wok-4.x log

age author description
20 months ago Stanislas Leduc Up openssl 1.1.1n (bump packages curl, git, wget, python), up cherokee 1.2.104 and bdeps (automake, openldap, cyrus-sasl)default tip
21 months ago Stanislas Leduc Up glibc (2.22) with CVE patchs
21 months ago Stanislas Leduc Patch mandir dev86
21 months ago Stanislas Leduc Up dev86 (0.16.21), glibc 2.21
21 months ago Stanislas Leduc Up openssl 1.0.2u, zlib 1.2.13, tar 1.34, add cacerts, fix git receipt
21 months ago Stanislas Leduc Up glibc 2.20
2022-11-10 Stanislas Leduc Mass Rebuild of base packages
2022-11-09 Stanislas Leduc grub4dos: Fix Segmentation fault with new toolchain
2022-11-09 Stanislas Leduc tazpkg: upgrade core pkgs first
2022-11-09 Stanislas Leduc Add missing patch for glibc
2022-11-09 Stanislas Leduc Readd busybox-pam, patch pam
2022-11-09 Stanislas Leduc New toolchain GCC 4.9.2, Glibc 2.19, Binutils 2.23.1
2019-03-04 Pascal Bellard Up e2fsprogs (1.44.2)
2017-05-29 Pascal Bellard samba: CVE-2017-7494 (again)
2017-05-29 Pascal Bellard samba: CVE-2017-7494
2017-04-28 Pascal Bellard Fix vlc
2017-04-28 Pascal Bellard fix symlinks (again)
2017-04-28 Pascal Bellard fix symlinks
2017-04-28 Pascal Bellard lives: fix symlink (thanks I-Jurij)
2016-12-28 Pascal Bellard x11vnc: update X11VNC_OPTIONS
2016-10-21 Pascal Bellard linux: CVE-2016-5195
2016-07-27 Pascal Bellard Update get-flash-plugin
2016-03-23 Pascal Bellard e3: single line SHORT_DESC
2016-01-14 Pascal Bellard openssh: CVE-2016-0777 and CVE-2016-0778
2015-12-19 Pascal Bellard grub2: CVE-2015-8370
2015-08-14 Pascal Bellard knock: set default interface
2015-06-16 Pascal Bellard Up apache (2.2.29), CVE-2014-0231
2015-02-08 Pascal Bellard postgis: update bdeps
2015-02-08 Pascal Bellard lighttpd, mutt: update CONFIG_FILES (thanks emgi)
2015-01-30 Pascal Bellard glibc: CVE-2015-0235 fix (again)
2015-01-29 Pascal Bellard glibc: CVE-2015-0235 fix (again)
2015-01-29 Pascal Bellard glibc: typo in CVE-2015-0235 patch
2015-01-29 Pascal Bellard glibc: CVE-2015-0235 fix
2014-12-30 Pascal Bellard Update wanted version
2014-12-10 Pascal Bellard bash: remove CVE-2014-7169.patch
2014-10-08 Pascal Bellard bash: update version
2014-10-08 Pascal Bellard bash: apply *all* security fixes (again)
2014-10-08 Pascal Bellard bash: apply *all* security fixes
2014-10-02 Pascal Bellard bash: CVE-2014-7169 fix
2014-09-25 Pascal Bellard bash: CVE-2014-6271 fix
2014-09-07 Pascal Bellard thunar: add xfce support (thanks Aleksej)
2014-08-21 Pascal Bellard imagemagick: update deps
2014-06-20 Pascal Bellard Add xorg-xhost (ssh/sshx may need 'xhost +localhost')
2014-06-16 Pascal Bellard openssh-pam: fix xauth path
2014-06-16 Pascal Bellard openssh: fix xauth path
2014-04-03 Pascal Bellard picoblog, autoblog: browsers should not execute TARBALL on mirror
2014-03-10 Pascal Bellard gnutls: CVE-2014-0092 fix
2014-01-13 Pascal Bellard xorg-libXfont: security fix
2013-12-21 Pascal Bellard lxc: update deps
2013-12-21 Pascal Bellard Remove dpkg, debootstrap, linux-lxc: in backports
2013-12-21 Stanislas Leduc lxc: use ash shell for lxc-template;fix arch command, use (uname -m)
2013-12-21 Stanislas Leduc lxc: fix util-linux-ng-getopt depend
2013-12-21 Stanislas Leduc Fix missing mkdir command
2013-12-21 Stanislas Leduc Fix end of line
2013-12-21 Stanislas Leduc lxc: add linux-lxc depend
2013-12-21 Stanislas Leduc linux-lxc: modify post_install() for update /etc/fstab
2013-12-21 Stanislas Leduc dpkg: Fix missing mkdir command
2013-12-21 Stanislas Leduc dpkg,debootstrap: Fix missing mkdir command
2013-12-21 Stanislas Leduc Fix debootstrap receipt
2013-12-21 Stanislas Leduc Remove debootsrap
2013-12-21 Stanislas Leduc Fix wrong name for debootstrap
2013-12-21 Stanislas Leduc linux-lxc: add post_install() for update menu.lst
2013-12-20 Stanislas Leduc Add deboostrap;Add dpkg
2013-12-20 Stanislas Leduc Backport linux-lxc from wok