wok-6.x log web-applications/receipt
age | author | description |
2017-10-15 | Xander Ziiryanoff | fix |
2017-10-15 | Xander Ziiryanoff | Remove 3 largest in /usr/share/pixmaps on fs,iso. |
2016-04-21 | Aleksej Bobylev | Add time.is.desktop, update/shrink icons |
2014-04-05 | Pascal Bellard | Add some any arch packages |
2013-10-03 | Pascal Bellard | Add some licenses |
2013-07-09 | Richard Dunbar | web-applications: Up web-applications (1.5) |
2012-02-22 | Christophe Lincoln | Up web-applications and fix Jamendo desktop file |
2010-11-04 | Christopher Rogers | Up: web-applications to 1.3. Removed freehg and replaced it with bitbucket. Freehg is dead btw before slitaz 3.0 it looks like. |
2010-01-04 | Christophe Lincoln | Up: web-applications (1.2) add zoho-viewer and twitter |
2009-12-24 | Christophe Lincoln | Up: web-applications (1.1) |
2008-09-28 | Pascal Bellard | web-applications: add menu items |
2008-09-26 | Pascal Bellard | Fix CATEGORY in receipts |
2008-07-04 | Christophe Lincoln | Add web-applications |