wok-6.x rev 7709
fcitx:add default configure file
author | fireflyoo <lufeng369@gmail.com> |
date | Sun Dec 19 23:26:42 2010 +0800 (2010-12-19) |
parents | a251caa1f12a |
children | 755555d8f51e |
files | fcitx/receipt fcitx/stuff/config.desc |
line diff
1.1 --- a/fcitx/receipt Sat Dec 18 20:47:18 2010 +0000 1.2 +++ b/fcitx/receipt Sun Dec 19 23:26:42 2010 +0800 1.3 @@ -26,4 +26,5 @@ 1.4 mkdir -p $fs/usr 1.5 cp -a $_pkg/usr $fs/ 1.6 rm -rf $fs/usr/share/fcitx/data/table 1.7 + cp -f stuff/config.desc $fs/usr/share/fcitx/data/ 1.8 }
2.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 2.2 +++ b/fcitx/stuff/config.desc Sun Dec 19 23:26:42 2010 +0800 2.3 @@ -0,0 +1,380 @@ 2.4 +[Program/Font] 2.5 +Type=Font 2.6 +DefaultValue= 2.7 +Description=Font 2.8 + 2.9 +[Program/MenuFont] 2.10 +Type=Font 2.11 +DefaultValue= 2.12 +Description=Menu Font 2.13 + 2.14 +[Program/FontLocale] 2.15 +Type=String 2.16 +DefaultValue=zh_CN.UTF-8 2.17 +Description=Font Locale to display 2.18 + 2.19 +[Program/RecordFile] 2.20 +Type=File 2.21 +DefaultValue= 2.22 +Description=Record File of Input 2.23 + 2.24 +[Program/UseTray] 2.25 +Type=Boolean 2.26 +DefaultValue=True 2.27 +Description=Use System Tray Icon 2.28 + 2.29 +[Program/UseDBus] 2.30 +Type=Boolean 2.31 +DefaultValue=False 2.32 +Description=Use DBus to display UI (Require KIMPanel) 2.33 + 2.34 +[Program/EnableAddons] 2.35 +Type=Boolean 2.36 +DefaultValue=True 2.37 +Description=Enable Addons to Fcitx 2.38 + 2.39 +[Program/DelayStart] 2.40 +Type=Integer 2.41 +DefaultValue=0 2.42 +Description=Seconds sleep before fcitx really start 2.43 + 2.44 +[Output/HalfPuncAfterNumber] 2.45 +Type=Boolean 2.46 +DefaultValue=True 2.47 +Description=Use English Punc After a Number 2.48 + 2.49 +[Output/EnterAction] 2.50 +Type=Enum 2.51 +EnumCount=3 2.52 +Enum0=Nothing 2.53 +Enum1=Clean 2.54 +Enum2=Commit 2.55 +DefaultValue=Commit 2.56 +Description=Action after press enter 2.57 + 2.58 +[Output/SemiColonAction] 2.59 +Type=Enum 2.60 +EnumCount=3 2.61 +Enum0=NoChange 2.62 +Enum1=Eng 2.63 +Enum2=QuickPhrase 2.64 +DefaultValue=QuickPhrase 2.65 +Description=Action after press SemiColon 2.66 + 2.67 +[Output/InputEngByCapitalChar] 2.68 +Type=Boolean 2.69 +DefaultValue=True 2.70 +Description=Input English Character if you input upper case 2.71 + 2.72 +[Output/ConvertPunc] 2.73 +Type=Boolean 2.74 +DefaultValue=True 2.75 +Description=Convert Punc to Chinese Punc 2.76 + 2.77 +[Output/LegendModeDisablePaging] 2.78 +Type=Boolean 2.79 +DefaultValue=True 2.80 +Description=Disable Paging in Legend Mode 2.81 + 2.82 +[Output/SendTextWhenSwitchEng] 2.83 +Type=Boolean 2.84 +DefaultValue=False 2.85 +Description=Send inputed Text if Switch to English Mode 2.86 + 2.87 +[Appearance/CandidateWordNumber] 2.88 +Type=Integer 2.89 +DefaultValue=5 2.90 +Description=Candidate Word Number 2.91 + 2.92 +[Appearance/MainWindowHideMode] 2.93 +Type=Enum 2.94 +EnumCount=3 2.95 +Enum0=Show 2.96 +Enum1=Auto 2.97 +Enum2=Hide 2.98 +DefaultValue=Auto 2.99 +Description=Main Window Hide Mode 2.100 + 2.101 +[Appearance/CenterInputWindow] 2.102 +Type=Boolean 2.103 +DefaultValue=False 2.104 +Description=Show Input Window In the center of screen 2.105 + 2.106 +[Appearance/ShowInputWindowAfterTriggering] 2.107 +Type=Boolean 2.108 +DefaultValue=True 2.109 +Description=Show Input Window After Trigger Input Mode 2.110 + 2.111 +[Appearance/ShowPointAfterIndex] 2.112 +Type=Boolean 2.113 +DefaultValue=True 2.114 +Description=Show Point After Index 2.115 + 2.116 +[Appearance/ShowInputSpeed] 2.117 +Type=Boolean 2.118 +DefaultValue=True 2.119 +Description=Show Input Speed 2.120 + 2.121 +[Appearance/ShowVersion] 2.122 +Type=Boolean 2.123 +DefaultValue=True 2.124 +Description=Show Version 2.125 + 2.126 +[Appearance/ShowHintWindow] 2.127 +Type=Boolean 2.128 +DefaultValue=True 2.129 +Description=Show Hint Window while ENV is not correctly configured. 2.130 + 2.131 +[Appearance/SkinType] 2.132 +Type=String 2.133 +DefaultValue=default 2.134 +Description=Skin Name in use 2.135 + 2.136 +[Hotkey/TriggerKey] 2.137 +Type=Hotkey 2.138 +DefaultValue=CTRL_SPACE 2.139 +Description=Hot key of Triggering Input Method 2.140 + 2.141 +[Hotkey/ChnEngSwitchKey] 2.142 +Type=Enum 2.143 +EnumCount=6 2.144 +Enum0=R_CTRL 2.145 +Enum1=R_SHIFT 2.146 +Enum2=L_SHIFT 2.147 +Enum3=R_SUPER 2.148 +Enum4=L_SUPER 2.149 +Enum5=L_CTRL 2.150 +DefaultValue=L_SHIFT 2.151 +Description=Hotkey of Switching Chinese and English Mode 2.152 + 2.153 +[Hotkey/DoubleSwitchKey] 2.154 +Type=Boolean 2.155 +DefaultValue=False 2.156 +Description=Double click Switch Key to Change Mode 2.157 + 2.158 +[Hotkey/TimeInterval] 2.159 +Type=Integer 2.160 +DefaultValue=250 2.161 +Description=Interval of Two Key Input 2.162 + 2.163 +[Hotkey/FollowCursorKey] 2.164 +Type=Hotkey 2.165 +DefaultValue=CTRL_K 2.166 +Description=Hotkey of Switching Follow Cursor Mode 2.167 + 2.168 +[Hotkey/HideMainWindowKey] 2.169 +Type=Hotkey 2.170 +DefaultValue=CTRL_ALT_H 2.171 +Description=Hotkey of Hiding Main Window 2.172 + 2.173 +[Hotkey/VKSwitchKey] 2.174 +Type=Hotkey 2.175 +DefaultValue=CTRL_ALT_K 2.176 +Description=Hotkey of Switching Virtual Keyboard 2.177 + 2.178 +[Hotkey/TraditionalChnSwitchKey] 2.179 +Type=Hotkey 2.180 +DefaultValue=CTRL_ALT_F 2.181 +Description=Hotkey of Switching Traditional Chinese