal Bellard
- Cups: add gnutls dependancy2008-08-12, by Pascal Bellard
- libboost-dev: typo in compile_rules2008-08-12, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add smbwebclient2008-08-12, by Pascal Bellard
- slim: describe known bugs2008-08-12, by Pascal Bellard
- perdition: describe known bugs2008-08-12, by Pascal Bellard
- php*admin: add desktop entry2008-08-12, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: bogofilter 1.1.6 to 1.1.72008-08-12, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Fix: DEPENDS for claws-mail-plugins.2008-08-11, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- iAdd: rssyl, rssyl-dev, gtkhtml2_viewer. claws-mail plugins.2008-08-11, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Add; claws-mail dev file, claws-mail standart plugins.2008-08-11, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Add: claws-mail, an another mail client.2008-08-11, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Add: wxdfast, Fast downloader.2008-08-11, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- pygtk-dev: typo2008-08-11, by Pascal Bellard
- Add psycopg2008-08-11, by Pascal Bellard
- Add egenix-mx-base2008-08-11, by Pascal Bellard
- Add graphviz2008-08-11, by Pascal Bellard
- Add libxml2-python2008-08-11, by Pascal Bellard
- Add pyparsing2008-08-11, by Pascal Bellard
- Add reportlab2008-08-11, by Pascal Bellard
- Add psycopg22008-08-11, by Pascal Bellard
- perdition: add message in post_install2008-08-10, by Pascal Bellard
- All squirrelmail-smallcal2008-08-10, by Pascal Bellard
- Add squirrelmail-quota2008-08-10, by Pascal Bellard
- Add squirrelmail-sizes2008-08-10, by Pascal Bellard
- Add squirrelmail-html2008-08-10, by Pascal Bellard
- squirrelmail-multilogin: add imap.slitaz.org2008-08-10, by Pascal Bellard
- php: declare /etc/php.ini2008-08-10, by Pascal Bellard
- squirrelmail-multilogin, squirrelmail-vkeyboard, squirrelmail-archive: fix post_install2008-08-10, by Pascal Bellard
- Add squirrelmail-archive2008-08-10, by Pascal Bellard
- Add squirrelmail-multilogin2008-08-10, by Pascal Bellard
- squirrelmail-vkeyboard: fix config path2008-08-10, by Pascal Bellard
- perdition: fix stop & restart2008-08-10, by Pascal Bellard
- Add: subversion and deps from Lars-Eri, Helander.2008-08-10, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- perdition: fix pidfile2008-08-09, by Pascal Bellard
- Add perdition (pop3/imap proxy)2008-08-09, by Pascal Bellard