- glibc-dev: remove bloted deps (fontconfig, libgd)2010-04-04, by Christophe Lincoln
- slitaz-mercurial-style: typos (thanks paul)2010-04-03, by Pascal Bellard
- thunar: remove Gnome dependency.2010-04-03, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- xarchive: fix double suffix case (.tar.gz)2010-04-02, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: gtk-gnutella (0.96.8) stable2010-04-02, by Paul Issott
- Add sslh2010-04-01, by Pascal Bellard
- Add rgzip2010-03-31, by Pascal Bellard
- awstat: add a map link2010-03-30, by Pascal Bellard
- Add perl-net-xwhois2010-03-30, by Pascal Bellard
- mirror-tools/mkpkgiso: add 3.0 loram support2010-03-29, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: mhwaveedit (1.4.18)2010-03-29, by Alexander Medvedev
- Updated isomaster to 1.3.72010-03-29, by Alexander Medvedev
- Updated nano to 2.2.32010-03-29, by Alexander Medvedev
- Updated xterm to version 2562010-03-29, by Alexander Medvedev
- get-wifi-firmware: fix(again)2010-03-28, by Rohit Joshi
- get-wifi-firmware: fix typo2010-03-28, by Rohit Joshi
- Added tag 3.0 for changeset ab092d8a7a8b2010-03-28, by Christophe Lincoln
- slitaz-doc: fix version for 3.02010-03-28, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: slitaz-base-files (3.2) Wok have now a 3.0 version string2010-03-28, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: slitaz-doc (3.2) Have relnotes for 3.02010-03-28, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: sftp-server (5.4p1)2010-03-27, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Fix: openssl, libssl, libcrypto back to 0.9.8l.2010-03-27, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- tazwok: rm examples (old)2010-03-28, by Christophe Lincoln
- tazlito: was already released (--remove 3.32010-03-28, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: tazlito (3.3)2010-03-28, by Christophe Lincoln
- syslinux: msg for 3.0 and up splash image2010-03-28, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: slitaz-boot-scripts (3.4)2010-03-28, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: slitaz-tools (3.8)2010-03-28, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: tazpkg (3.4)2010-03-28, by Christophe Lincoln
- openssh: fix last commit...2010-03-27, by Christophe Lincoln
- linux: fix kernel_version2010-03-27, by Pascal Bellard
- openssh: Ssh.bin no more exist.2010-03-27, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: libssl, libcrypto*, openssl* 0.98n. Bug & Security update.2010-03-27, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: openssh 5.4p1 (#296)2010-03-27, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- blues: typo2010-03-27, by Rohit Joshi
- Added vym2010-03-27, by Liu Peng
- bluez: Fix DEPENDS.2010-03-27, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: tazlito (3.2) Box can gen loram and loram/web2010-03-27, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: slitaz-tools (3.7) Improvments, po update, fixes2010-03-27, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: slitaz-configs (3.2.1) Small improvment2010-03-27, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: lighttpd* (1.4.26). Security fix [#282]2010-03-26, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: sudo (1.7.2p5) issue #279. Security fix.2010-03-26, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- kobodeluxe: Fix desktop integration (#292)2010-03-26, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- xarchiver: Fix DEPENDS (#278)2010-03-26, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- xrick: Tiny edit (issue #294)2010-03-26, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- xarchive: fix open archive2010-03-26, by Pascal Bellard
- clearlooks: bak to old version to avoid break of slitaz theme2010-03-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- Move clisp to undigest (dont build for more than 10 days2010-03-25, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: slitaz-configs (3.2) New Openbox menu2010-03-25, by Christophe Lincoln
- linux: limit uncompress initramfs dots.2010-03-25, by Pascal Bellard
- icu, libetpan, libplayer, libvalhalla, wesnoth, xine-lib: compile_rules should be busybox compatible2010-03-25, by Pascal Bellard
- tazdev: fix typos2010-03-24, by Paul Issott
- tazdev: add new cmd in usage2010-03-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- linux: fix stacked initrd desallocation2010-03-24, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: slitaz-dev-tools (1.2) Cmd relpks for new package version2010-03-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: tazlito (3.1) Small fixes and improvment2010-03-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: tazusb (2.4) Small fixes2010-03-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- lxpanel: add tazctrlbox to config file2010-03-24, by Rohit Joshi
- slitaz-tools-boxes:add serverbox2010-03-24, by Rohit Joshi
- get-virtualbox: Fix build.2010-03-24, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- icedtea6-jdk: typo2010-03-24, by Pascal Bellard