wok-4.x log slitaz-hacker/receipt

age author description
2008-02-25 Christophe Lincoln Typo in slitaz-hacker...
2008-02-25 Christophe Lincoln Paving the road to put all hacker files in slitaz-hacker
2008-02-14 Christophe Lincoln Typo again in slitaz-hacker (sorry guys)
2008-02-14 Christophe Lincoln Refix in slitaz-hacker (when using tazlito gen-distro)
2008-02-14 Christophe Lincoln Typo and fix in slitaz-hacker
2008-02-13 Christophe Lincoln All *-dev pkgs goes in category development
2008-02-13 Christophe Lincoln Add pkg slitaz-hacker (user hacker for LiveCD)