wok-4.x rev 9694

lxpanel: Fix to build with cookutils and clean-up
author Christophe Lincoln <pankso@slitaz.org>
date Sat May 07 23:13:45 2011 +0200 (2011-05-07)
parents 6afc9676e679
children e9749999c04d
files lxpanel/receipt
line diff
     1.1 --- a/lxpanel/receipt	Sat May 07 11:36:11 2011 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/lxpanel/receipt	Sat May 07 23:13:45 2011 +0200
     1.3 @@ -5,41 +5,38 @@
     1.4  CATEGORY="x-window"
     1.5  SHORT_DESC="Standard compliant desktop panel."
     1.6  MAINTAINER="pankso@slitaz.org"
     1.7 -DEPENDS="glibc-base glib libgio expat zlib menu-cache slitaz-icon \
     1.8 -gtk+ atk cairo fontconfig freetype pango pixman libpng alsa-lib \
     1.9 -xorg-libX11 xorg-libXau xorg-libXdmcp xorg-libXext xorg-libXrender"
    1.10 -BUILD_DEPENDS="$DEPENDS gtk+-dev gettext expat-dev intltool menu-cache-dev menu-cache \
    1.11 -alsa-lib-dev wireless_tools-dev wireless_tools zlib-dev"
    1.12  TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.gz"
    1.13  WEB_SITE="http://www.lxde.org/"
    1.14  WGET_URL="$SF_MIRROR/lxde/$TARBALL"
    1.15  CONFIG_FILES="/etc/lxpanel/default"
    1.17 +DEPENDS="glibc-base glib libgio expat zlib menu-cache slitaz-icon \
    1.18 +gtk+ atk cairo fontconfig freetype pango pixman libpng alsa-lib \
    1.19 +xorg-libX11 xorg-libXau xorg-libXdmcp xorg-libXext xorg-libXrender"
    1.20 +BUILD_DEPENDS="$DEPENDS gtk+-dev gettext expat-dev intltool menu-cache-dev \
    1.21 +menu-cache alsa-lib-dev wireless_tools-dev wireless_tools zlib-dev"
    1.22 +
    1.23  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    1.24  compile_rules()
    1.25  {
    1.26  	cd $src
    1.27  	#patch -p1 -i ../stuff/Fix-failure-to-react-to-keyboard-map-changes-initiat.patch
    1.28  	# Devnote : this patch shouldn't be necessary in next release of lxpanel (current : 0.5.6).
    1.29 -	patch -p1 -i ../stuff/battery-plugin.patch
    1.30 +	patch -p1 -i $stuff/battery-plugin.patch
    1.31  	# patch to fix 100% battery bug with battery plugin
    1.32 -	patch -p1 -i ../stuff/battery.patch
    1.33 -	./configure \
    1.34 -		--prefix=/usr \
    1.35 -		--sysconfdir=/etc \
    1.36 -		--with-plugins=all \
    1.37 -		$CONFIGURE_ARGS &&
    1.38 -	make &&
    1.39 -	make DESTDIR=$PWD/_pkg install
    1.40 +	patch -p1 -i $stuff/battery.patch
    1.41 +	./configure --with-plugins=all &&
    1.42 +	make && make install
    1.43  }
    1.45  # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
    1.46  genpkg_rules()
    1.47  {
    1.48  	mkdir -p $fs/usr/share $fs/usr/lib
    1.49 -	cp -a $_pkg/usr/bin $fs/usr
    1.50 -	cp -a $_pkg/usr/lib/lxpanel $fs/usr/lib
    1.51 -	cp -a $_pkg/usr/share/lxpanel $fs/usr/share
    1.52 +	
    1.53 +	cp -a $install/usr/bin $fs/usr
    1.54 +	cp -a $install/usr/lib/lxpanel $fs/usr/lib
    1.55 +	cp -a $install/usr/share/lxpanel $fs/usr/share
    1.57  	# Remove a few "heavy" and unuseful images (ns* goes in extra)
    1.58  	for i in file-manager* stock_volume* gnome-[a-m]*.png \