wok-6.x diff thunar-vfs/receipt @ rev 10019

thunar-vfs: fix bdeps
author Eric Joseph-Alexandre <erjo@slitaz.org>
date Thu May 19 12:30:41 2011 +0200 (2011-05-19)
parents 811617bdf56d
children 444061e56c53
line diff
     1.1 --- a/thunar-vfs/receipt	Fri Jan 21 01:00:29 2011 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/thunar-vfs/receipt	Thu May 19 12:30:41 2011 +0200
     1.3 @@ -5,15 +5,17 @@
     1.4  CATEGORY="x-window"
     1.5  SHORT_DESC="Thnuar File Manager Libraries"
     1.6  MAINTAINER="erjo@slitaz.org"
     1.7 -DEPENDS="libpng jpeg libxfce4util dbus startup-notification xfce4-panel \
     1.8 -gamin pcre libexif"
     1.9 -BUILD_DEPENDS="libpng-dev jpeg-dev libxfce4util-dev dbus-dev 
    1.10 - startup-notification-dev xfce4-panel-dev zlib-dev intltool"
    1.11  TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.bz2"
    1.12  WEB_SITE="http://www.xfce.org"
    1.13  WGET_URL="http://archive.xfce.org/xfce/4.8/src/$TARBALL"
    1.14  TAGS="file-manager file-browser"
    1.16 +DEPENDS="libpng jpeg libxfce4util dbus startup-notification xfce4-panel \
    1.17 +gamin pcre libexif util-linux-ng-uuid-dev hal"
    1.18 +BUILD_DEPENDS="libpng-dev jpeg-dev libxfce4util-dev dbus-dev 
    1.19 + startup-notification-dev xfce4-panel-dev zlib-dev intltool libexo-dev dbus-glib-dev \
    1.20 + util-linux-ng-uuid-dev hal-dev"
    1.21 + 
    1.22  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    1.23  compile_rules()
    1.24  {
    1.25 @@ -24,7 +26,7 @@
    1.26  		--enable-startup-notification \
    1.27  		--disable-gnome-thumbnailers \
    1.28  		--enable-debug=no && \
    1.29 -	make && make DESTDIR=$PWD/_pkg install
    1.30 +	make && make DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install
    1.31  }
    1.33  # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.