wok-6.x rev 1046
Add emacs
author | Dominique Corbex <domcox@users.sourceforge.net> |
date | Sat Jul 12 11:46:07 2008 +0200 (2008-07-12) |
parents | df8aef2144b1 |
children | 445bb51acad3 |
files | emacs/description.txt emacs/receipt emacs/stuff/default.el emacs/stuff/emacs.desktop emacs/stuff/emacs.png emacs/stuff/lua-mode.elc |
line diff
1.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 1.2 +++ b/emacs/description.txt Sat Jul 12 11:46:07 2008 +0200 1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ 1.4 +GNU Emacs is an extensible, customizable text editor and more. 1.5 +At its core is an interpreter for Emacs Lisp, a dialect of 1.6 +the Lisp programming language with extensions to support text 1.7 +editing and much more. 1.8 + 1.9 +Emacs has been stripped down for SliTaz: POP mail, x-window, 1.10 +games, sound, info, man pages, Lisp sources are not available.
2.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 2.2 +++ b/emacs/receipt Sat Jul 12 11:46:07 2008 +0200 2.3 @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ 2.4 +# SliTaz package receipt. 2.5 + 2.6 +PACKAGE="emacs" 2.7 +VERSION="22.2" 2.8 +CATEGORY="development" 2.9 +SHORT_DESC="The GNU Emacs editor" 2.10 +MAINTAINER="domcox@users.sourceforge.net" 2.11 +DEPENDS="" 2.12 +TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.gz" 2.13 +WEB_SITE="http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/" 2.14 +WGET_URL="$GNU_MIRROR/$PACKAGE/$TARBALL" 2.15 + 2.16 +# Rules to configure and make the package. 2.17 +compile_rules() 2.18 +{ 2.19 + cd $src 2.20 + # Gzip workaround in busybox 2.21 + sed -e 's/${GZIP_PROG} -9n/${GZIP_PROG}/g' Makefile.in > Makefile.slitaz 2.22 + cp Makefile.slitaz Makefile.in 2.23 + sed -e 's/${GZIP_PROG} -9n/${GZIP_PROG}/g' leim/Makefile.in > leim/Makefile.slitaz 2.24 + cp leim/Makefile.slitaz leim/Makefile.in 2.25 + # Configure 2.26 + ./configure $CONFIGURE_ARGS \ 2.27 + --infodir=/usr/share/info \ 2.28 + --mandir=/usr/share/man \ 2.29 + --without-pop \ 2.30 + --without-sound \ 2.31 + --without-x \ 2.32 + --with-x-toolkit=no \ 2.33 + --libexecdir=/usr/lib \ 2.34 + --localstatedir=/var \ 2.35 + --prefix=/usr 2.36 + # make 2.37 + make 2.38 + make DESTDIR=$PWD/_pkg install 2.39 +} 2.40 + 2.41 +# Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg. 2.42 +genpkg_rules() 2.43 +{ 2.44 + echo "Copying files" 2.45 + # Binary files 2.46 + mkdir -p $fs/usr 2.47 + cp -a $_pkg/usr/bin $fs/usr 2.48 + # emacs-22.2 = emacs 2.49 + rm -f $fs/usr/bin/emacs-22.2 2.50 + # Conf files 2.51 + mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION 2.52 + mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/etc 2.53 + cp -a $_pkg/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/etc/TUTORIAL $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/etc 2.54 + cp -a $_pkg/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/etc/TUTORIAL.de $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/etc 2.55 + cp -a $_pkg/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/etc/TUTORIAL.es $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/etc 2.56 + cp -a $_pkg/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/etc/TUTORIAL.fr $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/etc 2.57 + cp -a $_pkg/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/etc/ORDERS $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/etc 2.58 + cp -a $_pkg/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/etc/COPYING $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/etc 2.59 + cp -a $_pkg/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/etc/DISTRIB $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/etc 2.60 + cp -a $_pkg/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/lisp $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION 2.61 + cp -a $_pkg/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/leim $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION 2.62 + cp -a $_pkg/usr/share/$PACKAGE/site-lisp $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE 2.63 + cp -a $_pkg/usr/lib $fs/usr 2.64 + # Delete Lisp sources 2.65 + find $fs/usr/share -name *el.gz > lisp-sources 2.66 + cat lisp-sources | while read filename 2.67 + do 2.68 + rm $filename 2.69 + done 2.70 + # Delete Games 2.71 + rm -rf $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/lisp/play 2.72 + # Use linux term only 2.73 + rm -rf $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/lisp/term/* 2.74 + cp -a $_pkg/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/lisp/term/linux.el $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/lisp/term 2.75 + cp -a $_pkg/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/lisp/term/rxvt.elc $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/lisp/term 2.76 + cp -a $_pkg/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/lisp/term/tty-colors.elc $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/lisp/term 2.77 + cp -a $_pkg/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/lisp/term/vt100.elc $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/lisp/term 2.78 + cp -a $_pkg/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/lisp/term/xterm.elc $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/lisp/term 2.79 + # Strip executable files 2.80 + strip -s $fs/usr/bin/* > /dev/null 2.81 + strip -s $fs/usr/lib/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/i486-pc-linux-gnu/* > /dev/null 2.82 + # Install specific site file 2.83 + cp -a stuff/default.el $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/site-lisp 2.84 + # Add lua support 2.85 + cp stuff/lua-mode.elc $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION/lisp/progmodes 2.86 + # Directory workaround 2.87 + cd $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/$VERSION 2.88 + ln -s ../site-lisp site-lisp 2.89 +}
3.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 3.2 +++ b/emacs/stuff/default.el Sat Jul 12 11:46:07 2008 +0200 3.3 @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ 3.4 +;; SilTaz Emacs site file 3.5 +;; 3.6 +;; Last update: 2008-06-28 3.7 +;; 3.8 +;; SliTaz receipt files 3.9 +;; Force emacs in shell-script-mode 3.10 +(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("receipt" . shell-script-mode) auto-mode-alist)) 3.11 + 3.12 +;; LUA programming Language 3.13 +;; add major-mode for editing Lua scripts 3.14 +(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.lua$" . lua-mode) auto-mode-alist)) 3.15 + (autoload 'lua-mode "lua-mode" "Lua editing mode." t) 3.16 + 3.17 + 3.18 +;; Force emacs to use tabs 3.19 +;; From Scott Hurring's HOWTO 3.20 +;; Turn on tabs 3.21 +(setq indent-tabs-mode t) 3.22 +(setq-default indent-tabs-mode t) 3.23 + 3.24 +;; Bind the TAB key 3.25 +(global-set-key (kbd "TAB") 'self-insert-command) 3.26 + 3.27 +;; Set the tab width 3.28 +(setq default-tab-width 4) 3.29 +(setq tab-width 4) 3.30 +(setq c-basic-indent 4) 3.31 + 3.32 + 3.33 +;; Following lines has been grabbed from dot emacs file for Maemo (nokia tablets): 3.34 +;; christof sietchtabr at gmail 3.35 +;; 3.36 +;; the dired, list-directory, and gzip fixes all come from the 3.37 +;; packager of the emacs deb and responses from other maemo community members 3.38 +;; http://danielsz.freeshell.org/code/mine/emacs-for-maemo/index.shtml 3.39 +;; 3.40 +;; make dired work 3.41 +;; --dired option is not supported on busybox ls command 3.42 +(setq dired-use-ls-dired nil) 3.43 + 3.44 +;; make list-directory work 3.45 +;; -F not supported by busybox ls command 3.46 +(setq list-directory-brief-switches "-C") 3.47 + 3.48 + 3.49 +;; we *REALLY* don't want to spew file backups all over the fs. 3.50 +;; code to place all backups in one location 3.51 +(when (not (file-directory-p "~/.backup")) 3.52 + (make-directory "~/.backup")) 3.53 +(if (file-directory-p "~/.backup") 3.54 + (setq backup-directory-alist '(("." . "~/.backup")))) 3.55 + 3.56 +;; custom variable setting to make info work using busybox gzip 3.57 + 3.58 +(custom-set-variables 3.59 + ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom. 3.60 + ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. 3.61 + ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. 3.62 + ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. 3.63 + '(jka-compr-compression-info-list (quote (["\\.Z\\(~\\|\\.~[0-9]+~\\)?\\'" "compressing" "compress" ("-c") "u\ 3.64 +ncompressing" "uncompress" ("-c") nil t "^_\x9d"] ["\\.bz2\\(~\\|\\.~[0-9]+~\\)?\\'" "bzip2ing" "bzip2" nil "b\ 3.65 +unzip2ing" "bzip2" ("-d") nil t "BZh"] ["\\.tbz\\'" "bzip2ing" "bzip2" nil "bunzip2ing" "bzip2" ("-d") nil nil\ 3.66 + "BZh"] ["\\.tgz\\'" "compressing" "gzip" ("-c") "uncompressing" "gzip" ("-c" "-q" "-d") t nil "^_\x8b"] ["\\.\ 3.67 +g?z\\(~\\|\\.~[0-9]+~\\)?\\'" "compressing" "gzip" ("-c") "uncompressing" "gzip" ("-c" "-d") t t "^_\x8b"] ["\\ 3.68 +\.dz\\'" nil nil nil "uncompressing" "gzip" ("-c" "-d") nil t "^_\x8b"]))))
4.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 4.2 +++ b/emacs/stuff/emacs.desktop Sat Jul 12 11:46:07 2008 +0200 4.3 @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ 4.4 +[Desktop Entry] 4.5 +Type=Application 4.6 +Encoding=UTF-8 4.7 +Name=Emacs (Text mode) 4.8 +Name[fr]=Emacs (Mode texte) 4.9 +Exec=xterm -e emacs %F 4.10 +Icon=emacs.png 4.11 +Terminal=true 4.12 +Categories=Development; 4.13 +MimeType=text/plain;text/x-chdr;text/x-csrc;text/x-c++hdr;text/x-c++src;text/x-java;text/x-dsrc;text/x-pascal;text/x-perl;text/x-python;application/x-php;application/x-httpd-php*;application/xml;text/html;text/css;text/x-sql;text/x-diff; 4.14 +StartupNotify=true
5.1 Binary file emacs/stuff/emacs.png has changed
6.1 Binary file emacs/stuff/lua-mode.elc has changed