wok-4.x log poppler/receipt

age author description
2011-03-06 Christopher Rogers Made poppler-qt4 not be a WANTED receipt to poppler. This is we can save space on the core source dvd. Also poppler-qt4 is not used for anything yet.
2011-02-03 Christopher Rogers Down: poppler to 0.14.5.
2011-02-02 Christopher Rogers Up: poppler to 0.16.2.
2011-01-09 Christopher Rogers Down: poppler to 0.14.5. Poppler 0.16.0 will not build on tank. Only clean chroot will it build.
2011-01-03 Christophe Lincoln Up: poppler (0.16.0) include splash/*.h in devel package
2010-12-04 Christopher Rogers Up: poppler to 0.14.5.
2010-09-12 Christopher Rogers Up: poppler to 0.14.3. poppler-data to 0.4.3.
2010-07-10 Pascal Bellard Speedup some builds
2010-04-25 Christophe Lincoln remove cairo-xcb and update needed DEPENDS
2010-02-28 Pascal Bellard p*: update depends
2009-11-09 Rohit Joshi Update DEPENDS, BUILD_DEPENDS (epdfview)
2009-09-24 Christophe Lincoln poppler: fix *DEPENDS and split qt4 libs (add poppler-qt4)
2009-09-11 Christophe Lincoln Up: poppler (0.12.0)
2009-08-07 Christophe Lincoln Up: poppler (0.10.7) + include PDFDoc header file
2009-04-27 Christophe Lincoln Up: poppler (0.10.6) [security fix] and --enable-zlib (-30kb)
2009-03-16 Pascal Bellard p*: update depends
2009-03-14 Pascal Bellard php-apache, php-dev, pidgin, pmount, poedit, poppler-apps, poppler, privoxy, psycopg, ptlib: update depends
2009-03-05 Christophe Lincoln Up: poppler (0.10.4)
2008-10-05 Pascal Bellard Update some BUILD_DEPENDS
2008-10-05 Pascal Bellard Update BUILD_DEPENDS for bogofilter ecore gimp graphviz hydra libgnomeprintui mesa mjpegtools poppler psycopg
2008-06-06 Christophe Lincoln Re.. Up: poppler (0.8.3)
2008-05-02 Christophe Lincoln Up: poppler* (0.8.2)
2008-02-13 Christophe Lincoln Full up category office
2007-12-18 Christophe Lincoln Add : poppler-*, popt, ruby, ttf-bitstream-vera