wok-6.x log qemu/receipt

age author description
2009-05-25 Christophe Lincoln Up: qemu (0.10.5) + rm dep on libiconv and gcc3 + many improvment and fix
2009-03-16 Julien Rabier qemu: update depends
2009-03-16 Julien Rabier qemu: update depends
2009-03-16 taziden qemu: update depends
2009-03-13 Pascal Bellard qemu, qjackctl, qmake: depends
2008-12-04 Pascal Bellard qemu: update depends
2008-10-12 Pascal Bellard Apply patchs once for bash cromfs cyrus-imapd jwm lsdvd mISDNuser module-init-tools qemu rox-filer xpat2
2008-04-28 Pascal Bellard qemu: add virtio support
2008-03-15 Pascal Bellard Qemu: update dependancies
2008-03-15 Pascal Bellard Add: qemu kqemu