Input Mode On. 2.182 + 2.183 +[Hotkey/LegendSwitchKey] 2.184 +Type=Hotkey 2.185 +DefaultValue=CTRL_L 2.186 +Description=Hotkey of Switching Legend Mode 2.187 + 2.188 +[Hotkey/LookupPinyinKey] 2.189 +Type=Hotkey 2.190 +DefaultValue=CTRL_ALT_E 2.191 +Description=Hotkey of Looking up the Corresponding pinyin of Word. 2.192 + 2.193 +[Hotkey/FullWidthSwitchKey] 2.194 +Type=Hotkey 2.195 +DefaultValue=SHIFT_SPACE 2.196 +Description=Hotkey of Switching Full Width Character Mode 2.197 + 2.198 +[Hotkey/ChnPuncSwitchKey] 2.199 +Type=Hotkey 2.200 +DefaultValue=CTRL_. 2.201 +Description=Hotkey of Switch Chinese Punc Mode 2.202 + 2.203 +[Hotkey/PrevPageKey] 2.204 +Type=Hotkey 2.205 +DefaultValue=, 2.206 +Description=Hotkey of Going Prev Page 2.207 + 2.208 +[Hotkey/NextPageKey] 2.209 +Type=Hotkey 2.210 +DefaultValue=. 2.211 +Description=Hotkey of Going Next Page 2.212 + 2.213 +[Hotkey/SecondThirdCandWordKey] 2.214 +Type=String 2.215 +DefaultValue=SHIFT 2.216 +Description=Hotkey to Choose Second and Third Candidate Word 2.217 + 2.218 +[Hotkey/SaveAllKey] 2.219 +Type=Hotkey 2.220 +DefaultValue=CTRL_ALT_S 2.221 +Description=Hotkey of Saving All Config and Input History 2.222 + 2.223 +[Hotkey/SetRecordingKey] 2.224 +Type=Hotkey 2.225 +DefaultValue=CTRL_ALT_J 2.226 +Description=Hotkey of Switching Recording Mode 2.227 + 2.228 +[Hotkey/ResetRecordingKey] 2.229 +Type=Hotkey 2.230 +DefaultValue=CTRL_ALT_A 2.231 +Description=Hotkey of Reseting Recording Mode 2.232 + 2.233 +[InputMethod/PinyinOrder] 2.234 +Type=Integer 2.235 +DefaultValue=1 2.236 +Description=Pinyin Priority Order, Zero to Disable 2.237 + 2.238 +[InputMethod/ShuangpinOrder] 2.239 +Type=Integer 2.240 +DefaultValue=1 2.241 +Description=Shuangpin Priority Order, Zero to Disable 2.242 + 2.243 +[InputMethod/DefaultShuangpinSchema] 2.244 +Type=String 2.245 +DefaultValue=自然码 2.246 +Description=Default Shuangpin Schema 2.247 + 2.248 +[InputMethod/QuweiOrder] 2.249 +Type=Integer 2.250 +DefaultValue=0 2.251 +Description=Quwei Priority Order, Zero to Disable 2.252 + 2.253 +[InputMethod/TableOrder] 2.254 +Type=Integer 2.255 +DefaultValue=1 2.256 +Description=Table Priority Order, Zero to Disable 2.257 + 2.258 +[InputMethod/PhraseTips] 2.259 +Type=Boolean 2.260 +DefaultValue=True 2.261 +Description=Give the tips of Phrase 2.262 + 2.263 +[Pinyin/UseCompletePinyin] 2.264 +Type=Boolean 2.265 +DefaultValue=False 2.266 +Description=Use Complete Pinyin 2.267 + 2.268 +[Pinyin/AutoCreatePhrase] 2.269 +Type=Boolean 2.270 +DefaultValue=True 2.271 +Description=Auto Create Phrase 2.272 + 2.273 +[Pinyin/SaveAutoPhrase] 2.274 +Type=Boolean 2.275 +DefaultValue=False 2.276 +Description=Save Auto Created Phrase 2.277 + 2.278 +[Pinyin/AddFreqWordKey] 2.279 +Type=Hotkey 2.280 +DefaultValue=CTRL_8 2.281 +Description=Hotkey of Adding Frequent Word 2.282 + 2.283 +[Pinyin/DeleteFreqWordKey] 2.284 +Type=Hotkey 2.285 +DefaultValue=CTRL_7 2.286 +Description=Hotkey of Deleting Frequent Word 2.287 + 2.288 +[Pinyin/DeleteUserPhraseKey] 2.289 +Type=Hotkey 2.290 +DefaultValue=CTRL_DELETE 2.291 +Description=Hotkey of Delete User Phrase 2.292 + 2.293 +[Pinyin/InputWordFromPhraseKey] 2.294 +Type=String 2.295 +DefaultValue=[] 2.296 +Description=Hotkey of Inputing Word From Phrase 2.297 + 2.298 +[Pinyin/BaseOrder] 2.299 +Type=Enum 2.300 +EnumCount=3 2.301 +Enum0=AdjustNo 2.302 +Enum1=AdjustFast 2.303 +Enum2=AdjustFreq 2.304 +DefaultValue=AdjustFreq 2.305 +Description=Rule of Candidate Word Order 2.306 + 2.307 +[Pinyin/PhraseOrder] 2.308 +Type=Enum 2.309 +EnumCount=3 2.310 +Enum0=AdjustNo 2.311 +Enum1=AdjustFast 2.312 +Enum2=AdjustFreq 2.313 +DefaultValue=AdjustFast 2.314 +Description=Rule of Candidate Phrase Order 2.315 + 2.316 +[Pinyin/FreqOrder] 2.317 +Type=Enum 2.318 +EnumCount=3 2.319 +Enum0=AdjustNo 2.320 +Enum1=AdjustFast 2.321 +Enum2=AdjustFreq 2.322 +DefaultValue=AdjustNo 2.323 +Description=Rule of Frequent Word Order 2.324 + 2.325 +[Pinyin/FuzzyAnAng] 2.326 +Type=Boolean 2.327 +DefaultValue=False 2.328 +Description=Fuzzy an and ang 2.329 + 2.330 +[Pinyin/FuzzyEnEng] 2.331 +Type=Boolean 2.332 +DefaultValue=False 2.333 +Description=Fuzzy en and eng 2.334 + 2.335 +[Pinyin/FuzzyIanIang] 2.336 +Type=Boolean 2.337 +DefaultValue=False 2.338 +Description=Fuzzy ian and iang 2.339 + 2.340 +[Pinyin/FuzzyInIng] 2.341 +Type=Boolean 2.342 +DefaultValue=False 2.343 +Description=Fuzzy in and ing 2.344 + 2.345 +[Pinyin/FuzzyOuU] 2.346 +Type=Boolean 2.347 +DefaultValue=False 2.348 +Description=Fuzzy ou and u 2.349 + 2.350 +[Pinyin/FuzzyUanUang] 2.351 +Type=Boolean 2.352 +DefaultValue=False 2.353 +Description=Fuzzy uan and uang 2.354 + 2.355 +[Pinyin/FuzzyCCh] 2.356 +Type=Boolean 2.357 +DefaultValue=False 2.358 +Description=Fuzzy c and ch 2.359 + 2.360 +[Pinyin/FuzzyFH] 2.361 +Type=Boolean 2.362 +DefaultValue=False 2.363 +Description=Fuzzy f and h 2.364 + 2.365 +[Pinyin/FuzzyLN] 2.366 +Type=Boolean 2.367 +DefaultValue=False 2.368 +Description=Fuzzy l and n 2.369 + 2.370 +[Pinyin/FuzzySSH] 2.371 +Type=Boolean 2.372 +DefaultValue=False 2.373 +Description=Fuzzy s and sh 2.374 + 2.375 +[Pinyin/FuzzyZZH] 2.376 +Type=Boolean 2.377 +DefaultValue=False 2.378 +Description=Fuzzy z and zh 2.379 + 2.380 +[Pinyin/Misstype] 2.381 +Type=Boolean 2.382 +DefaultValue=False 2.383 +Description=Fix misstype gn/ng