wok-6.x rev 12307

Up: lxpanel (0.5.9) New applets and fixes
author Christophe Lincoln <pankso@slitaz.org>
date Tue Apr 17 12:26:07 2012 +0200 (2012-04-17)
parents f8db0c8a51ea
children 8e410d8c4dd2
files lxpanel-extra/receipt lxpanel/receipt
line diff
     1.1 --- a/lxpanel-extra/receipt	Tue Apr 17 12:15:25 2012 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/lxpanel-extra/receipt	Tue Apr 17 12:26:07 2012 +0200
     1.3 @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
     1.4  # SliTaz package receipt.
     1.6  PACKAGE="lxpanel-extra"
     1.7 -VERSION="0.5.8"
     1.8 +VERSION="0.5.9"
     1.9  CATEGORY="x-window"
    1.10 -SHORT_DESC="LXpanel nestat wifi plugin and keyboard led indicator."
    1.11 +SHORT_DESC="LXpanel keyboard led indicator plugin."
    1.12  MAINTAINER="pankso@slitaz.org"
    1.13  DEPENDS="expat gtk+ wireless_tools xorg-libXdamage menu-cache"
    1.14  WANTED="lxpanel"
    1.15 @@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
    1.16  		$fs/usr/lib/lxpanel/plugins \
    1.17  		$fs/usr/share/lxpanel/images
    1.18  	# Plugins
    1.19 -	cp $_pkg/usr/lib/lxpanel/plugins/netstatus.so \
    1.20 -		$fs/usr/lib/lxpanel/plugins
    1.21  	cp $_pkg/usr/lib/lxpanel/plugins/kbled.so \
    1.22  		$fs/usr/lib/lxpanel/plugins
    1.23  	# Images
     2.1 --- a/lxpanel/receipt	Tue Apr 17 12:15:25 2012 +0200
     2.2 +++ b/lxpanel/receipt	Tue Apr 17 12:26:07 2012 +0200
     2.3 @@ -1,27 +1,28 @@
     2.4  # SliTaz package receipt.
     2.6  PACKAGE="lxpanel"
     2.7 -VERSION="0.5.8"
     2.8 +VERSION="0.5.9"
     2.9  CATEGORY="x-window"
    2.10  SHORT_DESC="Standard compliant desktop panel."
    2.11  MAINTAINER="pankso@slitaz.org"
    2.12  TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.gz"
    2.13  WEB_SITE="http://www.lxde.org/"
    2.14 -WGET_URL="$SF_MIRROR/lxde/$TARBALL"
    2.15 +#WGET_URL="$SF_MIRROR/lxde/$TARBALL"
    2.16 +WGET_URL="http://l10n.bsnet.se/~brother/lxde_releases/$TARBALL"
    2.17  CONFIG_FILES="/etc/lxpanel/default"
    2.19  DEPENDS="glibc-base glib libgio expat zlib menu-cache slitaz-icon \
    2.20 -gtk+ alsa-lib wireless_tools"
    2.21 +gtk+ alsa-lib wireless_tools libwnck"
    2.22  BUILD_DEPENDS="gtk+-dev gettext expat-dev intltool menu-cache-dev \
    2.23 -lxmenu-data alsa-lib-dev wireless_tools-dev"
    2.24 +lxmenu-data alsa-lib-dev wireless_tools-dev libwnck-dev"
    2.26  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    2.27  compile_rules()
    2.28  {
    2.29  	cd $src
    2.30 -        patch -p1 -i $stuff/batt.chg.level.patch
    2.31 -	patch -p1 -i $stuff/configure_desktop_number.patch
    2.32 -	patch -p1 -i $stuff/fix_position.patch
    2.33 +	#patch -p1 -i $stuff/batt.chg.level.patch
    2.34 +	#patch -p1 -i $stuff/configure_desktop_number.patch
    2.35 +	#patch -p1 -i $stuff/fix_position.patch
    2.36  	patch -p0 -i $stuff/cpu-size-color.patch || exit 1
    2.37  	./configure --with-plugins=all $CONFIGURE_ARGS &&
    2.38  	make && make install
    2.39 @@ -37,14 +38,15 @@
    2.40  	cp -a $install/usr/share/lxpanel $fs/usr/share
    2.42  	# Remove a few "heavy" and unuseful images (ns* goes in extra)
    2.43 -	for i in file-manager* stock_volume* gnome-[a-m]*.png \
    2.44 -		gnome-netstatus-[d-t]*.png my-* ns-*.png *lock-*.png
    2.45 +	for i in file-manager* *volume* mute.png gnome-[a-m]*.png \
    2.46 +		gnome-netstatus-*.png my-* ns-*.png *lock-*.png \
    2.47 +		background.png window-manager.png
    2.48  	do
    2.49  		rm $fs/usr/share/lxpanel/images/$i
    2.50  	done
    2.52  	# Custom images to match SliTaz theme.
    2.53 -	cp -a stuff/images/* $fs/usr/share/lxpanel/images
    2.54 +	#cp -a stuff/images/* $fs/usr/share/lxpanel/images
    2.56  	# Remove plugins --> lxpanel-extra
    2.57  	rm $fs/usr/lib/lxpanel/plugins/kbled.so
    2.58 @@ -55,7 +57,8 @@
    2.59  	mv -f $fs/usr/share/lxpanel/profile $fs/etc/lxpanel
    2.60  	ln -s /etc/lxpanel $fs/usr/share/lxpanel/profile
    2.61  	mv $fs/etc/lxpanel/default $fs/etc/lxpanel/original
    2.62 -	cp -a stuff/default $fs/etc/lxpanel
    2.63 +	cp -a $stuff/default $fs/etc/lxpanel
    2.64 +	rm -rf $fs/etc/lxpanel/two_panels
    2.66  	# lxsession-logout fake
    2.67  	cat > $fs/usr/bin/lxsession-logout << "EOT"
    2.68 @@ -66,4 +69,13 @@
    2.69  exit 0
    2.70  EOT
    2.71  	chmod +x $fs/usr/bin/lxsession-logout
    2.72 +	
    2.73 +	# Make images symlinks so it feet SliTaz theme
    2.74 +	cd $fs/usr/share/lxpanel/images
    2.75 +	ln -s /usr/share/icons/SliTaz/status/32/network-idle.png ns-connected.png
    2.76 +	ln -s /usr/share/icons/SliTaz/status/32/network-offline.png ns-disconnect.png
    2.77 +	ln -s /usr/share/icons/SliTaz/status/32/network-receive.png ns-recvdata.png
    2.78 +	ln -s /usr/share/icons/SliTaz/status/32/network-receive.png ns-senddata.png
    2.79 +	ln -s /usr/share/icons/SliTaz/status/32/nm-adhoc.png ns-bothrs.png
    2.80 +	ln -s /usr/share/icons/SliTaz/status/32/network-error.png ns-problem.png
    2.81  }