wok-6.x log magnifier/receipt

age author description
2022-10-01 Pascal Bellard Update some web_site
2022-09-28 Pascal Bellard Update sourceforge.net web_sites with https://
2022-02-04 Pascal Bellard glibmm, glibmm-dev: fix Private:gobj()
2014-10-29 Paul Issott Up magnifier (3.5)
2013-12-07 Pascal Bellard linux64*: fix install/_pkg
2013-12-06 Pascal Bellard Use install instead of _pkg
2013-12-05 Pascal Bellard Use DESTDIR
2009-04-11 Pascal Bellard Update depends: cairomm clamav enlightenment-pam gamin gtk+ libglu-mesa magnifier pangomm ploticus sudoku-savant
2009-03-14 Pascal Bellard mISDNuser, magnifier, mcabber, mencoder, mhwaveedit, mirage, mjpegtools, mousepad, mpd, mpfr, mpg123, mplayer, mrxvt, mtools, mtpaint, mutt: update depends
2008-07-27 Paul Issott Add: Magnifier (Virtual Magnifying Glass)