- Add perl-pcsc (Perl Module for PC/SC SmartCard access)2012-11-21, by Christophe Lincoln
- pcsc-lite: up to 1.8.6, fix drivers path and add daemon init script2012-11-21, by Christophe Lincoln
- Fixed deadbeef's APE support and put the documentation (used in program) at the right place2012-11-20, by Brenton Scott
- Up: slitaz-configs(5.1.2)2012-11-19, by Richard Dunbar
- Fix: rarian missing Templates2012-11-19, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: gnome-python-desktop (2.30.2)2012-11-19, by Christophe Lincoln
- Fix: motion build and improve package integration2012-11-19, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add epdf (E17 PDF libs)2012-11-19, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: slitaz-configs to 5.1.1. I made sure applications.conf was added.2012-11-18, by Christopher Rogers
- Added: gvolwheel & pnmixer (tray volume control); netrik (text web browser/pager); nanoshot (python tray screenshot tool); font-manager; fbterm (framebuffer terminal); faenza-icon-theme (need clean more)2012-11-16, by Aleksej Bobylev
- enlightenment: fix typo2012-11-16, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: enlightenment (0.17.0-alpha2)2012-11-16, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: expedite (1.7.1)2012-11-16, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: elementary (1.7.1)2012-11-16, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: ethumb (1.7.1)2012-11-16, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: emotion (1.7.1)2012-11-16, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: eeze (1.7.1)2012-11-16, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: edbus (1.7.1)2012-11-16, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: efreet (1.7.1)2012-11-16, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: edje (1.7.1)2012-11-16, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: embryo (1.7.1)2012-11-16, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add eio (E17 async I/O library)2012-11-16, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: ecore (1.7.1)2012-11-16, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: evas (1.7.1)2012-11-16, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: eet (1.7.1)2012-11-15, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: eina (1.7.1)2012-11-15, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add lua5.1 (needed to build edje and update e17 - All files are separate in a 5.1 subdir2012-11-15, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: grsync (1.2.2)2012-11-15, by Christophe Lincoln
- spacefm: remove all call to bash in source files (work nicely with busybox shell)2012-11-14, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: slitaz-tools (5.1) - Bunch of new stuff and fixes from the contributors community2012-11-14, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add alsa-tools with splited packages (ac3dec, echomixer, envy24control, hdsp, hwmixvolume, rmedigicontrol)2012-11-14, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: alsa-utils (1.0.26) Fix missing /usr/share/alsa/init files and udev rules2012-11-14, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: alsa-plugons (1.0.26) and fix missing build deps2012-11-14, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up xine-lib (1.2.2)2012-11-14, by Pascal Bellard
- Up libvalhalla (2.1.0)2012-11-13, by Pascal Bellard
- Up openshot (1.4.3)2012-11-13, by Pascal Bellard
- cherokee: update deprecated symbols of ffmpeg2012-11-13, by Pascal Bellard
- audacity: use local ffmpeg2012-11-13, by Pascal Bellard
- audacity (2.0.2)2012-11-13, by Pascal Bellard
- cherokee: show build failure2012-11-13, by Pascal Bellard
- Add gtk-recordmydesktop (frontend to recordmydesktop2012-11-13, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: gavl (1.4.0)2012-11-13, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up ffmpeg (1.0)2012-11-13, by Pascal Bellard
- Up+fix: lm-sensors (3.3.3) Add kernel patch, linux-hwmon as dep (we need more i2c mods)2012-11-13, by Christophe Lincoln
- get-flash-plugin: fix pixmaps directory2012-11-13, by Christophe Lincoln
- remmina: update deps2012-11-12, by Pascal Bellard
- remmina: update bdeps2012-11-12, by Pascal Bellard
- remmina: use cmake2012-11-12, by Pascal Bellard
- Up remmina (1.0.0)2012-11-12, by Pascal Bellard
- Add reaver2012-11-12, by Pascal Bellard
- get-flash-player: add flash-player-properties2012-11-11, by Pascal Bellard
- spacefm: add and improve custom config files and add desktop file fot destop pref2012-11-10, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: sylpheed (3.3.0) and clean receipt2012-11-10, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: kmod (11)2012-11-10, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: bison (2.6.5)2012-11-10, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add ftp-proxy2012-11-10, by Pascal Bellard
- pdnsd: typos2012-11-10, by Pascal Bellard
- pdns: add post_install2012-11-10, by Pascal Bellard
- Add pdnsd2012-11-10, by Pascal Bellard
- Add python-psutil2012-11-09, by Paul Issott
- Up get-flash-plugin (1.4) again2012-11-09, by Pascal Bellard