- libbboost-dev: fix WGET_SOURCE2010-01-05, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: sakura (2.3.6)2010-01-05, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: vte* (0.23.1)2010-01-05, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: wormux* (0.8.5)2010-01-05, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: libboost-* (1.41.0)2010-01-05, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- gpxe*: update default urls2010-01-05, by Pascal Bellard
- slitaz-dev-tools: add tazdev dry-purge2010-01-05, by Pascal Bellard
- pingus: fix build gcc4 and scons.2010-01-05, by erjo
- slitaz-dev-tools: add tazdev purge2010-01-05, by Pascal Bellard
- Add: aspell-cs, aspell-hu, aspell-id, aspell-it, aspell-ru, aspell-sl2010-01-04, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Fix: firefox missing alsa-lib DEPENDS2010-01-04, by Christophe Lincoln
- Fix: libsoup reenable SSL support (for Midori)2010-01-04, by Christophe Lincoln
- xarchiver: fix path + remove SVG icons.2010-01-04, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: ntfs-3g* (2009.11.14)2010-01-04, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: slitaz-tools (3.4) - Lots of fixes and improvments2010-01-04, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add: python-pyprotocols (PEP 246 and a whole lot more)2010-01-04, by Christophe Lincoln
- Fix: pure-ftpd DEPENDS (attr) - Bug #1992010-01-04, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: web-applications (1.2) add zoho-viewer and twitter2010-01-04, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: midori (0.2.2)2010-01-04, by Christophe Lincoln
- libsoup: --disable-ssl (less deps, save space)2010-01-04, by Christophe Lincoln
- slitaz-loram*: use lzma with squashfs2010-01-04, by Pascal Bellard
- squashfs: version 3 lzma support2010-01-03, by Pascal Bellard
- Add: gutenpy (ebook reader)2010-01-03, by Paul Issott
- squashfs: add lzma support2010-01-03, by Pascal Bellard
- linux/squashfs: add lzma support2010-01-03, by Pascal Bellard
- tazbb: fix date checks2010-01-02, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: gdb-dev (7.0.1)2010-01-02, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: gajim (0.13.1) + remove patch2010-01-02, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- UP: reiserfsprogs (3.6.21)2010-01-02, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: gdb (7.0.1)2010-01-02, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: pygobject* (2.20.0)2010-01-02, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: pycairo* (1.8.2)2010-01-02, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: pygtk* (2.16.0)2010-01-02, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: strace (4.5.19)2010-01-02, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: pure-ftpd* (1.0.27)2009-12-31, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: awstats (6.95)2009-12-31, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- dmraid: fix maintainer email.2009-12-30, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: fpm2 (0.76.1)2009-12-30, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: stoq* (0.9.11) and stoqdrivers (, by Claudinei Pereira
- Up: libsmpeg* (389)2009-12-30, by Claudinei Pereira
- Up: python-couchdbkit (0.3.1)2009-12-30, by Claudinei Pereira
- Up: couchdb (0.10.1)2009-12-30, by Claudinei Pereira
- Up: gimp (2.6.8)2009-12-30, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: gegl (0.1.0)2009-12-30, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: babl (0.1.0)2009-12-30, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add: gkII (Tiny fractal program)2009-12-30, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add lives (light video editor)2009-12-30, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add desktop desktop file for cfdisk2009-12-30, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: intltool (0.40.6)2009-12-30, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: tuxtype (1.8.0)2009-12-29, by Claudinei Pereira
- Up: python-jinja2 (2.2.1)2009-12-29, by Claudinei Pereira
- Up: python-formalchemy (1.3.1)2009-12-29, by Claudinei Pereira
- Up: python-sqlalchemy (0.5.6)2009-12-29, by Claudinei Pereira
- Up: python-django (1.1.1)2009-12-29, by Claudinei Pereira
- Up: python-mysql (1.2.3c1)2009-12-29, by Claudinei Pereira
- rpm: update depends2009-12-29, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: python-bpython (, by Claudinei Pereira
- Up: python-pygments (1.1.1)2009-12-29, by Claudinei Pereira
- Up: perl-pango (1.221)2009-12-29, by Claudinei Pereira
- Up: mc (4.7.0)2009-12-29, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: sudo-pam (1.7.2p2)2009-12-29, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre