wok-6.x rev 24276

Up lzsa (1.3.10)
author Pascal Bellard <pascal.bellard@slitaz.org>
date Mon Jan 03 17:58:48 2022 +0000 (2022-01-03)
parents c903329801b8
children db3b4d40d037
files lzsa/receipt syslinux/receipt syslinux/stuff/iso2exe/iso2exe.sh syslinux/stuff/iso2exe/taziso syslinux/stuff/tools/isohybrid.sh
line diff
     1.1 --- a/lzsa/receipt	Mon Jan 03 10:32:43 2022 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/lzsa/receipt	Mon Jan 03 17:58:48 2022 +0000
     1.3 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
     1.4  # SliTaz package receipt.
     1.6  PACKAGE="lzsa"
     1.7 -VERSION="1.3.9"
     1.8 +VERSION="1.3.10"
     1.9  CATEGORY="system-tools"
    1.10  SHORT_DESC="Efficient packer optimized for fast decompression on 8-bit cpu."
    1.11  MAINTAINER="pascal.bellard@slitaz.org"
     2.1 --- a/syslinux/receipt	Mon Jan 03 10:32:43 2022 +0100
     2.2 +++ b/syslinux/receipt	Mon Jan 03 17:58:48 2022 +0000
     2.3 @@ -156,7 +156,8 @@
     2.4  	for i in $(grep -ls boot/isolinux/isolinux.cfg \
     2.5  			$1/var/lib/tazpkg/installed/*/receipt); do
     2.6  		pkg=$(basename ${i%/*})
     2.7 -		[ "$pkg" = "$PACKAGE" ] ||
     2.8 +		[ "$pkg" != "$PACKAGE" ] &&
     2.9 +		echo "Reconfigue $pkg ..." &&
    2.10  		root=/ chroot "$1/" tazpkg reconfigure $pkg
    2.11  	done
    2.12  }
     3.1 --- a/syslinux/stuff/iso2exe/iso2exe.sh	Mon Jan 03 10:32:43 2022 +0100
     3.2 +++ b/syslinux/stuff/iso2exe/iso2exe.sh	Mon Jan 03 17:58:48 2022 +0000
     3.3 @@ -68,13 +68,18 @@
     3.4  	[ $(get 0 $2) -eq 35615 ] || return
     3.5  	zcat $2 | compress /tmp/rezipped$$.gz
     3.6  	n=$(stat -c %s /tmp/rezipped$$.gz)
     3.7 -	printf "Moving tazlito data record at %04X ($n bytes) ...\n" $OFS
     3.8 -	ddn if=/tmp/rezipped$$.gz bs=1 of=$1 seek=$OFS
     3.9 -	HOLE=$((HOLE+n))
    3.10 +	if [ $(get 2048 $1) -eq 19792 -a $n -lt 412 ]; then	### Apple partitions
    3.11 +		o=$((0x1200-n))
    3.12 +	else
    3.13 +		o=$OFS
    3.14 +		HOLE=$((HOLE+n))
    3.15 +	fi
    3.16 +	printf "Moving tazlito data record at %04X ($n bytes) ...\n" $o
    3.17 +	ddn if=/tmp/rezipped$$.gz bs=1 of=$1 seek=$o
    3.18  	rm -f /tmp/rezipped$$.gz
    3.19  	if [ -n "$gpt" ]; then
    3.20  		store $((0x25E)) $n $1
    3.21 -		store $((0x25C)) $OFS $1
    3.22 +		store $((0x25C)) $o $1
    3.23  	fi
    3.24  }
    3.26 @@ -239,7 +244,7 @@
    3.27  				$(get $((446+4+16*i)) "$1" 1)
    3.28  		done
    3.29  		if [ $(get 450 "$1") -eq 65262 ]; then
    3.30 -			echo "EFI partitions :"
    3.31 +			echo "EFI partitions :"	### https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table
    3.32  			n=$(get 592 "$1")
    3.33  			s=$(get 596 "$1")
    3.34  			o=$(($(get 584 "$1")*512))
    3.35 @@ -258,7 +263,7 @@
    3.36  	fi
    3.37  	o=2048
    3.38  	if [ $(get $o "$1") -eq 19792 ]; then
    3.39 -		echo "Apple partitions :"
    3.40 +		echo "Apple partitions :"	### https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Partition_Map
    3.41  		i=0
    3.42  		while [ $(get $o "$1") -eq 19792 ]; do
    3.43  			f=$((0x$(od -An -N 4 -j $((o+8)) -t x1 "$1" | sed 's/ //g')))
     4.1 --- a/syslinux/stuff/iso2exe/taziso	Mon Jan 03 10:32:43 2022 +0100
     4.2 +++ b/syslinux/stuff/iso2exe/taziso	Mon Jan 03 17:58:48 2022 +0000
     4.3 @@ -1125,16 +1125,17 @@
     4.4  	0 0 0 \
     4.5  	$(for i in $DEV ; do
     4.6  		grep -qs 1 /sys/block/$i/ro ||
     4.7 +		[ $(cat /sys/block/$i/size) -lt 100 ] ||
     4.8  		echo -n "/dev/$i \"$(($(cat /sys/block/$i/size)/2048))MB $(cat /sys/block/$i/device/model 2> /dev/null)\" "
     4.9  	done) \
    4.11  EOT
    4.12  	exec 3>&1
    4.13 -	device=$(. /tmp/dialog$$ 2>&1 1>&3)
    4.14 -	rm -f /tmp/dialog$$
    4.15 +	. /tmp/dialog$$ 2>&1 1>&3 2>/tmp/device$$
    4.16  	retval=$?
    4.17 +	device=$(cat /tmp/device$$)
    4.18 +	rm -f /tmp/dialog$$ /tmp/device$$
    4.19  	exec 3>&-
    4.20 -	rm -f /tmp/dialog$$
    4.21  	[ $retval -eq 0 ]
    4.22  }
    4.24 @@ -1145,84 +1146,6 @@
    4.25  able to save the package updates or your own configuration and data files.\n\n"
    4.26  }
    4.28 -gpt_crc32()
    4.29 -{
    4.30 -	t0=00000000; t1=77073096; t2=EE0E612C; t3=990951BA;
    4.31 -	t4=076DC419; t5=706AF48F; t6=E963A535; t7=9E6495A3;
    4.32 -	t8=0EDB8832; t9=79DCB8A4; t10=E0D5E91E; t11=97D2D988;
    4.33 -	t12=09B64C2B; t13=7EB17CBD; t14=E7B82D07; t15=90BF1D91;
    4.34 -	t16=1DB71064; t17=6AB020F2; t18=F3B97148; t19=84BE41DE;
    4.35 -	t20=1ADAD47D; t21=6DDDE4EB; t22=F4D4B551; t23=83D385C7;
    4.36 -	t24=136C9856; t25=646BA8C0; t26=FD62F97A; t27=8A65C9EC;
    4.37 -	t28=14015C4F; t29=63066CD9; t30=FA0F3D63; t31=8D080DF5;
    4.38 -	t32=3B6E20C8; t33=4C69105E; t34=D56041E4; t35=A2677172;
    4.39 -	t36=3C03E4D1; t37=4B04D447; t38=D20D85FD; t39=A50AB56B;
    4.40 -	t40=35B5A8FA; t41=42B2986C; t42=DBBBC9D6; t43=ACBCF940;
    4.41 -	t44=32D86CE3; t45=45DF5C75; t46=DCD60DCF; t47=ABD13D59;
    4.42 -	t48=26D930AC; t49=51DE003A; t50=C8D75180; t51=BFD06116;
    4.43 -	t52=21B4F4B5; t53=56B3C423; t54=CFBA9599; t55=B8BDA50F;
    4.44 -	t56=2802B89E; t57=5F058808; t58=C60CD9B2; t59=B10BE924;
    4.45 -	t60=2F6F7C87; t61=58684C11; t62=C1611DAB; t63=B6662D3D;
    4.46 -	t64=76DC4190; t65=01DB7106; t66=98D220BC; t67=EFD5102A;
    4.47 -	t68=71B18589; t69=06B6B51F; t70=9FBFE4A5; t71=E8B8D433;
    4.48 -	t72=7807C9A2; t73=0F00F934; t74=9609A88E; t75=E10E9818;
    4.49 -	t76=7F6A0DBB; t77=086D3D2D; t78=91646C97; t79=E6635C01;
    4.50 -	t80=6B6B51F4; t81=1C6C6162; t82=856530D8; t83=F262004E;
    4.51 -	t84=6C0695ED; t85=1B01A57B; t86=8208F4C1; t87=F50FC457;
    4.52 -	t88=65B0D9C6; t89=12B7E950; t90=8BBEB8EA; t91=FCB9887C;
    4.53 -	t92=62DD1DDF; t93=15DA2D49; t94=8CD37CF3; t95=FBD44C65;
    4.54 -	t96=4DB26158; t97=3AB551CE; t98=A3BC0074; t99=D4BB30E2;
    4.55 -	t100=4ADFA541; t101=3DD895D7; t102=A4D1C46D; t103=D3D6F4FB;
    4.56 -	t104=4369E96A; t105=346ED9FC; t106=AD678846; t107=DA60B8D0;
    4.57 -	t108=44042D73; t109=33031DE5; t110=AA0A4C5F; t111=DD0D7CC9;
    4.58 -	t112=5005713C; t113=270241AA; t114=BE0B1010; t115=C90C2086;
    4.59 -	t116=5768B525; t117=206F85B3; t118=B966D409; t119=CE61E49F;
    4.60 -	t120=5EDEF90E; t121=29D9C998; t122=B0D09822; t123=C7D7A8B4;
    4.61 -	t124=59B33D17; t125=2EB40D81; t126=B7BD5C3B; t127=C0BA6CAD;
    4.62 -	t128=EDB88320; t129=9ABFB3B6; t130=03B6E20C; t131=74B1D29A;
    4.63 -	t132=EAD54739; t133=9DD277AF; t134=04DB2615; t135=73DC1683;
    4.64 -	t136=E3630B12; t137=94643B84; t138=0D6D6A3E; t139=7A6A5AA8;
    4.65 -	t140=E40ECF0B; t141=9309FF9D; t142=0A00AE27; t143=7D079EB1;
    4.66 -	t144=F00F9344; t145=8708A3D2; t146=1E01F268; t147=6906C2FE;
    4.67 -	t148=F762575D; t149=806567CB; t150=196C3671; t151=6E6B06E7;
    4.68 -	t152=FED41B76; t153=89D32BE0; t154=10DA7A5A; t155=67DD4ACC;
    4.69 -	t156=F9B9DF6F; t157=8EBEEFF9; t158=17B7BE43; t159=60B08ED5;
    4.70 -	t160=D6D6A3E8; t161=A1D1937E; t162=38D8C2C4; t163=4FDFF252;
    4.71 -	t164=D1BB67F1; t165=A6BC5767; t166=3FB506DD; t167=48B2364B;
    4.72 -	t168=D80D2BDA; t169=AF0A1B4C; t170=36034AF6; t171=41047A60;
    4.73 -	t172=DF60EFC3; t173=A867DF55; t174=316E8EEF; t175=4669BE79;
    4.74 -	t176=CB61B38C; t177=BC66831A; t178=256FD2A0; t179=5268E236;
    4.75 -	t180=CC0C7795; t181=BB0B4703; t182=220216B9; t183=5505262F;
    4.76 -	t184=C5BA3BBE; t185=B2BD0B28; t186=2BB45A92; t187=5CB36A04;
    4.77 -	t188=C2D7FFA7; t189=B5D0CF31; t190=2CD99E8B; t191=5BDEAE1D;
    4.78 -	t192=9B64C2B0; t193=EC63F226; t194=756AA39C; t195=026D930A;
    4.79 -	t196=9C0906A9; t197=EB0E363F; t198=72076785; t199=05005713;
    4.80 -	t200=95BF4A82; t201=E2B87A14; t202=7BB12BAE; t203=0CB61B38;
    4.81 -	t204=92D28E9B; t205=E5D5BE0D; t206=7CDCEFB7; t207=0BDBDF21;
    4.82 -	t208=86D3D2D4; t209=F1D4E242; t210=68DDB3F8; t211=1FDA836E;
    4.83 -	t212=81BE16CD; t213=F6B9265B; t214=6FB077E1; t215=18B74777;
    4.84 -	t216=88085AE6; t217=FF0F6A70; t218=66063BCA; t219=11010B5C;
    4.85 -	t220=8F659EFF; t221=F862AE69; t222=616BFFD3; t223=166CCF45;
    4.86 -	t224=A00AE278; t225=D70DD2EE; t226=4E048354; t227=3903B3C2;
    4.87 -	t228=A7672661; t229=D06016F7; t230=4969474D; t231=3E6E77DB;
    4.88 -	t232=AED16A4A; t233=D9D65ADC; t234=40DF0B66; t235=37D83BF0;
    4.89 -	t236=A9BCAE53; t237=DEBB9EC5; t238=47B2CF7F; t239=30B5FFE9;
    4.90 -	t240=BDBDF21C; t241=CABAC28A; t242=53B39330; t243=24B4A3A6;
    4.91 -	t244=BAD03605; t245=CDD70693; t246=54DE5729; t247=23D967BF;
    4.92 -	t248=B3667A2E; t249=C4614AB8; t250=5D681B02; t251=2A6F2B94;
    4.93 -	t252=B40BBE37; t253=C30C8EA1; t254=5A05DF1B; t255=2D02EF8D;
    4.94 -	crc=$((0xFFFFFFFF))
    4.95 -	dd if=$device bs=1 skip=$(($1)) count=$(($2)) 2> /dev/null | \
    4.96 -	od -v -w1 -t u1 -An | {
    4.97 -		while read n; do
    4.98 -			local x=$(((crc ^ n) & 255))
    4.99 -			eval x=0x\$t$x
   4.100 -			crc=$((((crc >> 8) & 0x00FFFFFF) ^ x))
   4.101 -		done
   4.102 -		echo $((crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF))
   4.103 -	}
   4.104 -}
   4.105 -
   4.106  usbbootkey()
   4.107  {
   4.108  	if [ -b "$1" ]; then
   4.109 @@ -1267,7 +1190,7 @@
   4.110  	[ $custom -gt $((last-4)) ] && last=$((custom+4))		# room for cmdline
   4.111  	quads2bin $last 0 | ddq bs=1 seek=$((1024+128+32)) of=$device	# vfat first address
   4.112  	quads2bin $((sectors-2)) 0 | ddq bs=1 seek=$((1024+128+40)) of=$device	# vfat last address
   4.113 -	quads2bin $(gpt_crc32 1024 $(($(get 596 $device 4)*$(get 592 $device 4)))) | \
   4.114 +	quads2bin $(isohybrid --crc32 $device 1024 $(($(get 596 $device 4)*$(get 592 $device 4)))) | \
   4.115  		ddq bs=1 seek=$((512+88)) of=$device			# CRC32 partitions
   4.116  	ddn of=$device if=$device bs=512 skip=1 seek=$sectors count=1
   4.117  	ddn of=$device if=$device bs=512 skip=2 seek=$((sectors-1)) count=1
   4.118 @@ -1275,9 +1198,9 @@
   4.119  	quads2bin 1 0 $sectors 0 | ddq bs=1 seek=$((512+24)) of=$device	# my gpt, alt gpt
   4.120  	quads2bin $((sectors-1)) 0 | ddq bs=1 seek=$((sectors*512+72)) of=$device
   4.121  	i=$(get 524 $device 4)
   4.122 -	quads2bin $(gpt_crc32 $((sectors*512)) $i) | \
   4.123 +	quads2bin $(isohybrid --crc32 $device $((sectors*512)) $i) | \
   4.124  		ddq bs=1 seek=$((sectors*512+16)) of=$device	# CRC32 header
   4.125 -	quads2bin $(gpt_crc32 512 $i) | ddq bs=1 seek=$((512+16)) of=$device	# CRC32 header
   4.126 +	quads2bin $(isohybrid --crc32 $device 512 $i) | ddq bs=1 seek=$((512+16)) of=$device	# CRC32 header
   4.127  	partprobe $device
   4.128  	homedev=/dev/$(basename /sys/block/${device#/dev/}/${device#/dev/}*2)
   4.129  	mkdosfs -n 'SLITAZ HOME' $homedev
     5.1 --- a/syslinux/stuff/tools/isohybrid.sh	Mon Jan 03 10:32:43 2022 +0100
     5.2 +++ b/syslinux/stuff/tools/isohybrid.sh	Mon Jan 03 17:58:48 2022 +0000
     5.3 @@ -10,90 +10,6 @@
     5.4  	sed -i '/--build/,/^fi/d' $0
     5.5  	exit
     5.6  fi
     5.7 -iso=
     5.8 -heads=64	# zipdrive-style geometry
     5.9 -sectors=32
    5.10 -partype=23	# "Windows hidden IFS"
    5.11 -entry=
    5.12 -id=$(( ($RANDOM <<16) + $RANDOM))
    5.13 -offset=0
    5.14 -partok=0
    5.15 -hd0=0
    5.16 -always=0
    5.17 -
    5.18 -while [ -n "$1" ]; do
    5.19 -	case "${1/--/-}" in
    5.20 -	-a*)	always=1;;
    5.21 -	-ct*)	hd0=2;;
    5.22 -	-e*)	entry=$2; shift;;
    5.23 -	-f*)	hd0=1;;
    5.24 -	-h)	heads=$2; shift;;
    5.25 -	-i*)	id=$(($2)); shift;;
    5.26 -	-noh*)	hd0=0;;
    5.27 -	-nop*)	partok=0;;
    5.28 -	-o*)	offset=$(($2)); shift;;
    5.29 -	-p*)	partok=1;;
    5.30 -	-s)	sectors=$2; shift;;
    5.31 -	-t*)	partype=$(($2 & 255)); shift;;
    5.32 -	*)	iso=$1;;
    5.33 -	esac
    5.34 -	shift
    5.35 -done
    5.36 -
    5.37 -if [ ! -f "$iso" ]; then
    5.38 -	cat << EOT
    5.39 -usage: $0 [options] isoimage
    5.40 -options:
    5.41 -	-h <X>		Number of default geometry heads
    5.42 -	-s <X>		Number of default geometry sectors
    5.43 -	-e --entry	Specify partition entry number (1-4)
    5.44 -	-o --offset	Specify partition offset (default 0)
    5.45 -	-t --type	Specify partition type (default 0x17)
    5.46 -	-i --id		Specify MBR ID (default random)
    5.47 -	--forcehd0	Assume we are loaded as disk ID 0
    5.48 -	--ctrlhd0	Assume disk ID 0 if the Ctrl key is pressed
    5.49 -	--partok	Allow booting from within a partition
    5.50 -	--always	Do not abort on errors
    5.51 -EOT
    5.52 -	exit 1
    5.53 -fi
    5.54 -
    5.55 -ddq()
    5.56 -{
    5.57 -	dd "$@" 2> /dev/null
    5.58 -}
    5.59 -
    5.60 -readiso()
    5.61 -{
    5.62 -	ddq bs=2k skip=$1 count=1 if=$iso | ddq bs=1 skip=$2 count=$3
    5.63 -}
    5.64 -
    5.65 -# read a 32 bits data
    5.66 -read32()
    5.67 -{
    5.68 -	readiso $1 $2 4 | od -N 4 -t u4 -An
    5.69 -}
    5.70 -
    5.71 -# read a 16 bits data
    5.72 -read16()
    5.73 -{
    5.74 -	readiso $1 $2 2 | od -N 2 -t u2 -An
    5.75 -}
    5.76 -
    5.77 -# read a 8 bits data
    5.78 -read8()
    5.79 -{
    5.80 -	readiso $1 $2 1 | od -N 1 -t u1 -An
    5.81 -}
    5.82 -
    5.83 -# write a 32 bits data
    5.84 -store32()
    5.85 -{
    5.86 -	n=$2; for i in 0 8 16 24; do
    5.87 -		printf '\\\\x%02X' $((($n >> $i) & 255))
    5.88 -	done | xargs echo -en | ddq bs=1 conv=notrunc of=$iso seek=$(($1))
    5.89 -}
    5.90 -
    5.91  crc32()
    5.92  {
    5.93  	t0=00000000; t1=77073096; t2=EE0E612C; t3=990951BA;
    5.94 @@ -172,6 +88,91 @@
    5.95  	}
    5.96  }
    5.98 +iso=
    5.99 +heads=64	# zipdrive-style geometry
   5.100 +sectors=32
   5.101 +partype=23	# "Windows hidden IFS"
   5.102 +entry=
   5.103 +id=$(( ($RANDOM <<16) + $RANDOM))
   5.104 +offset=0
   5.105 +partok=0
   5.106 +hd0=0
   5.107 +always=0
   5.108 +
   5.109 +while [ -n "$1" ]; do
   5.110 +	case "${1/--/-}" in
   5.111 +	-crc32)	iso=$2; crc32 $3 $4; exit 0;;
   5.112 +	-a*)	always=1;;
   5.113 +	-ct*)	hd0=2;;
   5.114 +	-e*)	entry=$2; shift;;
   5.115 +	-f*)	hd0=1;;
   5.116 +	-h)	heads=$2; shift;;
   5.117 +	-i*)	id=$(($2)); shift;;
   5.118 +	-noh*)	hd0=0;;
   5.119 +	-nop*)	partok=0;;
   5.120 +	-o*)	offset=$(($2)); shift;;
   5.121 +	-p*)	partok=1;;
   5.122 +	-s)	sectors=$2; shift;;
   5.123 +	-t*)	partype=$(($2 & 255)); shift;;
   5.124 +	*)	iso=$1;;
   5.125 +	esac
   5.126 +	shift
   5.127 +done
   5.128 +
   5.129 +if [ ! -f "$iso" ]; then
   5.130 +	cat << EOT
   5.131 +usage: $0 [options] isoimage
   5.132 +options:
   5.133 +	-h <X>		Number of default geometry heads
   5.134 +	-s <X>		Number of default geometry sectors
   5.135 +	-e --entry	Specify partition entry number (1-4)
   5.136 +	-o --offset	Specify partition offset (default 0)
   5.137 +	-t --type	Specify partition type (default 0x17)
   5.138 +	-i --id		Specify MBR ID (default random)
   5.139 +	--forcehd0	Assume we are loaded as disk ID 0
   5.140 +	--ctrlhd0	Assume disk ID 0 if the Ctrl key is pressed
   5.141 +	--partok	Allow booting from within a partition
   5.142 +	--always	Do not abort on errors
   5.143 +EOT
   5.144 +	exit 1
   5.145 +fi
   5.146 +
   5.147 +ddq()
   5.148 +{
   5.149 +	dd "$@" 2> /dev/null
   5.150 +}
   5.151 +
   5.152 +readiso()
   5.153 +{
   5.154 +	ddq bs=2k skip=$1 count=1 if=$iso | ddq bs=1 skip=$2 count=$3
   5.155 +}
   5.156 +
   5.157 +# read a 32 bits data
   5.158 +read32()
   5.159 +{
   5.160 +	readiso $1 $2 4 | od -N 4 -t u4 -An
   5.161 +}
   5.162 +
   5.163 +# read a 16 bits data
   5.164 +read16()
   5.165 +{
   5.166 +	readiso $1 $2 2 | od -N 2 -t u2 -An
   5.167 +}
   5.168 +
   5.169 +# read a 8 bits data
   5.170 +read8()
   5.171 +{
   5.172 +	readiso $1 $2 1 | od -N 1 -t u1 -An
   5.173 +}
   5.174 +
   5.175 +# write a 32 bits data
   5.176 +store32()
   5.177 +{
   5.178 +	n=$2; for i in 0 8 16 24; do
   5.179 +		printf '\\\\x%02X' $((($n >> $i) & 255))
   5.180 +	done | xargs echo -en | ddq bs=1 conv=notrunc of=$iso seek=$(($1))
   5.181 +}
   5.182 +
   5.183  main()
   5.184  {
   5.185  	uudecode | unlzma | ddq bs=512 count=1 of=$iso conv=notrunc \