wok-6.x diff spacefm/receipt @ rev 23800

created recipes for xcb-util-renderutil and xcb-util-renderutil-dev
author Hans-G?nter Theisgen
date Sun May 24 07:13:26 2020 +0100 (2020-05-24)
parents 19141648d795
children 5ea0ce1cecc0
line diff
     1.1 --- a/spacefm/receipt	Fri Nov 08 12:05:48 2019 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/spacefm/receipt	Sun May 24 07:13:26 2020 +0100
     1.3 @@ -1,50 +1,67 @@
     1.4  # SliTaz package receipt.
     1.6  PACKAGE="spacefm"
     1.7 -VERSION="0.9.4"
     1.8 +VERSION="1.0.6"
     1.9  CATEGORY="system-tools"
    1.10 +TAGS="file-manager"
    1.11  SHORT_DESC="Light, fast and easy to use file manager."
    1.12  MAINTAINER="pankso@slitaz.org"
    1.13  LICENSE="GPL3"
    1.14 -TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.xz"
    1.15 -WEB_SITE="http://ignorantguru.github.io/spacefm/"
    1.17 -TAGS="file-manager"
    1.18 +WEB_SITE="https://ignorantguru.github.io/spacefm/"
    1.20 -DEPENDS="glibc-base glib libgio util-linux-uuid libxcb xcb-util expat \
    1.21 -gtk+ startup-notification dbus dbus-glib gdk-pixbuf udev bash udevil"
    1.22 -BUILD_DEPENDS="gtk+-dev dbus-glib-dev dbus-dev startup-notification-dev \
    1.23 -libxcb-dev xcb-util-dev expat-dev gdk-pixbuf-dev intltool udev-dev \
    1.24 -coreutils-file-special"
    1.25 +TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.gz"
    1.26 +WGET_URL="https://github.com/IgnorantGuru/$PACKAGE/archive/$VERSION.tar.gz"
    1.27 +
    1.28 +DEPENDS="bash dbus dbus-glib expat gdk-pixbuf glib glibc-base gtk+ libgio 
    1.29 +	libxcb startup-notification udev udevil util-linux-uuid xcb-util"
    1.30 +BUILD_DEPENDS="coreutils-file-special dbus-dev dbus-glib-dev expat-dev 
    1.31 +	gdk-pixbuf-dev gtk+-dev intltool libxcb-dev startup-notification-dev 
    1.32 +	udev-dev xcb-util-dev"
    1.34  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    1.35  compile_rules()
    1.36  {
    1.37 -	patch -Np1 -i $stuff/prefdlg.ui.diff
    1.38 -	patch -Np1 -i $stuff/settings.h.diff
    1.39 -	patch -Np1 -i $stuff/vfs-file-task.c.diff
    1.40 +	patch --input=$stuff/patches/prefdlg.ui-$VERSION \
    1.41 +		data/ui/prefdlg.ui
    1.42 +	patch --input=$stuff/patches/settings.h-$VERSION \
    1.43 +		src/settings.h
    1.44 +	patch --input=$stuff/patches/vfs-file-task.c-$VERSION \
    1.45 +		src/vfs/vfs-file-task.c
    1.47 -	export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -lxcb-util"
    1.48 -	./configure \
    1.49 -		--with-preferable-sudo="/usr/bin/subox" \
    1.50 -		--disable-pixmaps \
    1.51 +	./configure					\
    1.52 +		--with-preferable-sudo="/usr/bin/subox"	\
    1.53 +		--disable-video-thumbnails		\
    1.54 +		--disable-pixmaps			\
    1.55  		$CONFIGURE_ARGS &&
    1.56 -	make && make install
    1.57 +	make &&
    1.58 +	make install
    1.59  }
    1.61  # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
    1.62  genpkg_rules()
    1.63  {
    1.64 -	mkdir -p $fs/usr/share $fs/etc/spacefm
    1.65 -	cp -a $install/usr/bin $fs/usr
    1.66 -	for d in applications icons spacefm; do
    1.67 -		cp -a $install/usr/share/$d $fs/usr/share
    1.68 -	done
    1.69 -	cp $stuff/spacefm.conf $fs/etc/spacefm
    1.70 -	cp -a $stuff/xdg $fs/etc
    1.71 +	mkdir -p $fs/usr/share
    1.72 +	mkdir -p $fs/etc/spacefm
    1.73 +
    1.74 +	cp -a $install/usr/bin	$fs/usr
    1.75 +	for d in applications icons spacefm
    1.76 +	  do
    1.77 +		cp -a $install/usr/share/$d	$fs/usr/share
    1.78 +	  done
    1.79 +	cp $stuff/spacefm.conf	$fs/etc/spacefm
    1.80 +	cp -a $stuff/xdg	$fs/etc
    1.81 +
    1.82  	# Faenza --> SliTaz
    1.83 -	mv $fs/usr/share/icons/Faenza $fs/usr/share/icons/SliTaz
    1.84 -	rm -rf $fs/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128
    1.85 +	mv $fs/usr/share/icons/Faenza	$fs/usr/share/icons/SliTaz
    1.86 +	rm -rf				$fs/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128
    1.87 +
    1.88  	# /bin/bash --> /bin/sh
    1.89 -	sed -i s'|/bin/bash|/bin/sh|'g $fs/usr/bin/spacefm-auth
    1.90 +	sed -i s'|/bin/bash|/bin/sh|'g	$fs/usr/bin/spacefm-auth
    1.91  }
    1.92 +
    1.93 +post_install()
    1.94 +{
    1.95 +	echo
    1.96 +	echo 'Remove or rename /etc/xdg/autostart/spacefm.desktop'
    1.97 +	echo 'if pcmanfm is to remain desktop manager.'
    1.98 +}